Hello guys,
I’m trying to set up a BME280 Temperature, Pressure and Humidity sensor to readout on OpenHab2. I have been playing with the set u for a few days but fail to get the sensor readings to display in OH…any pointers and do i have to process the sensor data somewhere and pass it on to OH or can the mqtt read the data and separate it automatically within OH?
This it the ESP-01 consol out put from the BME280 (ESP-01 running Tasmota and set up as a generic module with SDA and SCL on GPIO0 and GPIO2) and outputs readings every 5 minutes:
06:29:24 MQT: tele/mastertemp/STATE = {"Time":"2018-05-17T06:29:24","Uptime":"0T00:40:17","Vcc":3.555,"Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"ChrisS7","RSSI":96,"APMac":"62:F1:89:56:90:BC"}}
06:29:24 MQT: tele/mastertemp/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-05-17T06:29:24","BME280":{"Temperature":23.2,"Humidity":70.6,"Pressure":1016.3},"TempUnit":"C"}
Here is my Sitemap settings:
Text item=Sensor_MasterTemperature label="Master Temperature" icon="temperature"
Text item=Sensor_MasterHumidity label="Master Humidity" icon="humidity"
Text item=Sensor_MasterPressure label="Master Pressure" icon="pressure"
Here is my Items file:
Number Sensor_MasterTemperature "Master Bedroom [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gSensorTemperature) { mqtt="<[broker:tele/mastertemp/sensor:state:default]" }
Number Sensor_MasterHumidity "Master Bedroom [%.1f %%]" <humidity> (gSensorHumidity) { mqtt="<[broker:tele/mastertemp/sensor:state:default]" }
Number Sensor_MasterPressure "Master Bedroom [%.1f bar]" <pressure> (gSensorPressure) { mqtt="<[broker:tele/mastertemp/sensor:state:default]" }
Here is the SONOFF module Info page:
MQTT Host "my ddns/ip address
MQTT Port 1883
MQTT Client & Fallback Topic DVES_CFCC3E
MQTT User openhabian
MQTT Topic mastertemp
MQTT Group Topic sonoffs
MQTT Full Topic cmnd/mastertemp/
Also monitoring MQTT.fx and subscribed to the topic: “tele/mastertemp/SENSOR” I see this output every 5 minutes:
Any assistance would save the last few hairs that I have left
Than you & regards