Prepare for the future: Raspberry Pi5 with 4GB, 8GB … or even 16 GB?

Hello community,

I‘m currently running OH4.3.1 on an RPi 4B in docker. To prepare for the next big update in July, I want to move over to an RPi 5. What memory size do you recommend to be prepared for the next two to three years? (Again, I want to run OH in docker.) In past, the recommendation was 2 GB or 4 GB. But as I understood, the future 64 bit releases require more memory, so I probably should go to 8 GB… or even 16 GB?

Thank you for your hints in advance,
Doc MC

if you’re fine with the raspberry 4 right now, there’s no need to upgrade.

the amount of ram limits your concurrent containers… so it rather depends on how much other containers you want to run in the future beside openhab.

Thank you, @maDDin1338, for the explanation. Yes, I’ve dedicated a raspberry to run OH exclusively, so there’s normally only 1 container running. Just when upgrading to the next version, I start a new container, but after successful upgrade I delete the old one.

I was concerned about an older article (64 bit setup on RPi 4), where there seemed to be quite some reluctance to go for the 64 bit system on RPi 4… But since the next OH version will be 64 bit exclusively, I’ll have to switch latest in July…

Anyway, the referenced post is quite old (started 2020, last update 2022) and several new OH versions have been released since then. So is it meanwhile advisable and efficient to run OH on an RPi 4.0B with 4GB RAM with 64 bit in the one-and-only docker container? I assume yes, but would appreciate any feedback or warning…