Shelly Binding

I was testing the rollershutter…I have question about the “Roller position” in the README it says : 0=open…100=closed and that’s the openhab way, but we know shelly considers 100 opened and 0 closed, in fact the rollershutter icon is shown “wrong” in the sitemap.

Do you plan to manage some kind of transformation inside the binding or we must do it afterwards ?

You can also flip the settings/behaviour on the device’s webpage under the settings option.

Yes I know I can flip the behavior (I had to do it for a couple of rollershutters because I swapped the physical buttons :confused: ) but It does not change the fact that it always considers 100 as opened and 0 as closed, the swap settings for what I could see it’s just for the button (physical and software) behavior but the absolute position value logic remains the same…or am I missing something?

My question was about the displayed rollershutter icons (not the control behavior) that by now by default are shown closed when RS is open and vice versa…there is a quick workaroud in the forum with JS transformation so it’s not a real problem, but maybe we can consider to direct implement it inside the binding to have icons shown in the right way out of the box.

bout it
Ses, I already thought about it, because my Shelly is also running in reverse mode - so that matches. However, the solution might be easy: convert the percentage based on the reverse setting.
0% OHreverse = 100% Shelly
100% OH
reverse = 0% Shelly
so depending on the reverse stetting the OH value gets converted 1:1 or 1:(1-n)

Does that makes sense?

Ok thanks - I don’t see that discovery result of a shelly without an IP address once it’s correctly discovered it the next time. And yes, the other devices it’s finding are not Shelly devices, once it went through discovery it didn’t worry about those any further. Just letting you know what was appearing in my logs in case it was of any help.

I’ll move to the beta build now.

I tested it with a RS with the swap/reverse setting and with another without it, the control is working right ( up and down arrow will always work as espected on both) but the blind icon is always wrong on both.

So i think the convertion of the percentage must be done always no matter if there is the reverse/swap setting on the shelly.

I think the reverse/swap settings it’s just an internal shelly software setting for the relay if you wire the thing in the wrong way ^^ but nothing changes in the “values” it exposes.

Could you please open an issue here

so it’s on the list to change/fix.

fyi: Shelly 4 Pro is now supported, Bulb and Sense are making progress

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@markus7017 and @igi

I’ve been doing a bit of testing after work and I have my 4 RGBW2’s and 6 Shelly 2.5’s installed. I’ve been so happy with the integration that I’ve ordered another 3 Shelly 1PM’s. 1 for the garage, and 2 for some closets.

In the Shelly app I created a group with 2 RGBW2’s to be controlled in sync for my kitchen and I was rather surprised by the very nice implementation by Shelly.

That made me thing, how cool would it be to connect Openhab to the Shelly cloud and control your devices from there as well. Maybe it’s not something for the near future but maybe in Binding v3.0?

No, that‘s no cool idea, as we prefere local device control wherever possible.
If you would like to group your shellys, you can do this within openHAB without th cloud connection.

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I’m not saying you have to use it… But I’d welcome the OPTION to use it. You can choose to use the shells locally or through the cloud (with some additional features). There is nothing wrong with choices imo.

it would rather be a complete new binding, as it would be to complex to have both logics within one binding. The same devices would need to control sets, one locally and one through the cloud.
I really do not see the benefit for this effort, even that the cloud would need to be polled for device updates. What additional features do you think of? I did see none in the docs. Device grouping can be handled in openHAB as well. Did you try to setup a device group in shelly cloud and tested what happens if one group member changes?
I wonder if grouping really is a cloud feature or an app feature.

My motivation for me was to get rid of the cloud connection. What are you looking for? I think you could build all into your OH environment incl. statistics, charts etc. In addition the cloud api is not documented.

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fyi: I’m finishing up beta1

Does anybody has a Shelly Smoke or the old Plug? They would be easy to implement while working on the final integration for Bulb and Sense with @MHerbst

While updating the README…

Could anyone contribute a .things defintion, a sitemap and maybe some nice rules examples to include in the README?

Do you want any logs from us as you’re working through the beta? I’ve gone from one switch to five in the past few days! And added a Shelly2 into the bathroom (light and mirror light).

If you hit any problem, logs are required for analysis. In this case open an issue here

You could also send me the log by PM

Hi, I created branch beta1-pre2. For any reason I was not able to update some files in the beta1-pre1 branch. Find the newest jar here:

Don’t use the beta1-pre1 anymore, make sure you see the message “Shelly Binding release beta1-pre2” in the log

I’ve tested the Roller position, now it works like a charm, the blind icon is the right one now :slight_smile:
Thank you!

edit: is it normal to have many logs every few seconds of:

2019-08-14 13:41:21.634 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'shelly:shelly25-roller:0043dc' has been updated.

is it for testing purpose or we’ll get as many also with the final release?