[SOLVED] Habpanel Contact question


I am using successfully the following template for indicating the state of switches:

<button class="btn" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0; background: inherit; outline: none">
<widget-icon iconset="'smarthome-set'" icon="'car_doorR'" size="32" state="itemValue('CarDrReLeft')" />
<span style="color: {{itemValue('CarDrReLeft')=='ON' ? 'white' : '#7B879C'}}">

Because the items changed to Contacts (Door contacts of the new Volvo Binding), I struggle to get the icon to reflect the state.
For the widget’s text i just changed it to

<span style="color: {{itemValue('CarDrReLeft')=='OPEN' ? 'white' : '#7B879C'}}">

and I tried to do the same on the icon, but did not succeed.

<button class="btn" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0; background: inherit; outline: none">
<widget-icon iconset="'smarthome-set'" icon="'car_doorR'" size="32" state="itemValue('CarDrReLeft')=='OPEN' ? 'white' : '#7B879C'" />
<span style="color: {{itemValue('CarDrReLeft')=='OPEN' ? 'white' : '#7B879C'}}">

any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

No one?
I can’t imagine, that no one uses contacts on habpanel


This is just a pure guess…

“Are contacts exposed to HabPanel”

Meaning, can you see the Contact item in a normal HabPanel widget?

Yes, I can select the contact item on e.g. the button widget.
And with the

the Text HL reflects the state open / closed correctly

I’ve never included the ==OPEN, I’ve always created three versions of the icon as that’s how the docs say to create variable icons…the garage example below is from a contact.

so in my case below…


<widget-icon iconset="'custom-icon'" icon="'Garage2'" size="120" state="itemState('LtGarageDrSensor2')" />

hmmm… that wouldn’t help me, because I just have one svg icon.

Thanks a lot for your help, though.

No one can help me to reflect the item state in th icon?

<widget-icon iconset="'smarthome-set'" icon="'car_doorR'" size="32" state="itemState('CarDrReLeft')=='OPEN' ? 'ON' : 'OFF'" />

Thanks so much, Yannick.

So I assume, that the following syntax means: handle OPEN like the conditions for ON (of a switch) otherwise OFF.

I have tried before

state="itemState('CarDrReLeft')=='OPEN' ? 'OPEN' : 'CLOSED'" />

but this was obviously misinterpreted…
Thank you so much!!


Fair enough.
You found one (of my numerous) gap in knowledge about programming.

The good Thing about openHAB is, that it enables people like me to look like a Programming pro (with the help of you guys @Kai, @ysc , @rlkoshak, @vzorglub) in comparison to my friends and family.