[SOLVED] Can't install binding IP camera


I have download the ipcamara addon from here:

So I have download the jar file and store it in the folder /usr/share/openhab2/addons.
But how do I know what is the name from the binding in Paper UI?
Or must I restart openhab2 service?

Thank you!

In PaperUI, go to Configuration and click on the Binding. In there you would see the IpCamera binding.
If not, then it´s not installed.

You could also try searching for devices under Things. Again you should be able to see the IpCamera binding.

You do not need to install it if you place the file in that folder. The moment the file is there the binding is installed and as per last post it is useable.

For fault finding the best way is to look in the Karaf console and type bundle:list
You get a more detailed look at what is going on.