[SOLVED] Davis Binding for Openhab2

dk8pn, did you ever get your unit working with the IP adaptor? i am having issues with it. my karaf console output says active:

openhab> bundle:list | grep Davis                                                                                                                                                              
329 │ Active   │  80 │ 1.13.0                 │ openHAB Davis Binding

it didnt automatically generate a config file so i manually created this one:


I also added davis to the addons.cfg file and created a davis.items file identical to the one in the wiki page here

i added an item to my sitemap but it shows a dash for the data like its not reaching the station.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


have not been able to get the Davis add on running. Have shipped around this, using Weatherunderground. They still provide API access for private weather stations which report data to them. My Davis station reports every minute to Weatherunderground. Thus, data is pretty up to date.

BR Willi

Thanks for the reply. I have my PWS connected with weather underground and its sending data just fine.

I installed the WU binding and I saw it needed an API key, so I went to WU and created one and entered it into the the Weatherunderground Bridge thing. It say offline - connunication error. Any hints? I didn’t know if this was related to them shutting down their API earlier this year but in reading your message, it sounds like yours is still working.

any tips?

Just found this…seems like the existing binding doesn’t work for PWS users since they WU turned off their old API in march.

So just as an update: I got the Weather Company binding to work. My Davis Vantage Pro 2 is set up in the following way:

  • Connected to Weatherlink with WeatherlinkIP
  • Weatherlink data uploading to Weather Underground
  • Weather Underground (now weather company) API used for Openhab to grab the data using the binding in the above link (not the one listed in PaperUI. Note this binding and the Weather Underground API will only work for people who have PWS that give data to Weather Underground.
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never got this working. In the meantime I use my Weatherunderground API in openHAB to access the Davis station data. Report my Davis station data every minute to Weatherunderground. Thus, this is quite actual.



ya, id really like the Davis binding to work but the Wunderground binding works fine for now.

Hi frieso, may I ask about the configuration you used for this working setup? I tried to get something out of the Vantage Pro 2 with serial adapter and USB-to-serial without success. Did you use the .jar file, how did you install? Has anyone an idea how to implement the serial port?

Thanks a lot, Im quite frustrated

Hi DrHab

I’m using the following Binding:

openhab> bundle:list | grep Davis
211 x Active x 80 x x openHAB Davis Binding

My Items look like this:

String StationType “StationType: [%s]” (gDavis) { davis=“station_type” }

Config your port in /etc/defaults/openhab2 as follows: (dev/vantage could also be /dev/ttyUSB2)


did this help? I’m using now OH 2.5 and it runs stable

hey does anyone currently have their weather station reporting data directly to OpenHAB using the Davis binding (not the WeatherCompany binding)?

Hi @TheJM yes I’m using the Davis Vantage Pro since around 4 years with the davis org.openhab.binding.davis-1.14.0-20190505.030809-29.jar Binding, running on OH 2.5

Are you using the WeatherLinkIP?

is there a download link for that version of the binding?

I m using the USB Port for that.
DL Link https://openhab.jfrog.io/openhab/libs-pullrequest-local/org/openhab/binding/org.openhab.binding.davis/1.14.0-SNAPSHOT/

I appreciate the link and the info! Im going to try out that binding tonight and see if I can make progress.

Got it working! The only issue i am having now is that the units are in metric and i want it to be in imperial. Is there a way to configure this in the binding? Or do i have to create a bunch of dummy items and use rules to convert them?

Did you checked this page https://www.openhab.org/docs/concepts/units-of-measurement.html there is written about the conversions. As I’m using metric I didn’t have to change anything

What is the path to the addons folder? I don’t see an addons folder in any of my samba shares.
Apparently there used to be a samba share named openHAB-share with a folder openhab2-addons.

I can’t speak to the samba shares. On the file system itself it’s /usr/share/openhab2/addons. It’s documented here.

Thanks Rich.
Why I asked is that I had the Davis Binding working then I reinstalled openHAB from scratch and now it isn’t working.
I’m not sure what I did last time to get it working. I copied the org.openhab.binding.davis-1.14.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to that folder. Looking back through my backup of the old installation I found a copy of the jar file in openHAB-share/openhab2-addons but I couldn’t find that folder. I have since found /srv/openhab2-addons and it contained the jar file so I copied it to that folder on the new installation and restarted but no luck.
Ever since installing the Davis Binding on the old and new I have been getting the following error.

[ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-binding-davis1'

Even on the old installation with it working.
I’ve now removed all copies of the jar file from my installation as well as the cfg and items files for Davis but the error is still showing in the log.
Any suggestions.