I have 3 Mi Gateways, 2 I can connect to OpenHab, the third one does not connect. All are “round” versions. It may has something todo that on the third one I enabled the developer mode AFTER I updated the firmware.
Works with OpenHab2
Works with OpenHab2
OpenHab2 cannot find it
Also maybe interesting, I noticed that on the two gateways that work the printing on the back is “fatter”. When you compare the printings the gateway that does not work has a much thinner printing, you can easily recognize it on the three logos at the bottom.
It works for the Mija Gateway V2, but we use the Mija Multi Mode Gateway V3 (Model ZNDMWG03LM).
Can you pleae show where you connected the pins since the platine is different and has different connectors.
Were you really able to open the port for this multi mode gateway?
Thanks in advance!
I now read almost all of this thread and I think it contains a lot of useful information but a lot of people seem to mix things up, or maybe I am the only one with this problem…
The correct answer to the original question got already answered and is beautifully summarized with a step by step guide with pictures in post #266
This answer is valid for the “Xiaomi Mijia Gateway V2” and should be marked as the answer to this topic so that everybody sees it instantly.
Then there are a lot of people commenting regarding the “Aqara Gateway” and it’s ssh access. The gateway looks almost the same from the outside and uses the same app but IS NOT the “Xiaomi Mijia Gateway V2” the original question was aimed add.
And now there are more and more people commenting regarding the “Xiaomi Mijia Multimode Gateway 3” which is a new version of the Xiaomi Mijia Gateway. This also adds to the confusion because everybody is posting criss-cross.
I think I would be good if new threads get started for the “Xiaomi Mijia Multimode Gateway 3” and “Aqara Gateway” to discuss those in their own topics?
This would make things easier for everybody in my opinion and people with this issue do not need to read > 300 posts to find the one post with the answer to the original question.
“Xiaomi Mijia Gateway V2” = directly plugged in power socket, MIJIA Logo in the center
“Xiaomi Mijia Multimode Gateway 3” = power via a Micro-USB cable, , MIJIA Logo in the center
“Aqara Gateway” = directly plugged in power socket, AQARA Logo in the center
Just a quick reminder to check the zigbee2mqtt project.
Maybe some of you could save a lot of time solving their issue by by-passing the gateway to pair item in Openhab using a CC2531 USB dongle and the zigbee2mqtt project.
but during soldering I removed the point of copper of TX, anyone with a multimeter could identify an other entry point for TX (there’s a lot of TPxx point on the board)
Hi, I’m trying to edit my Mi Home V3 gateway.
I have the token, have managed to enable telnet (php miio-cli.php --ip --token **** --sendcmd ‘{“id”:0,“method”:“enable_telnet_service”, “params”:}’)
Then i telnet
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I am trying to test your OTA trick with my lumi gateway lmuk01. I had it all working before but had to do a reset, and this caused me to lose ssh. I burnt off my soldering connection point on the board, so would like to try your OTA method. Any help on the steps would be great! I downloaded both miio software and the python-miio software. with miiocli I can see the info of the device. I also have the token (which I got from the hacked android app).