Solar Forecast PV

oh. I did read the docs, but this slipped somehow (I shouldn’t always read so fast…).
A binding offering Actions for calculation is a very elegant solution! I guess, that’s really something to consider also for other bindings dealing with loads of identical data - like dynamic pricing like aWATTar, Tibber, …

Just a thought:

        while(startTime.isBefore(sunset) && delta > 0.0) {
                 val energy = solarforecastActions.getEnergy(startTime,startTime.plusMinutes(duration))
                 val actualDelta = kwhNeeded - (energy as Number).doubleValue
                 if(actualDelta < delta ) {
                      bestPickTime = startTime
                      delta = actualDelta
                 startTime = startTime.plusMinutes(granularity)

I see this like in many use cases: finding the best hours for Tibber/aWATTar/ENTSO-e/Energi/…
Presently the aWATTar binding offers this as seperate Bestprice Things, others would like to follow suit or streamline the effort as discussed here:

Do you see a chance to reuse similar requirements (“Find best time for XX amount of energy and YY amount of duration within ZZ interval”) over multiple bindings?

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