Hi Community, I am searching for a smoke detector I can use at home. Unfortunately there are so many and I miss an actual overview with the most important data. Searching the internet, I realised other are desperate too. Can you help me making a list of Smart Smoke detectors? If you use one, please add it here and try to keep the information similar. This will help others too.
Name: Google Nest Protect 2nd Generation
Protocol: WiFi (check Notes)
Power: replacable special Battery OR external power supply
Device Features: Co2 Alarm, Voice feedback, Group Alarm, Pre-Alarm, Detection switchable, Motion Sensor, Night light, Water-Steam detection
Openhab Features: String Alarm, String CO_Alarm, Switch Battery_Low, Switch Manual_Test, DateTime Last_Connection, DateTime Last_Manual_Test, String UI_Color (check Notes)
Notes: !!!no possibility to connect to Openhab without old Nest Account which is not longer issued!!! link
Name: Homematic HM-Sec-SD-2 / Innogy SmartHome WSD-2.0
Protocol: 868MHz Homematic
Power: non replacable Battery
Device Features: Group Alarm, Emergency light
Openhab Features: Switch State, Switch Batter_Low
Name: Xiaomi JTYJ-GD-01LM/BW
Protocol: zigbee
Power: replacable Battery
Device Features:
Openhab Features: smoke, battery_low, tamper, battery, sensitivity, smoke_density, selftest, voltage, test, linkquality
Notes: Unfortunately, the Xiaomi JTYJ-GD-01LM/BW are no longer manufactured and very hard to get. On Ali you can only find the BT version
Name : Elro Connects
Protocol : 868MHz to Wifi Hub
Power : replacable batteries, 3 years
Device Features : smoke alarm on all devices in same group
Openhab Features : Trigger channel smoke alarm, Switch testAlarm, Switch muteAlarm, Number battery, Switch lowBattery
Notes : other types of sensors and devices can connect to the same hub (water alarm, CO alarm, window/door contact, motion sensor, temperature/humidiy monitor, plug-in switch). There is a PR for a binding in review. A beta version of a binding is available in the marketplace, more info see here. Testing and feedback welcome to finalize review process.
Name : First Alert Smoke and CO Alarm
Protocol : ZWave
Power : AA batteries
Device Features : smoke alarm, CO alarm
Openhab Features : Trigger channel smoke alarm, Switch alarmTriggered, Switch CO alarm, Number battery
Notes : https://www.firstalert.com/smoke-carbon-monoxide-alarms/combo-smoke-carbon-monoxide-alarms/wireless-smoke-carbon-monoxide-alarm-works-with-zwave-ring/SAP_ZCOMBO.html
Name: Shelly Smoke PLus
Protocol: WiFi, Bluetooth
Power: replacable battery CR123A
Device Features: Smoke Alarm, Test, red diode + siren, MQTT,
Openhab Features: ready-to-use, universal via MQTT notificate about smoke alarm, share status battery, etc…
Notes: **Battery powered, goes sleep after 2 minutes. Cannot be controlled externally via MQTT! (run siren in case of burglar etc.) No external power option. Detailed tutorial how to get it to openHAH via MQTT can be found in our blog: https://opentux.eu/blog/pihome/shelly-openhab