[Solved] Snapshot #930 not starting properly

Yepp, same here … but after clean up everything is running fine now…

You mean manually starting all the bundles (in addition to deleting out tmp and cache)?

Did it survive a restart?

My Sonos binding appears to be stuck at “starting” so wonder if that might be what’s causing my issues?

No, just deleting tmp and cache, then restarting solved the problems for me.

Giving that a try now. Do your shutdowns take quite a while? Starting to think that I might need to do a purge / reinstall in case I have any garbage hanging out there…

Make sure to re-create the tmp folder as it has to exist (but can be empty).

I just deleted the contents, so good there. Thanks.

Shutdown is the same time than before, but starting is a lot slower than builds > around 930 …

My shutdowns take a lot longer here the last few months…Still starting up to see if it activates all the bundles this time. Log is much cleaner, so hopefully…

It is always created automatically…

Edit: disregard: I also only delete the contents … sorry

Looks better. Most the bindings are showing active (just some fragments resolved ?)

I can get into habmin but it won’t start PaperUI?

Those always stay at resolved

Thanks for confirming

Give it some more minutes or start manually if too impatient :grinning:

Sorry, it is showing it as Active in Karaf but I can’t open it. I’m also getting errors with the REST api (though can view it) and Basic isn’t letting me open it.

Edit. Actually, I was looking at habpanel. The bundle isn’t showing in Karaf. I’ll see if I can reload it.

Just checked at my installation: both are working … :sunglasses:

Just uninstalled/reinstalled them and they are working.

Looks like I’m fully back up and running. Thanks for the help!!


Glad to hear that!

You and me both :wink:


It does indeed! Before the new version is installed this script is run.

Upgraded to #944, seems smooth and stable. Thanks for the final fix!

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