@mstormi Took a while, but Ive performed a good few tests:
Boot area being modified
Ive setup an entirely new build of Armbian OS, based on latest bionic build version, then updated, then performed a full install of OpenHabian. The good news is that the Boot area was NOT modified in any way and the system continued to boot fine.
I suspect that when I tried OpenHabnian a couple of years ago, the build and u-boot area had something similar to the Khadas build, which cased things to be removed. Though I know that the boot process has been modified over the last year and of course, generally the system is updated anyway… so my suspicion is that the Arping install issue may only be an issue on much older builds of Ubuntu on Arm and therefore pretty rare nowadays… However at the time, it caused me a problem and thats why I never used OpenHabian.
JAVA performance etc
-XX:+UseParallelGC - My openhab just wont fully start if I use that, so Ive settled on the -XX:+UseParNewGC as the only option in my specific case. I cant figure why its an issue, but it is.
and -XX:+NeverTenure
- Ive settled on using both of these, as well as adding XMM and XMS settings to increase my memory. Either of those alone, doesnt seem to have a full result, but all the above in tandem seems to be working ok (so far).
So in my case, things are… stable now. Openhab is a bit slower to actually start up and first time a rule is processed, its slow, but after 1st time rule run, things are remaining pretty fast.
I guess I will monitor over time and feed back here if theres any variation. I may also try reducing commands out of the EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS to see if I can figure my smallest/most optimal settings, though that will take time to test.
Openhab on ARM/Ubuntu etc
Ive now got a system here I can trash/rebuild/play around with… if theres anything else you would like me to look at for you or try, specific to these systems… as long as I have time, Im happy to give something a go!
If you need more info/test on any of the above, let me know!
Thanks for all your help/input on this, its been really appreciated!