[SOLVED] Australian Bureau of Meteorology Weather Forecast Binding

Hi Andrew,

Any errors in your log when you reinstall the binding? The option should be there.

I have not heard about retain min/max issues from others. I have been observing my location and the values seem to line up with BOM website so far.

Regarding strange errors, I have just tried this with the configuration you might be using and all the values seem to match BOM website. Can you check to see if your config the same as mine? If not, pass me yours and I’ll keep an eye on it to see if anything strange happens. When data values disappear, usually the cause is at the source.

I have attached screenshots of the config I used and other related screenshots.


Hi Kris,

Are you running any rules? Seems like the error is from some rules.

As for the widget(s), I’ve attached below. A couple of notes:

  1. I have cleaned up and butchered the original matrix-theme.css to suit my needs.
  2. The info from Indoor and Outdoor tiles are not sourced from BOM but local sensors.
  3. icons.svg is my own compilation from free icons sources. Authors are in the SVG file.
  4. Rename icons-svg.txt to icons.svg, edit the file and remove “remove-”. This forum does not accept the original form for some reason.

Home Widget.widget.json (8.2 KB)
Forecast Widget.widget.json (7.2 KB)
matrix-theme.css (14.3 KB)
icons-svg.txt (70.1 KB)

Items file is available in the first post.


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I’m not sure how market binding works, but the version does not change no matter what I modify. It’s always some unique ID and version 1.0.

Any errors when you reinstall the binding? Another option is to delete the Thing and re-add.


Thanks Thomas, brand new install with no rules. Ill have a play around with your binding and the widget. Thank you! it looks fantastic!

Hi Thomas, got most of it working.

It seems your widget has more info in this version? Where as the version provided seems slightly different? I get null values for


Which i guess is where im lacking that text I see in your original widget image. Where within the XML is this channel pulled? My XML is this:


Hi Kris,

By widget I guess you mean binding? Can you show me all the configuration values you use?

BOM_Day2_ForecastPrecis is pulled from <text type="precis">Mostly sunny.</text> in the XML file you provided.


Sorry! I don’t get values for


works just fine! it was a late night :smiley:

MY values are:

Hi @tomitan, thanks for your help, the one key diff i noticed was changing SA_MET01 to SA_PT001 and all the values for future days then lined up as expected, and the keep max and min started working as well.

In regards to the observation times - was basing this on a sitemap of one of the earlier posts, which I just copied and pasted - this doesnt have the values in the items to display the date and time - never thought to test it with paperui - once I added this in I have it working as well - so all good - thanks for your awesome binding

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Hi Kris,

You have uncovered a bug with town forecasts. I have fixed this. If you reinstall the binding the forecast description should now appear.

Alternatively, if you do not wish to reinstall, you could use district’s forecast of your town (IDN11030). However, the forecast would be less “accurate” than Orange’s forecast.

Let me know if it doesn’t work.


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Thanks Thomas, ill get the new one install! :slight_smile: Your binding is great!

Hi Thomas, FYI that fixed it :smiley: Thank you mate

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I’m having a slight issue with this binding you may have to consider.
I have input all the correct product and area codes etc in the binding config in paper.
I get all the usual observations but the ones mentioned above.
However, for the city/town/district forecast the BOM site states “Product derived from IDV10753 and IDV17101”
When input either of these xml I get errors

Can someone else try my settings.
Noob here!

Thanks very much for this binding, I’m having some trouble with the display of the widget. I have no css experience and am a bit lost. This is how it looks, I have not modified your widget posted here earlier.

Hi RaSTuS , where did you obtain these icons from?

I downloaded them from some icon download site, then resized and renamed them to suit my purpose. I can’t even find that original file now, spent the last 30mins or so looking.

here are the ones I ended up with if that helps: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y3s3bq7nehqs6np/weather-icons.zip?dl=0

Place them in $OPENHABCONF/icons/classic and it should work using a sitemap config similar to mine.

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Thanks heaps mate! Worked a treat!

Happy to help Greg. I’ll take that dropbox link down now, if anyone else wants them, just contact me.

I don’t know if I am just an idiot, but I can’t figure out two things.

Firstly, why my data isn’t all coming through when the steps were followed to the letter.

Secondly, why the icons won’t work… I have installed my own weather icons into the icons folder yet I still seem to have to enter icon=“name”, but then would keep the same one regardless of the forecast. Surely I am missing something? Any help would be appreciated!

also wouldn’t mind that link for icons too please!

As for the icons not showing up, BasicUI uses vector icons by default. Try in PaperUI Configuration/Services/UI/BasicUI/Configure and choose Bitmap as the Icon Format. That may help.