Currently not home.
I’ll check your tip asap…
i deleted this file and started over and worked for me
btw, i ended up using this now: it’s a plugin of homebridge for openhab2 , main thing is homebridge. it works much better:
How long did you wait ? - sometimes i do changes in my items and it takes a while to see the updates in HomeKit - so just wait a bit after u make changes
HomeKit is a bitch
The weirdest thing I remarked now is that whatever I put in “Network Interface” is immediately changed to a kind of “fallback” IP address !!!
clear your OpenHab Cache and try again
Thanks all for your tips!
BTW: How do I clear this OpenHAB cache?
This is my little Command List for noobs :
sudo /etc/init.d/openhab2 start
sudo /etc/init.d/openhab2 stop
sudo systemctl stop openhab2.service
sudo systemctl restart openhab2.service
sudo ssh openhab@localhost -p 8101
sudo openhabian-config
( Apply Improvements -> Fix Permissions )
sudo /etc/init.d/openhab2 stop
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/openhab2/cache/*
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/openhab2/tmp/*
sudo /etc/init.d/openhab2 start
Anyone tried to add an iOS 10 device to the Home from an iOS 11 device? I have done setup it works on all devices except on my old iPad which can’t be updated to iOS11. When I try to send an invite it says that this email is not associated with an Apple ID…
Thanks for sharing your noobs command list @RiotMode!
As it is made for OpenHABian on RPi, I will have to afapt it to my install on OS-X…
I am considering a dedicated RPi with OpenHABian later but first I want to make it run on my MacbookAir.
I am still comparing Homebridge and OpenHAB and not convinced yet about the reliability of OpenHAB with Apple Homekit.
I saw this tip about a Homebridge plugin for OpenHAB and should try it out…
That sounds like an ideal combination of both worlds!
I’ll try it out as soon as I can make some time…
it stopped working with ios12 - i tried the beta. can anyone confirm this?
I reset everything in the console and can see the openHab Homekit-Item but it fails to add it …
Hello Ersin,
i installed the homebridge-openhab2 on me Raspberry Pi3 Homebridge Server, but i can’t see any items in my Home App on my iPhone.
Can you explain me or show me your config, how you did that?
Thanks a lot.
dont occupy my thread with homebridge questions, open up a new one please!
this should be a topic without homebridge infos , otherwise it starts to get complicated for (new) users to follow!
my is working absolutely fine without homebridge - keep in mind , every plugin you install on your rasp. is slowing down the device! so keep it clean as possible…
thank you!
Hello Philipp,
thank you very much. I uninstalled the openHab2 Bridge on my Raspberry again and just installed the openHAB2 Homekit Support. After i set up the Homekit Tags via REST API everything works fine for me.
Best regards
thanks man , nice to hear that and much fun with it
This is maddening. I cannot make Homekit work on my Raspberry Pi. I’ve tried everything in here.
cleared Pairings, allowed unauthenticated, cleared out the homekit.json file, using a new code, i’ve tried reinstalling the whole openhabian image… nothing seems to work.
do you even see “openhab” on homekit ?
I do. It shows up as an available device/accessory. It hangs for a couple minutes while it tries to connect to the device, then fails.
and whats in the log ?
2018-08-21 22:29:13.065 [WARN ] [homekit.internal.HomekitAuthInfoImpl] - Could not find existing MAC in Generating new MAC. This will require re-pairing of iOS devices.
EDIT: Looks like this line above is just from me trying to clear the pairings.
there’s also a ton of this in various places:
2018-08-21 22:29:50.303 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:wemo_switch_Noisermaker_Homekit in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
2018-08-21 22:29:50.319 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key _tags:wemo_switch_ChristmasTree_Homekit in ManagedMetadataProviderImpl, because it does not exists.
Same error on a handful of devices where THING_Homekit is throwing errors.
I can’t find any errors or even reaction when I try to pair in the log.