Shelly binding for using ShellyPlusUni

I’m using a shelly plus uni for a irrigation project.

When trying to create an thing it ends up wit error COMMUNICATION_ERROR

checking the log on the device is

shelly_http_server.:268 No handler for ‘/settings’

According to the binding documentation the device should be supported.

Openhab 4.2.1
Shelly firmware 1.4.2

does anyone know what is the problem?


Fuound it, marked as bug not clear when it will be fixed

When i do a debug i get

2024-09-27 19:22:25.287 [DEBUG] [shelly.internal.ShellyHandlerFactory] - Golvvärme: Create new thing of type shelly:shellyuni using ShellyRelayHandler
2024-09-27 19:22:25.307 [DEBUG] [shelly.internal.ShellyHandlerFactory] - Thing handler for uid shelly:shellyuni:a0a3b3689010 added, total things = 46
2024-09-27 19:22:27.315 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shellyuni-a0a3b3689010: Using default userId admin from binding config
2024-09-27 19:22:27.316 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shellyuni-a0a3b3689010: Using default password from bindingConfig (userId=admin)
2024-09-27 19:22:27.330 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shellyuni-a0a3b3689010: Config: Device address=, HTTP user/password=admin/***, update interval=60
2024-09-27 19:22:27.330 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shellyuni-a0a3b3689010: Start initializing for thing Golvvärme, type shellyuni, Device address, Gen2: false, isBlu: false, alwaysOn: true, hasBattery: false, CoIoT: true
2024-09-27 19:22:30.993 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shellyuni-a0a3b3689010: Unexpected API result: 404/Not Found

That is matching my findings on the shelly plus uni device that reports an undefind handler for “/settings”

but as mentioned, this is a gen 2 device.

I got the same problem, but I have found a workaround.
The Shelly Plus Uni is used to control my BOSCH garage door lift.
To avoid this bug, I selected in the Shelly Binding the Shelly Plus i4 and configured it with the IP address of the the Shelly Plus Uni in my network. With this configuration, the Plus Uni was found by the Shelly Binding and was added as a Thing.
This Shelly Plus i4 Thing shows me the correct channels of the Shelly Plus Uni (2 Inputs, 2 Outputs) and I can read the inputs and control the outputs via OpenHAB.
In my case this is working.

Thanks for the workaround using Shell Plus I4.Basically this is working partially.

For my need’s it is not working as I’ relay on the counter input (input:2) of the Shelly plus uny. this input type “counter” is not supported by I4. May be the workaround would work with some other plus device that has a counter input.

Just to do some visualization I’ can go with a work around but for the final integration I’ll need the Functionality of the Shelly Plus Uni.

Thank you for the workaround it is an option useful for others I’ guess.