I’ve an item linked to the Network UPS Tools binding which returns the number of seconds of UPS battery power remaining. The Item definition looks like this:
Number UPS_house_runtime "UPS battery runtime [%.0fs]" {networkupstools="house:battery.runtime"}
It would be much more user-friendly to display the number of minutes remaining. I could do this with a rule that captures every update of this Item, divides it by 60 and then updates another Item with the result. That feels messy and inefficient - is there a neater way I am missing?
Ah, yes - I tried that but it just displays the figure in seconds. Perhaps the binding has to be updated to indicate that the raw unit is in seconds? Or is there a well I can tell the item definition to convert from seconds?
Javascript transform function to change the number
of minutes of CPU time from the System Info Binding
into a more readable format
eg: 2365 into '1 day 15 hours 25 minutes
The item in the items file is defined as follow:
Number LocalComputer_Cpu_SystemUptime "[JS(CPUTime.js):%s]"
and linked via PaperUI to the System uptime channel
of the System Info Thing
(function(i) {
if (i == 'NULL') { return i; }
if (i == '-') { return 'Undefined'; }
var val = parseInt(i); // The value sent by OH is a string so we parse into an integer
var days = 0; // Initialise variables
var hours = 0;
var minutes = 0;
if (val >= 1440) { // 1440 minutes in a days
days = Math.floor(val / 1440); // Number of days
val = val - (days * 1440); // Remove days from val
if (val >= 60) { // 60 minutes in an hour
hours = Math.floor(val /60); // Number of hours
val = val - (hours * 60); // Remove hours from val
minutes = Math.floor(val); // Number of minutes
var stringDays = ''; // Initialse string variables
var stringHours = '';
var stringMinutes = '';
if (days === 1) {
stringDays = '1 day '; // Only 1 day so no 's'
} else if (days > 1) {
stringDays = days + ' days '; // More than 1 day so 's'
} // If days = 0 then stringDays remains ''
if (hours === 1) {
stringHours = '1 hour '; // Only 1 hour so no 's'
} else if (hours > 1) {
stringHours = hours + ' hours '; // More than 1 hour so 's'
} // If hours = 0 then stringHours remains ''
if (minutes === 1) {
stringMinutes = '1 minute'; // Only 1 minute so no 's'
} else if (minutes > 1) {
stringMinutes = minutes + ' minutes'; // More than 1 minute so 's'
} // If minutes = 0 then stringMinutes remains ''
var returnString = stringDays + stringHours + stringMinutes
return returnString.trim(); // Removes the extraneous space at the end
var d = Math.floor(i / (24 * 60));
var h = Math.floor((i / 60) - (24 * d));
var m = Math.round(i - 60 * (24 * d + h));
var result = '';
// days
if (d > 0) {
result = result + d + ' day(s) ';
result = result + ("00" + h).substr(-2,2) + ":" + ("00" + m).substr(-2,2);
return result;
can you explain how whe can inside rule converting secondes to minutes, my goal is to send 90secondes to 1minutes30 fo exemple to somes voice assistant, i don’t want to have a finished reply but a wire to make myself , i thing is very important to doing by meself , thanks in advance