I am trying to discover Z-Wave device Nodon Wall Switch (CWS3100) using Z-Stick Aeotec Gen5 in my openHAB2 installation.
I just put the ZWave controller in inclusion / discovery mode, and after that I follow device instructions, but cannot properly discover device. After discovery process I see new thing called “Z-Wave Node #” in the inbox in openHAB2 but labelled as “Unknown device” so seems like the device is discovered but not identified.
Any ideas? How long is supposed the discovery process will take? I am using default 30 seconds. I have read in some posts that the discovery for some devices can take hours…
But it looks like it has been included into the binding. You may need to use a recent zwave snapshot or development version of the zwave binding, though.
I guess you are referring to the zwave stick inclusion/exclusion timeout? If you indeed set the device to 30 seconds, it will drain the battery in probably one or two weeks …
Only if you let the device wake up on its own. Wake it up manually serveral times to speed that up. Take a look in your manual on how to do that.
And please find the time to update the database with the missing information:
I asked Chris Jackson yesterday and told me that the missing information should not be a problem.
Sorry, but I am not sure how to use a recent Z-Wave snapshot or deveopment version of the z-wave binding. I just installed the binding from the OH2 web interface. Please, could you explain where to get this from?
About updating database, not sure I can do right now. Perhaps need to ak for rights to do so?
And one more question, that database (cd-jackson website) is checked by the openHAB Z-Wave binding at runtime when discovering Z-Wave devices?
I use two such switches a year back, but have abandoned them.
They were very hard to include (had to do it 10cm from controller) and after a few months they was not seen by the controller anymore. Happened 2 times.
Read of my struggles here.
If you still have possibility to return them do so.
If not, they could be usable with direct association.
I ended up using this instead. A delight to include, does not drop connection and always work on first press.