I think its pretty standard installation: MQTT Broker, Zigbee2MQTT, Bluetooth2MQTT.
However, due to not being an expert all of this took me very long to install, bugfix and configure. If I would have to do it again it will take ~ the same time …
Based on this post openHAB 3.0.2 Patch Release and the Sunset of Bintray it looks like i should have updated before 1 May. Sorry but i dont browse this forum this regular … Some kind of information at openhab startup or something like this would have been nice.
Sorry but i still dont understand this. I do have a valid Openhab 2.5. image backup on my drive which i flashed on the SD card. I didnt do that much changes on my Openhab 3 version that it would be horrible to perform the update again. But still i understood that due to this “Bintray issue” its very hard to update even if i am still at Opehab 2.5. Therefore i dont understand the benefit of downgrading. Or is my understanding wrong?
Ok thank you, this means that in this case also the GUI-created things and items are saved?
Thank you for the advice. I will try this!
Best regards, Simon