RPI 4 now with 8GB Model

Not quite. Installing from openHABian will ensure to use coordinated parameters for mem usage etc that are as compatible as can be and that minimize the risk.

Anyone is capable of that and I’m not mandating or somehow preventing it.
Everyone’s free to do what they like.
But there’s also many to read this forum/thread that do not work in IT or do but don’t have the experience it takes. These my warning is going to.

I have to argree with @mstormi here.

I have zram running on pi4 8gig.

Running openhabian 32bit on pI you only will ever need 4gig thats with mqtt and all the other stuff inculding the vsCode remote dev server and it sits about the 1 gig.

I guss its about time experiance and comitment. I am testing the 64bit os for OH3. I recomend if you have never seen a kernal spit out the error “opps kernal error” that you should buy the 4gig one.

While yes its possible it is not recomended to get the best performance out of your home automation system.

If you want to spend some time to debug some of the issues you will have with it then go right ahead. Most people I know in it I wouldent let tbe adjust anything on a dns server.

I have had the top company engineer tell me “that is beyond my depth of knowlege” The customer was not happy loosing money every second all because a propiatory peace of hardware had a failure.

Most people in IT are users and if they can’t find the answer on a google search they are out of luck. End of rant I hope you are one of the good ones and can update the kernal on your pi so it can adress all of the memory instead of the 4gig block limitation of 32bit.

Then can you list all the hardware you can bug test.

Using the 64bit image ?
I’m still looking for a fix to the kernel oops on 32bit.

Using 64bit.

Dosent zram try and look at the ram to see how big it is and how much it can use?

Its probably trying to use non existant ram adress to figure out the ram size.

I can give you ssh access to it when I get home or do you want one sent to you?

yes but zram is a kernel level module, that’s nothing we can fix on our level. Thanks for your offer but no thanks.

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I suspect the kernel maintainer will say to use the 64bit kernel which is why I didn’t open an issue.

I think moving forward openHAB will become stable on 64bit and for now rpi4 8gb can stay not quite supported. There are more productive things to do than try and shoe horn more ram into kernal.

But that’s a pity then. There’s quite some people who got one because they were looking forward which is a good thing in general but a misjudgement in this unlucky case. Sure you could say “their own fault” but that won’t help them. I don’t think the kernel maintainer would turn this down saying it ain’t an issue because it works on 64 bit. I’ve changed openHABian to recommend the 64bit image in that case.