I’m using OpenWebNet binding b7 provided by @massi with OH2 on a Raspberry PI 3.
I have succesfully tested it with lights, rollershutters and thermostats and with MyHomeServer1 gateway. It works really well but I have an issue with group buttons.
I have a physical rollershutter group button (to open or close all rollershutters) and a physical All lights ON/OFF button. When I press those physiscal buttons, the lights and/or rollershutters items state is not updated in OH2.
I guess they are sending on the SCS bus a group command which is not recognized by the binding, and the involved items that changed state are not updated.
Do I have to define additional configurations to work with such group commands?
hi @llegovich
your analysis is correct: group commands are not supported by the binding.
The idea is that groups can be defined in OH2, but since there are physical buttons that control a group of devices, this should be supported as feedback status updates by the binding.
I suggest you set log level to DEBUG (see README for info)
and post a new issue copying the relevant log lines and explaining the expected behavior.
@gozilla01, @llegovich:
some logs are needed to see which messages are received when a group button is used.
When a command like: *1*0*0* (switch OFF all lights) is sent, on the BUS should be seen a status update event for each light in the system, and the binding should then use these events to update each light status.
Provide some log here:
I performed tests with GEN and AMB(2).
On the bus there is no status updates, see image
To implement the management, in addition to the existing where, the AMB(single) and GR(matrix) parameters must also be added to the lights with manual entry or via .things.
For example, like the parameter button with CEN +.
The test result is VERY strange.
In fact the OWN specs say that every time a light changes state, an event is also sent on the BUS, this is why the binding is listening to events, not to commands.
swtiched on the WHERE=25 light via a *1*1*25## software command and switched off all lights via *1*0*0## software command. Here is the event log:
then I did it using physical buttons rather than software commands and here is the log:
I don’t understand why there aer a number of switch-off commands sent to some lights (see where = 0015,01,12,03, etc…), in particular because they are only a subset of all the lights I have.
I have digged a bit into it and it seems that those actuators are configured as “Master PUL” (within the bticino/legrand MyHome suite software), which would mean “ignore ambient and general commands”, but somehow the system is sending them the command anyway.
I think that for the purpose of this topic we could ignore those commands sent to the bus.
I think that my logs confirm there is no status update for the single lights which have been switched off, that makes the issue hard to resolve I guess.
Then what are all those messages *1*0*xx## you have in the logs???
In fact they are the confirmation of lights being switched off!
My interpretation of your log is that as soon as the “all-off” command is sent *1*0*0##, all lights that are configured to respond to GEN/AREA will switch off, and an event message is sento correctly on the BUS for each light.
Same happens if the all-off command is sent from a physical switch (second log).
My analysis is therefore that the biding is already working correctly: lights that are set to respond to GEN/AREA commands, will switch off and this event will appear on the bus: this will be reflected in the OH2 items.
For AMB (you mean: area) this is not necessary: form the WHERE address of a light you can already detect its A (area) and PL (light-point).
Read the OWN specs for lights WHO=1, WHERE table, page 7.
For groups I would need an example that shows what happens when one sends a GROUP command (for example: *1*0*#G## , where G is the GRroup number [1-255], also indicating which are the lights that belong to the group.
Hi Massi, I’m afraifd I didn’t explain it well.
No one of those lights in the log is actually attached to any physical bulb. They are unused.
Light 25 (which instead is in use) is switched off when I send the all-lights-off command, but you can’t find the relative event update un the bus.
So this means that the lights are being switched off by the all-lights-off command but no status update is sent on the bus.
System Openhab 2.5 Snapshot - Bticino Binding org.openhab.binding.openwebnet-2.4.0-b9-2
So i have i physical switch at the entrance to switch all lights off.
When i look at this my issue is an of topic :)?
21:01:10.762 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN== ownId=1.0
21:01:10.787 [DEBUG] [ebnet.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ==OWN== ownId=1.0 has NO DEVICE associated, ignoring it
AMB = A can be extrapolated from the WHERE,it is not necessary to send the status request on the bus.
No additional parameters are required
GR Light
Light (WHO=1) with WHERE = 11, 0110 , 13 , 14 associated GR = 1
GR = 1 OFF *[WHO]*0*#[GR]## *1*0*#1##(frame sent by OpenWebNet Client)
GR = 1 ON *[WHO]*1*#[GR]## *1*1*#1##(frame sent by OpenWebNet Client)
As you can see from the log, everything is simpler.
The WHERE changes come out on the bus, so the status update on OH already works and does not need any further parameters. I have not tried a test on GR of the automation WHO=2
AREA Light
frame inviato dal client OpenWebNet
All ON A=2 *1*1*2## *[WHO]*1*[A]##
All OFF A=2 *1*0*2## *[WHO]*0*[A]##
No light update frames on the bus, such as GEN
For AMB / Area it would be better not to update states directly inside OH, but to make a status request on the bus with a delay esemple the 500ms
Light WHO=1
Status request for all A *#1*0##
Status request for all A = 2 *#1*2## *#1*[A]##
If you want I’ll do the implementation, give me the specifications.
Clearly you have to prepare the .lib, so you can move on to bigger and more important things