Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller

Sure…I don’t mind sharing this key… Don’t hack my sprinklers ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Look for an email in just a sec.


you have a new mail :slight_smile:

nothing in the inbox yet…keeping an eye out

you have to do a manual scan. however you should already see the cloud connect in the log; results are available instantly

ok…still have not received the email. You may need to zip the jar file as GMAIL may block it otherwise

Should I throw away the current thing I created?

stop, I send you the correct version

sent you org.openhab.binding.rachio-2.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.zip

"This message was blocked because its content presents a potential issue. " - grrr

use WeTransfer.com to send it to me…

nope, tried .jar.zip .zip .dat - all rejected

If you zip up the file and go to www.wetransfer.com you should have no problem sending. You need to place it in a zip archive rather than just changing the file extension.


send you a dropbox link

ok. received the file…should I delete the .THINGS file I created yesterday before adding this new version of the binding?

no, let it as is

Well, lookie, lookie what I found in my INBOX!!!

add 1 controller and 1 zine to check if properties are displayed correctly. send me the log

Sent you the log file via email.


nothing received

GMAIL show’s it’s sent.

Also seeing this in the OpenHab log file:

2018-02-08 15:54:32.345 [WARN ] [ore.internal.thing.ThingTypeResource] - Cannot find channel type: rachio:zone_head
2018-02-08 15:55:31.675 [WARN ] [re.thing.internal.ThingFactoryHelper] - Could not create channel 'noizzle_head' for thing type 'rachio:zone:1:F0038CC66776-1', because channel type 'rachio:zone_head' could not be found.