Smart Home Day on October 22

I won’t make it this time as we’re flying out for Japan vacation early Monday morning. I wish you guys a lot of fun though!

hah to meet the zwave masterchief I might go there :wink:

Countdown Timer - Countdown to 22 Oct 2017 11:00 in Darmstadt

Looking forward to meet with you folks. You can count on me :beers:.


Would love to attend but I’m in au!


We have just published the preliminary agenda, see
I am pretty excited to welcome @ThomDietrich, @kubawolanin, @chris, @MARZIMA, @sjka and @jo_hiller from our community as speakers at the event! It’ll be awesome to meet everyone in person, so don’t miss it!

If you read the agenda carefully, you will see that the last block is marked as t.b.d. “Community sessions”. This is where we want YOU!
Our idea is to have (short) presentations from different community members that have built something extraordinary or unusual with openHAB - I regularly read about astonishing setups from users here and I think many of them are really worth to be shared. So please let me know, if you would want to present your setup/installation/use-case - either through a PM or directly here in this topic.

And please don’t be shy: I know that oneself usually doesn’t think that he has build anything special; from the outside, this very often makes a very different impression. So if in doubt, please rather ask, if it is of interest, instead of being quiet! Also, if you know about someone else who did something cool, get in contact with him and tell him about our event.

If you want to share something, but cannot make it in person to the Smart Home Day on October 22, don’t worry: You could also prepare a video or some slides - we will try to make everything possible.

I am looking forward to hearing from you :slight_smile:


Any chance of a stream from the event or recordings put up later?

Agreed, worth the 3h drive. Let’s see how Ludwigsburger beer fares against Darmstädter :stuck_out_tongue:


I will be there too :slight_smile: Booked today.


Nope, sorry, we most likely won’t have the necessary equipment available.

I am thinking about attending the Smart Home Day and contributing one ore more topics.

The last topics might be more “arduino” related than “openhab”, but I still think they fit the theme of “Smart Home”.

More than the above mentioned topics I would like to propose an idea I came up with regarding an open smart bulb protocol.
I think it would be great to have a open standard to communicate with DIY LED-wifi-devices.
The only solutions I can find requre a smarthome and/or mqtt server or use some kind of emulation to mimic a LIFX or Philips Hue bulb.
So I think I could present my idea in hope of finding developers that would help to create such standard protocol (with an Arduino library and a openhab binding maybe).

But the are a few things I need to address first:

  • I don’t think I would be able to bring a working demo for any of these projects
  • I won’t have much time to create a good presentation
  • I never did a big presentation (let alone in english) :wink:
  • What project should I focus on? I don’t think we would have time for everything.
  • How much time is planed for each presentation? What about discussions for each project?
  • Is this even the right target group for arduino projects?
  • Is this the right target group for my open smart bulb protocol proposal?

Hey @christoph_wempe,

Would be great to see you at the Smart Home Day!
Many thanks for your suggestions. They make me think that I should maybe clarify a bit the idea for these “community sessions”: It is meant for presenting stuff that has been realized “with” openHAB and not so much “for openHAB” - that is, it is not about new kinds of technical integrations, but rather about cool use cases with “standard” features. The presentations are expected to be entertaining and addressed to users as an audience, not to developers, so it should be only spoken about the “what” and not going into the “how”. So from this perspective, I would think that your Kodi use case might be the best fit, assuming that you have that as a “disco mode” in production at home. A video might actually the best way to present this, especially if this feature is maybe integrated with an “disco scene”, which controls the AVR, blinds, etc. (not sure how you use it in detail).

Is this the right target group for my open smart bulb protocol proposal?

The community section is definitely the wrong place for this, but I would think that it could make sense to do a kind of BOF table at the restaurant in the evening - that would be the best place for starting discussions that could afterwards be continued here in the forum.

Thanks for clarifying.

My “music visualization” of more a very rough proof of concept I did in an evening.
I think in that case I will not have much to show. :slight_smile:

So I will wait for a Smart Home Day near Cologne. :wink:

But feel free to show my video if you think it is worth it.

Any further information is linked in the Video description in case anybody is interested.


If you have no issue with visiting Düsseldorf, you might want to suggest your smart bulb protocol for an openHAB Meet-up there!

I actually was at the first Meet-Up in Düsseldorf.
And, yes, I plan to attend next time, too. :wink:

All, I have just published an updated agenda with @martinvw, @ysc, @george.erhan & @mstormi as further speakers! It is going to be an awesome event with a very packed program - I am very much looking forward to it!

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Sounds great, too bad that I am on holidays then :frowning:

You should think about postponing them!

No chance :-). It’s my annual two weeks vacation. Unfortunately EclipseCon Germany is always mid of october and that’s normally the time of my yearly vacation.
Maybe next year …