Raspberry PI 3 B+ just can't cut it

I’m sure a lot of my people have had success with this little machine but my attempts to get it to boot off either a small usb memory stick or a SSD have been nothing but trouble. To be precise the boot is ok but the shutdowns and or reboots have less than a 50% chance of working and on one occasion I thought the unit was going to melt down. I have used a SSD with a separate USB power input as well. There simply does not seem to be a definitive working solution and the raspberry pi forums are full of people with the same issues. Some think it’s USB cable some think its the BIOS bit not being set, others say it insufficient power. My experiments have always cold booted fine - its either shutdown or reboot which crashes.

The thing is - if the box is having problems with a simple USB stick then it does not bode well for a z-wave usb device either.

At this point I could start swapping out cables and drives on a random basis but there is no guarantee that this will work.

In summary I think I will shop around for a small footprint ideally fanless linux machine.

I do have a mac mini but that has 2 web applications on it already and ports 8000 and 8080 are in use. I have tried setting the environment variables to override the defaults with free ports. The software fires up - does not complain but the new ports don’t seem to work.

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I’m not sure that would necessarily be the case. The Zwave controller is a simple serial device. Unless I’m mistaken, there should be no repercussions to the controller or to OH if the connection is just stopped during a reboot or shutdown. The only thing I can think of that might be a problem is the lock file may not get removed, but that is more a factor of the problems you are seeing with the OS and file system.

You can change the port number in a number of ways. One way is to edit userdata/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg.

There’s a known problem with the Rpi3(+) hanging on reboot.
There’s apparently a new bootloader that should fix it. But it’s beta so you need to run sudo rpi-update, to get it.


Well - I suppose this is good news as I thought i was doing something wrong. I can’t remember if I have performed a rpi-update but i will certainly try it. Must have created new flash images at least 10 times.

Many thanks


There is nothing wrong with the capability of the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B + when it comes to OpenHAB, we have been running it for years, the OpenHAB documentation for the install is fairly good but you do have to watch the java configs, please download a free image from us, from there you can reverse engineer and understand what the problem might be then re-install it.

HI Dave, if you a little shy to download a image below is a script you can just copy and paste onto your RPI that will do a automated install of OpenHAB using the official OpenHAB repo.

Download, write the latest stretch lite version from raspberrypi.org image to MicroSD card (Suggest Class 10 card), add a blank file called ssh to the dos partition, save it, eject the card. Insert card into RPI, observe console screen for IPv4 address assigned to your RPI.

Download and install or use your favourite DOS terminal emulation software (We use PuTTY), insert IPv4 address observed above. Login using user pi password raspberry.

Copy and paste the script below into your session.

The install script will prompt you for a root password to restart the openhab2 service, you will need to assign root password, if you don’t, just enter a random value and the script will complete and OpenHAB will be installed. If you are pedantic about warning free installs then just assign root a password prior to running the script.
sudo passwd root
enter password of your choice and repeat, you will need this when prompted.(we have automated this previously but for the sake of security on this forum we allow you to do this manually to avoid any security concerns).

Once completed you will have a running base installation on your raspberry pi and you can access the openhab interface via web browser on port 8080.


#######          Gensys online store        #######
#######        Raspberry Pi 3 Model B +     #######
#######          OpenHAB2.3 Server          #######
####### Kevern Upton - 19 September 2018    #######
#This is installation script that installs openhab2
#on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B +
############ BASE INSTALLATION ####################
sudo apt-get update
# install_OpenHAB
#Package Installation 
#1.Add the repository key
sudo wget -qO - 'https://bintray.com/user/downloadSubjectPublicKey?username=openhab' | sudo apt-key add -
#2.Add the HTTPS transport for APT
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https -y
#3.Add the repository
sudo echo 'deb https://dl.bintray.com/openhab/apt-repo2 stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openhab2.list
#4.Update the package lists and install the openHAB distribution package
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openhab2
#5.(Optional) Install the add-ons for offline use
#You don't need the add-ons package if your machine has Internet access, openHAB will download add-ons online as necessary.
sudo apt-get install openhab2-addons -y
# install java jdk
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk libjna-java -y
service openhab2 start
#lets just give openhab a minute to let all the services start.
sudo sleep 60
sudo service openhab2 restart
#lets just give another minute to let all start.
sudo sleep 60
#lets make sure OpenHAB starts automatically on boot.
sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
sudo /bin/systemctl enable openhab2.service
echo "All Done!, reboot, then navigate with a web browser to"
echo http://$(hostname -I | cut -d" " -f 1):8080/

I’d recommend Zulu’s JDK8 more than I would standard openJDK. Seems to have less issue.

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This firmware fix cured the reboot/shutdown kernel panic problem for me. It was odd that a clean install of raspberian didn’t suffer from it - must have been a timing issue.

Thanks for your reply Kevern, it seems like the latest firmware issue has fixed the problem for me.

Happy you are sorted👍🏻

I’ve been using an RPI 2 with an Aeon Labs z-wave stick powered off a PoE splitter for about a year with Openhabian Pi without problems, the only reason I’ve recently moved to a virtual Debian box is so I can experiment more by using snapshots, so an RPI 3B+ won’t even break sweat, so keep experimenting.