Plex binding for oh3 stuck?

Hey everyone,
I’ve been waiting for the plex binding to be updated to the openHAB v3 from some time now. It worked fine in v2.5 but there’s no binding now.
I noticed that there appears to be something stuck:

And there’s apparently 12 reviewers decision pending as well.

After the recent successful update to the iOS app, I figured I would try to push this topic as well. I’m certain that I’m not the only one looking forward to connecting plex again.

I also heard about using mqtt through tautulli but honestly, I think that the binding is the best solution.

The pull request is broken. Seems there went something wrong during rebase by the original contributor. You, the contributer or anyone else could fix it. See Rebase your code! Or: how to fix your git history before requesting a pull for an explanation.

If that has been done, it will be re-enqueued into the list of pending PRs to be reviewed.

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I’m willing to pick it up again and get the PR fixed if you guys can review it and get it accepted/merged




:boom: :boom: :boom:
Looking forward to this :slight_smile:

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Happy New Year!

The PR is updated and compatible with OpenHAB 4.0.0

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Heyyy! So… will it appear in the 3.x versions as well, or do I wait for the 4.0?? Not sure how it will work :slight_smile:

I’ve compiled a 3.4 version as well, see the release link:

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Hey @aronbeurskens, awesome to see someone taking this up. Recently switched from Kodi to Plex, only thing I’m missing is the automation through OH.

Tried to drop your 3.4 build into my OH 3.3 installation (assumed that should work?), but got the following error:

[WARN ] [org.apache.felix.fileinstall        ] - Error while starting bundle: file:/openhab/addons/org.openhab.binding.plex-3.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.plex [320]
  Unresolved requirement: Require-Capability:; filter:="(&("
    at org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.start( ~[org.eclipse.osgi-3.17.200.jar:?]

Seems like it’s requiring Java 17 ?

The jar is compiled dor version 3.4.0. Of course i could compile.a 3.3.0 version for you, but it would be easier if you just update to the latest stable 3.4.0

Not to mention that then someone else would ask for the 3.2… 3.1…
I’m not one to talk, I’m on the 3.3 too, but I’m not too keen on updating because my setup is all disassembled due to a complete apartment remodel.
I’ll just have to wait and suffer haha :smiley:
Edit: reason is, if the update breaks something, I wouldn’t find out until I turn on the devices again… at that point the problem could have been the update, or a broken device, dead battery… or whatever else. So I’ll wait before updating until everything is setup again.

By the way, different kind of question - I don’t add the jar files to the add on folder - I usually wait for the binding to appear in the UI to install it. Do you have any idea how that process works? Will the plex binding appear there automatically? Do we need to wait for the 4.0 update for it to appear?
How does it work??

Ah OK! I thought Java 17 was only relevant after OH 4 and that the binding should be compatible with 3.3 if compiled against 3.4.
Don’t worry then, I’ve planned to upgrade to 3.4 in the coming days anyway. Happy to test afterwards.

For the binding to appear in the UI is assume it first must be accepted in the main repository of the OpenHAB addons. For that the OpenHAB developers need to approve my Pull Request: [plex] Initial contribution by aronbeurskens · Pull Request #12135 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub

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I upgraded my OH 3.3 installation to OH 3.4 now, but I get the same error when dropping your JAR in the addons folder:

2023-01-04 19:32:11.186 [WARN ] [org.apache.felix.fileinstall        ] - Error while starting bundle: file:/openhab/addons/org.openhab.binding.plex-3.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.plex [323]
  Unresolved requirement: Require-Capability:; filter:="(&("

I’ve deployed OH through docker, using the official docker image for 3.4.0.

Double check the Oh version. Is it really 3.4??
If you have the openHAB version as an environment, it will not upgrade. (Actually it shouldn’t even boot but weird things happen…)

Yes, I’m positive the update went well:

/opt/openhab/userdata/logs$ tail -n 2 update.log
SUCCESS: openHAB updated from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0

Help & About screen:

Hi Patrick, seems indeed to be dependant on java 17. Can you show me you java --version? Probably an update to 17 will do.

Thanks, but then it’s not so simple. I’m using the official Docker image to run openHAB, the official image for 3.4 is using Java 11.
Is there anything in the Plex binding that needs Java 17 or would it be theoretically possible to compile it for Java 11?

Yes, I understand, since you are using docker, wouldn’t it be easier to upgrade to 4.0.0?

I also read something about building the image with a java version, see Docker (Building images)

Hope it helps.

Maybe I’ll try to build the image myself, thanks. Don’t want to risk the stability of the installation so I don’t think I’ll upgrade to 4.0 yet, at least not for just one binding. Also don’t want to jeopardize the wife acceptance factor :smirk:

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