[SOLVED] HomeKit Integration - Pairing Problems (iOS 10 - iOS 14)

Had same problem on a fresh installation on RPi3.
After many attempts, it worked by adding openhab IP into the Homekit Configuration panel (Paper UI).

where did you enter the openhab IP in the homekit configuration panel? I don’t see any fields for it.

Hey Russell, check these screenshots for where to go if you are using PaperUI!


son of a gun, that worked!

Nice! Glad that got it for you!

I had a different problem, tried everything mentioned here but nothing worked. In my homekit.json the mac address was missing, thats why the following worked for me:

serhatozkara commented on 28 Apr 2017

I had the same issue on 2.0 release. Turnes out that after enabling the homekit integration, you have to restart openhab to get the JSON persistance to write the mac address. Only after that, you should do the pairing.
Steps I took:

  1. Delete pairing from the IOS home app
  2. Uninstall Homekit Integration
  3. Delete /var/lib/openhab/jsondb/homekit.json
  4. Install homekit integration addon and configure
  5. Restart openhab and check to see if /var/lib/openhab/jsondb/homekit.json has the mac address entry.
  6. Pair on IOS
  7. Profit!

Thank you so much!! Finally :slight_smile:

Thanks very much

Fresh OH 2.4 and iOS 13 / iPhone 7
i cant get Homekit to work, its frustrating.
i’ve done every step 100 times and i always end up with “openhab couldn’t be added” in iOS.


2019-11-29 07:59:19.073 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot        ] - Added accessory Stehlampe (IT)
2019-11-29 07:59:19.084 [INFO ] [pl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Resetting connections
2019-11-29 07:59:19.086 [INFO ] [com.beowulfe.hap.HomekitRoot        ] - Added accessory LED Mini Controller
2019-11-29 07:59:19.098 [INFO ] [pl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - Resetting connections
2019-11-29 07:59:19.105 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.io.homekit              ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.openhab.io.homekit.Homekit}={port=9124, service.id=432, thermostatOffMode=Off, service.bundleid=261, service.scope=bundle, thermostatCoolMode=CoolOn, component.name=org.openhab.homekit, service.config.label=HomeKit Integration, component.id=277, thermostatAutoMode=Auto, pin=031-45-157, networkInterface=, service.config.category=io, useFahrenheitTemperature=false, thermostatHeatMode=HeatOn, service.config.description.uri=io:homekit, service.pid=org.openhab.homekit} - org.openhab.io.homekit
2019-11-29 08:00:19.910 [TRACE] [pl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - READ UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 58, cap: 1024) [/]:
2019-11-29 08:00:19.912 [INFO ] [.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New homekit connection from /
2019-11-29 08:00:19.957 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 404 /identify
2019-11-29 08:00:19.970 [TRACE] [pl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - WRITE UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 69, cap: 256) [/]:
2019-11-29 08:00:27.416 [TRACE] [pl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - READ UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 125, cap: 1024) [/]:
2019-11-29 08:00:28.872 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
2019-11-29 08:00:28.880 [TRACE] [pl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - WRITE UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 513, cap: 1024) [/]:
2019-11-29 08:00:30.286 [TRACE] [pl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - READ UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 512, cap: 512) [/]:
2019-11-29 08:00:30.293 [TRACE] [pl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - READ UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 66, cap: 512) [/]:
2019-11-29 08:00:30.912 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
2019-11-29 08:00:30.915 [TRACE] [pl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - WRITE UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 172, cap: 256) [/]:
2019-11-29 08:00:31.029 [TRACE] [pl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - READ UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 280, cap: 8192) [/]:
2019-11-29 08:00:31.381 [INFO ] [ap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Re-creating service due to change in discoverability to false
2019-11-29 08:00:33.384 [INFO ] [ap.impl.jmdns.JmdnsHomekitAdvertiser] - Registering _hap._tcp.local. on port 9124
2019-11-29 08:00:33.411 [INFO ] [ap.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /pair-setup
2019-11-29 08:00:33.413 [INFO ] [.hap.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - Terminated homekit connection from /
2019-11-29 08:00:33.414 [TRACE] [pl.http.impl.NettyHomekitHttpService] - WRITE UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 244, cap: 256) [/]:
  "privateKey": {
    "class": "java.lang.String",
  "salt": {
    "class": "java.lang.String",
    "value": "43581927356803xxxxxxx8450167975672"
  "mac": {
    "class": "java.lang.String",
    "value": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"

The search function would have taken you to one of the ios13 threads. There is a updated version of the 2.4 binding available somewhere and also latest 2.5 milestone contains a fix for this issue.

In my setup, using a Synology NAS (OpenHab in a Docker Container), the following help topic from the home-assistant community helped with my pairing problems:

Create an avahi service for openhab using the MAC from homekit.json file.

$ cat /etc/avahi/services/openhab.service
  <name>OpenHab Bridge</name>
    <txt-record>md=OH Bridge</txt-record>         <!-- friendly name                 -->

    <!-- the following appear to be mandatory -->
    <txt-record>pv=1.0</txt-record>               <!-- HAP version                   -->
    <txt-record>id=00:11:22:33:44:55</txt-record> <!-- MAC (from `.homekit.state`)   -->
    <txt-record>c#=2</txt-record>                 <!-- config version                -->

    <!-- the following appear to be optional -->
    <txt-record>s#=1</txt-record>                 <!-- accessory state               -->
    <txt-record>ff=0</txt-record>                 <!-- unimportant                   -->
    <txt-record>ci=2</txt-record>                 <!-- accessory category (2=bridge) -->
    <txt-record>sf=1</txt-record>                 <!-- 0=not paired, 1=paired        -->
    <txt-record>sh=UaTxqQ==</txt-record>          <!-- setup hash (used for pairing) -->
pi@dahoam:/ $ smarthome:homekit clearPairings”
-bash: smarthome:homekit: command not found

this command needs to be executed on karaf console not on the console of the OS.

ok thx @Wolfgang_S how can I change to the Karaf console?Is it a .sh on the system?

ssh -p 8101 openhab@localhost
the password to be entered is: habopen

1 Like

ok it works now @Wolfgang_S

but it does not solve the following issue:

Sorry but although a picture may say more than 1000 words I do not understand what this picture means / what is expected to see here.

the Apple Home app says the device “openHAB” is not supported
And I don´t know why

do you have a solution now?
I have the same problem.

I have a similar Problem… After creating the homekit.items file, i can see all my shutters in homekit, however, i get a “no answer” in Homekit on the phone. Works in PaperUI, and i copied the channeld from PaperUI. Don’t know where i went wrong.
Rollershutter SZ_BT “Schlafzimmer Balkontür” [“Rollershutter”] { channel=“rfxcom:rfy:015xxxxxx:shutter” }