Ring Alarm Components - Zwave

One last idea, actually more something to play around with;

Shut down OH; remove zstick; put in PC & run PC controller, Navigate to ring node, click NIF to get CC’s
PC Controller NIF
Go to smart start (three lines with check). See if you can add DSK from your box. Try to remove security (if it is there).

Try to send commands from the PC controller that were not responded to in the log file. maybe there will be some messages that add clarity. Fiddle as your gut dictates. You might also try to remove and then add using the Smart start on the PC Controller. Hopefully anything you do could help OH. Something might work?


Thank you, Bob.
I did not get any response on the other thread yet, but will post the log there anyway - just to make sure.

Is there any chance that it’s a configuration problem (parameters) or would be playing around with them be a waste of time due to the device being not fully initialized?

Thank you - I thought about Silabs as well to deactivate S2 reading around here:
Ring Motion Detector Gen 2 won’t pair - Get Help / Devices - Hubitat

and here:
[ C7] Ring Contact Sensors Not Updating Status Reliably - Get Help / Devices - Hubitat

I don’t know yet what you mean with NIF and DSK (Digital Sesurity Key aka PIN code?), :slight_smile: but I will checkout the Controller with silabs

It does seem that there is more experience on the Hubitat site, but maybe over the weekend someone with Ring Motion will respond. Adding the log file will move it up in the queue.

NIF= Node Info (frame) in the picture above.

The second Icon down on the far left is the smart start (click on it and you will see what I mean)

Since this seems related to security, you could try to include in OH security (at this point it can’t hurt)
First on the controller UI page Exclude Devices and press the button on the detector per the manual
Second, Also on the Controller UI page, click the advanced tab and select security on all devices
See if that works (go through normal add, zwave, scan process with Debug on) Don’t forget to set back to entry control devices afterward.


Just to get it straight:
You mean the OH UI - not the Silabs UI :blush:

means disable security activated earlier?
EDIT: Never mind - found it:

I am not quite sure which you mean (still trying to understand the log).
If my interpretation is right: The controller requests information with _GET and the Node responds with _REPORT

It is there:

So, I assume I could:

  1. Add the DSK code to authenticate the node to the controller with Silabs
    (does this work on OH then as well?)
    → That’s what I did (just have put in the DSK by scanning the Motion sensors QR code)
    Next: Start OH for checking any difference.
    Additional Question: Do I need to re-include this node then?
  2. Remove Security (uncheck all s2 related stuff above?)
    But which?
    S2 Unauthenticated → sounds like S2 devices are usable regardless of the S2 Authentication status (?)
    S2 Authenticated → Authentication of S2 devices is mandatory (otherwise not operational) (?)
    S2 Access → Does this mean this is an S2 Access Device I should disable?

You see, I am a rookie and am really greateful for your support.

After entering the DSK and restarting OH, the Node is stuck in ASSOCIATIONS

2022-06-05 09:45:12.339 [DEBUG] [sactionManager$ZWaveTransactionTimer] - NODE 13: TID 99: Timeout at state WAIT_DATA. 2 retries remaining.
2022-06-05 09:45:12.339 [DEBUG] [e.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransaction] - TID 99: Transaction CANCELLED
2022-06-05 09:45:12.339 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 13: Got an event from Z-Wave network: ZWaveTransactionCompletedEvent
2022-06-05 09:45:12.340 [DEBUG] [nal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 13: notifyTransactionResponse TID:99 CANCELLED

Does this look better - after re-inclusion as Node 20?
zwave.log (596.6 KB)

This looks pretty good compared to past logs (Edit: Nothing was cancelled unexpectedly). I’m not sure what was done however. It does not look like security was enabled, but otherwise it looks like a good inclusion. It even looks like a battery level was returned too. The only strange thing is that the parameters do not seem to make sense from what I’m seeing in the DB. Does it work? Did the device signal success? What are the parameters on the UI thing page for the device?


Edit: I’m suspecting some of your parameters are not the same as the device in the DB. Check you manual versus the DB manual.

After adding the items no Battery update has been received, though.
And the sensor still does not work / report anything.

The parameters are all there in the device vs. DB

A comparison of the default values in the Ring manual differ from the actual settings on the things UI:
7: Intrusion Clear Delay -> Thing: 0 / Manual 5
8: Standard Clear Delay -> Thing 3 / Manual 10 (0A)
9: Motion Detection Mode -> Thing 0 / Manual 3
10: Any Motion Threshold -> Thing 2 / Manual 80

I changed the Motion Detection Mode to 3 for a test, but this did not change anything.
At least I did not get a Motion report. :frowning:

By the way:
When I moved over from UZB z-wave stick to the Aeotec.
The Aeotec was recognized right away on the same serial interface / thing as the “old one”.
Does this make sense or should I delete the old thing and redetect the new z-wave stick?

And another question:
I see a security key in my USB stick Thing:

I guess this is coming from the DSK I have put into the stick with SiLabs.
Should I remove this or is this in place from the beginning (I did not recognize this in the past)

Was this still solid red?

As to the parameters. Going through the initialization (the static values part), after parameter 4 nothing matched either with the Byte size or value returned or both. Try to set the parameters on the UI device page to the values in the table while in Debug. I’m also thinking param 6 needs to be something other than zero for the device to work. Something is still not right because it should be working (except for the bad parameters)
Ring Gen2


I must admit, that I don’t remember.
But I will try it again soon.

Will do, thank you very much!
Because I’m traveling until the end of the week I will not be able to proceed with the tests.
Next thing is a re inclusion.
(I have excluded is for stability reasons while traveling.)

Once again:
I really appreciate your help on this matter.

hi there…
how did you even manage to get openhab to include the devices. my gen2 Contact sensors dont even show up to add… been at it for ages


hi there,

i am finding it impossible to include the devices, no mater what i do they wont show when in inclusion mode.

thanks in advance