I’m trying to setup my enocean binding and get my devices running.
I receive in the log file:
openhab> log:tail org.openhab.binding.enocean
09:03:52.714 [INFO ] [.enocean.internal.bus.EnoceanBinding] - Connecting to Enocean [serialPort='/dev/ttyUSB0' ].
I would have expect more information (even Debug) due to my item and sitemap and based on other posts /experiances in the community here. My setup as follows:
Switch Button01top "Switch left top" <wallswitch> { enocean="{id=00:1B:2D:24, eep=F6:02:01, channel=A, parameter=I}" }
Switch Button01bottom "Switch left bottom" <wallswitch> { enocean="{id=00:1B:2D:24, eep=F6:02:01, channel=A, parameter=O}" }
Switch Button02top "Switch right top" <wallswitch> { enocean="{id=00:1B:2D:24, eep=F6:02:01, channel=B, parameter=I}" }
Switch Button02bottom "Switch right bottom" <wallswitch> { enocean="{id=00:1B:2D:24, eep=F6:02:01, channel=B, parameter=O}" }
Frame label="SchalterTest"
Switch item=Button01top
Switch item=Button01bottom
Switch item=Button02top
Switch item=Button02bottom
Furthermore the binding is configured as:
When I press the sender, my USB 300 is blinking, so I assume he is receiving sth. Why does the log not shows that? Furthermore I installed the EnOceanSpy from hfunke. Using this tool I am getting the sending device telegram. That means that the sender is sending and the USB300 is receiving the information. And by the way, the physical light is switching on . While using the button in OH2, nothing is happening apart from the following log:
2017-10-03 10:46:50.952 [ItemCommandEvent ] - Item 'Button01top' received command OFF
2017-10-03 10:46:50.980 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Button01top changed from ON to OFF
Well, the visualization is changing from switch = on to Switch = off and the other way around, but my physical light is not changing the status.
Did I missed setting sth. up? Hope you can help me out getting EnOcean running.
Thank you very much in advance.