On my iPhone in portrait mode it works and looks as expected (cells are arranged by 2 cells per row)
When switching to landscape mode it shows 5 cells per row (as expected) but the width of the cell is wrong as can be seen here:
I don’t use any iDevices, so I can’t really help specifically. All I can say is that there have been numerous tweaks to the f7-card css with the new oh-card refactoring, and this, mostly likely, is a effect of one of those tweaks. As a result, it probably makes sense to file an issue in the UI repo.
I’m on OH 4.2.2 using non-responsive layout and seem to have the same problem using iPhone 13 mini.
I built a test page using f7-card to avoid issues with potential oh-card refactoring (mentioned by @JustinG)
iPhone 13 mini:
With iPhone 13 mini it works as expected in Portrait mode only. Landscape mode is broken somehow.
@florian-h05 solved this problem in one of the latest milestone releases. I can’t remember if it is M4 or M5. In a few days there will be a 4.3 release if you want to wait for a non-milestone release.
You need to provide more width parameters here. Have a look at the row’s menu (small black icon) in MainUI
width: "100"
I’m well aware of the Column Options in MainUI. The example above is the one with which the full width should be used. This is what it does on iPad but not on iPhone 13 mini.
I’ve no idea how I could possibly remove the big margins by changing column options… and, this looks pretty much like the problem from the screenshot in your first post.
I always wondered if the function on the about page does anything different or additionally compared to the result of closing/opening the browser or reloading a page?
„Reload“ only does only a location.reload(), so if your browser loads the page when accessing it and does not pull it from cache it is the same.
„Purge service worker and caches“ is, if available, the „better“ way of reloading Main UI after an upgrade.
But once you are on 4.3.0 automated Main UI reloading on upgrade should have improved.
Assuming the notch “reduces the number of pixels” horizontally as if the the screen is cropped on the left side (orange). Why then have such a big safe area of the right side (blue)? It seems a bit like waste of space on the right side (blue). Why not reduce to “orange”?
Alternatively, why not reduce the safe area from “blue” to “orange” on bothe sides. Everything would still be visible even though the notch is there. This would actually be my preference.