I am currently confronted with a problem which I have not yet found a solution to by searching the forum.
I have installed Openhabe 2 on a RaspberryPi 3 (Debian).
Now I bought the Echo Dot (Alexa) 3 days ago and already managed to connect to my OpenHab2 system via Alexa’s skill.
Now that I have saved my lamps (Phillip Hue - Color) in a *. items file, I can already switch them on/off and dim them.
But if I say so now:
“Echo, set[Lamp] to[Color]”,
I only get the message “[Lamp] does not support this”.
Here’s my configuration:
Color Hue01 “Corridor 1st floor” (gflor, gLights)[“Lighting”] { channel=“hue: 0210: **********: 1: color” }
Color Hue02 “Corridor EG” (gFloor, gLights)[“Lighting”] { channel=“hue: 0210: **********: 2: color” }
Hope someone can help me.
Greetings from Brandenburg
Color Light1_Color { channel="hue:0210:1:bulb1:color" }
And please write in English language so everyone in this international forum can benefit.
If you need to write in German language you may use a German language forum:
first thanks for you answer. I’ve translated my question to english.
I have to say, that i don’t really understand the difference of your an my definition.
I’ve just masked my hue-bridge-id with star-chars (*) but should i not keep the groups etc. in my defintion and moreover what is the difference of you channel-definition and my?
No, now that you’ve changed your original post there is no difference anymore
BTW, it is not my definition, it is the definition from the official docs.
I would recommend to read through the - long - thread here where most if not all of the Alexa problems are solved:
I’ve still not found a working solution yet. Anyone has more ideas.
I think the problem is in generell, that my alexa is not able to change to value of a Color item, because even if i remove the hue-binding from the item it won’t change the color and just return: “[Item] does not support this”
Hello @Celeano1, thanks for you reply. For sure i’ve not put “xxxxx” in my definition, its just to keep my bridge-id secret.
I als o got no space in the channel-string.
Moreover i’m able to change the color in the openhab but but now with alexa. Thats why i think its a problem of alexa or the interface of alexa and openhab.
I’m also not able to change a Color-item which is not linked to a hue-lampe.
What i’ve did is, that i’ve created a new item:
Color Test1 “Test” [“Lightning”]
And let Alexa search for new devices. Alexa even told me that “Test” was found as a new device.
I’ve i now say:
DE: "Alexa schalte Test auf grün"
EN: “Alexa turn Test green”
I only get
DE: "Test unterstützt das nicht"
EN: “Test does not support that.”
Thats why i now think it is not a problem of hue rather than a problem of the ColorItem or alexa. Any suggestion for that?
I can turn on off with
"Alexa schalte Test aus" (Eng: “Alexa turn light off”)
or dimm with
"Alexa dimme Test auf 30%" (Eng: “Alexa dimm Test to 30%”)
it’s work like a charm.
But when i say
"Alexa schalte Test aus grün" (Eng “Alexa turn Test green”)
i got the message
"Test unterstützt dies nicht" (Eng “Test does not support that”)
I’ve already update my hue and tried it with a fresh openhab2 installation