Paradox EVO Binding

hi, my jar file was corrupted. i deleted it and download it again. now it shows up.

i need to find tomorrow my installer password and try to check if it can work with my EVOHD. no idea if it works.


  1. IP150 Password… is it the 4 digit code?
  2. pc password ok i need to ask about the 6 digit code from my installer tomorrow
  3. port which one is it? in my web panel of the ip150 there are two… software and http
  4. panel type… should i input EVOHD?


EDIT. i managed to login (from what it looks like in the log file but i am still getting communication error in the openhab thing status

here is the log

Same error like the guy above. It is either different communication protocol in the HD or IP150 is newer version and you cannot connect directly to it. Can you check the version of IP150? Should be possible through the keypad or the web-interface of the IP150.

here is the log that i get

and IP Module
Firmware version 1.39.02

as for the panel…
Firmware version 1.20

i can login directly to my IP150 through ip on Chrome.

1.x should be OK.
Then the panel itself is using different protocol. To be sure you need to raise the log level of Paradox binding to TRACE send me the log file (it’s going to become big, because in TRACE, I log every TCP packet that we send/receive to panel).

Problem is that I cannot do the reverse engineering of the protocol. @Jean_Henning and @jpbarraca did the protocol reverse engineer and I used their knowledge for the low-level stuff to code it in Java add on for Openhab.

i tried to do the logging (never done that before)

not sure if this helps at all

I’m afraid that will not work. :slight_smile:
Please open the file ./userdata/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg
and add at the end the following lines: = org.openhab.binding.paradoxalarm
log4j2.logger.paradox.level = TRACE
log4j2.logger.paradox.additivity = false
log4j2.logger.paradox.appenderRefs = paradox
log4j2.logger.paradox.appenderRef.paradox.ref = paradox = paradox
log4j2.appender.paradox.type = RollingRandomAccessFile
log4j2.appender.paradox.fileName = ${openhab.logdir}/paradox.log
log4j2.appender.paradox.filePattern = ${openhab.logdir}/paradox.log.%i
log4j2.appender.paradox.immediateFlush = true
log4j2.appender.paradox.append = true
log4j2.appender.paradox.layout.type = PatternLayout
log4j2.appender.paradox.layout.pattern = %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%-5.5p] [%-36.36c] - %m%n
log4j2.appender.paradox.policies.type = Policies
log4j2.appender.paradox.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
log4j2.appender.paradox.policies.size.size = 10MB
log4j2.appender.paradox.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy

Then restart the paradox binding and send me the paradox.log file that will be produced.

IMPORTANT SECURITY NOTE: I would propose that you send the file in personal message because some of the data can be used to be retrieve your passwords from the TCP packets. Be aware that if I have harmful intentions I may also retrieve this data and use it for the same purposes, so it’s up to you to accept or deny taking such risk. Please do not post the trace log here because anyone with access to community pages will be able to retrieve it and use it.

Once you send the file make sure to reduce the logger log level back to INFO from TRACE

Hello, I have EVO192 and it works fine. I can confirm that the latest version is working with openHAB 2.5.0.M2 Milestone Build. I’m working on new config file structure. I was success with the IP150 Panel, all Partitions and one of the Zones. I will finish all zones by tomorrow. It is a little bit tricky as I have to add first in Paper UI, copy ID to the text file. As soon as I finish, I’ll share my findings.

hey thank you for the reply.

unfortunately i cannot share that kind of information since it is a multi-apartment installation.

don’t know if there is another way or someone else who can share it

As the problem is at your system, there is no sense to set up error trace for somebody else. This is what Polychronov requests from you. You need to open this file, add these lines to the end and check openhab.log for error messages. Or reinstall binding and check messages of the failed installation. If you do not provied it, he can’t fix your problem.

Hello, I have finished reconfiguration and openHAB 2.5.0.M2 Milestone Build works with your last version. No problem, partiton states, zone states reading work well. Thank You!

New zone configuration steps for xxx.things and xxx.items files:
Add Zone through PaperUI selecting IP150 bridge and add zone#:

Copy selected part of the link in the browser and delete zone in PaperUI:

Create zone in the .things file and save:

Create Items in .items file, change contact to Contact and save items file:

It should looks like this:

and you finished.

Not sure if these steps are really required. Are you sure that you cannot create them straight out of PaperUI?
I’m not 100% sure but when I tested the auto discovery I believe I was able to create items directly from the paperUI once the thing has been discovered…

Everything works in PaperUI. I just prefer text files. I can document PaperUI version if you want. It is easier than text files.

I have this error message about in every 5 sec in openhab.log.
Everything works fine, I just wanted to give information. Probably it is normal.

do the zones/partitions update normally?

If yes, this means that there is some issue with lifecycle of handlers. A restart of OpenHAB should fix this issue.

If they do not update for some period I would advise you to do the reset of binding using the command LOGOUT/LOGIN.

Socket closed means that the communicator’s socket to the Paradox system is down. I need to look into this and maybe do a remediation, i.e. a reset or something. If there are two bridge handlers active in the system though I can’t do much. Only a reset of the openhab will fix the problem.



Zones, partitons update work, no problem. This message was existing at previous versions as well. I will try suggested fixes and come back with the results.

Hello, Simple OH restart solved the problem. I haven’t seen any error message in the last 1,5 hours.

After another 1 hr error message has restarted.
After certain time of messages, it seems that it restarts itself:

Hm… this stack trace is not from latest binding version. Actually it is from version before the real refactoring occurred. I just checked into the code we don’t have anywhere anymore Thread.sleep() because this was one of the major issues I had to solve.
Are you sure that you use the latest .jar, i.e. org.openhab.binding.paradoxalarm-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and not the org.openhab.binding.paradoxalarm-2.5.0-OLD.jar?

I’m afraid that these logs appear to be for much older release…

Also in the latest release I figured recently that from time to time the communication gets lost and only a manual logout/login fixes the issue. Unfortunately there is nothing related in the logs which means I need to improve the logging and see what the issue is. I also need to implement a reconnect functionality like in the old binding but not sure when…

I use this one: