OpenWeatherMap OneCall Invalid API-Key

please what to edit to solve this problem with API Version ?
Thank you

I have the same problem

The following is working (not the onecall API):

The following is NOT working (onecall API 2.5), error401:

Finally when calling the 3.0 API version:

I get this answer:
{“cod”:401, “message”: “Please note that using One Call 3.0 requires a separate subscription to the One Call by Call plan. Learn more here Pricing - OpenWeatherMap. If you have a valid subscription to the One Call by Call plan, but still receive this error, then please see Frequently Asked Questions - OpenWeatherMap for more info.”}

I assume everybody who is using the OpenWeatherMap has this problem. How do you solved that, or is nobody using the weather forcasts of OpenWeatherMap?
Kind regards

Finally changed to a widget that does not use the OneCall API. This one was set up in one hour: OpenWeatherMap widget for HABPanel - Apps & Services / HABPanel - openHAB Community

After several weeks with the sam problems, today I found the solution:
I registered for the API call service with the credit card details. Then 1000 calls per day are free. From 1000 is chargeable.

Now (approx. 2 hours after registration) all bindings are online.

This requirement appears to be new as no tutorials reported it yet.

thanks! i was looking for a solution! so if i register the CC and set the limit to 1000, nothing will be charged to my CC?

Yes, I think so. But no guarantee:-)

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