OWM is a great example for new timeseries use. New persistence strategy forecast
needs to be added to persistence config, e.g. for InfluxDB
Items {
gPersistInfluxDB* : strategy = everyUpdate //classic persistence of live data
gPersistInfluxDBforecast* : strategy = forecast,restoreOnStartup //forecast persistence
Number:Power FS_Power_Estimate "Leistung Vorhersage" (gPersistInfluxDBforecast) { channel="solarforecast:fs-site:haus:power-estimate", stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.0f %unit%" ], unit="W" }
Number:Energy FS_Energy_Estimate "Energie Vorhersage" (gPersistInfluxDBforecast) { channel="solarforecast:fs-site:haus:energy-estimate", stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.3f %unit%" ], unit="kWh" }
Number:Power FS_Power_Estimate_vorne "Vorne Leistung Vorhersage" (gPersistInfluxDBforecast) { channel="solarforecast:fs-plane:haus:PVvorne:power-estimate", stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.0f %unit%" ], unit="W" }
Number:Energy FS_Energy_Estimate_vorne "Vorne Energie Vorhersage" (gPersistInfluxDBforecast) { channel="solarforecast:fs-plane:haus:PVvorne:energy-estimate", stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.3f %unit%" ], unit="kWh" }
Number:Power FS_Power_Estimate_hinten "Hinten Leistung Vorhersage" (gPersistInfluxDBforecast) { channel="solarforecast:fs-plane:haus:PVhinten:power-estimate", stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.0f %unit%" ], unit="W" }
Number:Energy FS_Energy_Estimate_hinten "Hinten Energie Vorhersage" (gPersistInfluxDBforecast) { channel="solarforecast:fs-plane:haus:PVhinten:energy-estimate", stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.3f %unit%" ], unit="kWh" }
This works well in parallel to rrd4j (and others). Makes most sense for forecasting items, other items can be persisted the classic way to efficient rrd4j:
Number:Power FS_Actual_Power "Leistung gesamt jetzt [%,.1f %unit%]" (gPersistRrd4j) {channel="solarforecast:fs-site:haus:power-actual", stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.0f %unit%" ], unit="W" }
Number:Power FS_Actual_Power_vorne "Leistung vorne jetzt [%,.1f %unit%]" (gPersistRrd4j) {channel="solarforecast:fs-plane:haus:PVvorne:power-actual", stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.0f %unit%" ], unit="W" }
On single data reception, items of that forecast enabled group gPersistInfluxDBforecast
write to future timecode in DB. Can be queried e.g. in Grafana, where you have full time range control. Sadly, OH-native ClassicUI Charts don’t have that option (yet?). MainUI Charts can show it.
I have it working well for OWM and Solar Forecast - but need home net access and web browser to watch graphs.