[SOLVED] Two new Z-Wave devices added to database not showing/working

One doubt, the “Product Data in XML Format” that I can download right here, is it the XML that I should put into a new device I create?

Because I did that and it’s always showing me the “error” message.

Please read Blog Posts.


Automatic entry of data is performed by uploading the node XML files that are automatically produced by openHAB directly to the database system. These files are generated by openHAB when it performs device discovery and contains all the information on supported command classes and their configuration.

File location is .../zwave/network_....xml.

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Ok I finally just added the device, the Unique Reference is iomastrollerbli. Here’s the link

Now it’s a matter of waiting for this to be reviewed, right?

Great. I would recommend to shorten the device description (" SimonTech S.L.U S100 iO Master Roller Blind Master Roller Blind IO is ready to operate with Z-Wave controllers and configured to be managed by Simon100 IO APP using the HUB plug IO for getting a") a little bit. :slight_smile: And don’t forget to press the “Request Review” button to trigger the reviewer.

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The one you added is using a dimmer channel. Is that what you want?

I’ve imported the XML generated after I added the device. I would think this would be a “blinds” channel not “dimmer”, but if this is what the XML had, I have to suppose this is the right one or am I missing something?

Also, the other parameters I’ve copied from the blinds device. Should I check them somewhere?

Not an area that I have studied deeply. However, I do know that sometimes the default channel from the OH generated XML is not the best. A quick look at a few blind devices; some have “dimmer”, but some have “blinds control”. Both have a percent property, but the “blinds_control” has a “stop/move” and “up/down” property also. I don’t have any of these devices, so cannot give a definitive answer, but IMO I think you could change to blinds_control without a problem. Another alternative would be to add a blinds_control channel to the multiswitch CC, but I don’t know if that might mess something up. The advantage of that would be that you could try either (once the device is approved) and see what works best for you.

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This seems definitely like a good aproach and then fix the one that works best!

How could I do that though? :smiley:

In edit mode on that tab look for the add endpoint. Use the same command class as dimmer.

edit: oops that was from memory that must be failing. look for “New Channel” within the same CC

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Awesome, just did it. Now it’s a matter of waiting! :slight_smile:

I know there is a place to download the snapshot sooner instead of waiting for OH updates. Do you know where is it?

openHAB-ZWave [Jenkins]

See [SOLVED] Two new Z-Wave devices added to database not showing/working - #2 by apella12.

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@apella12 Guys, I need your help.

I’ve added this other device using all proper proceedures step-by-step. I was the one adding other devices such as this one and it all works like a charm, so it’s not my first time successfully adding a new device.

Now, problem is, this device that I’ve now added twice, I am not being able for it to be added correct apparently, because in this documentation we can clearly see COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE and that one is never showing in the XML when I view it, so when I import the XML, it does not appear in the Endpoint.

Is there any way for me to add that missing command? Is it even necessary? If not, what am I doing wrong for the system not to find the device?

I am getting a little bit crazy with this here… :frowning:

I’m confused. Is this a new issue? I see the links to two devices that work like a “charm”, but not the one that was added twice. Can you post the xml with the problem device?

Also I think the blog on the DB website covers your scenario?

No, it’s still related to the very same issue, unfortunately.

No, actually the first one (this one) is not working and it’s the one associated with the documentation I shared on the link above.

The second link yes, it’s one example of a device I’ve previously added successfully and it’s working fine.

Regarding the XML for the device when it syncs with OpenHAB, here it is:

<associationGroups class="concurrent-hash-map">
<endpoints class="concurrent-hash-map">
<supportedCommandClasses class="concurrent-hash-map">
<lastReceived>2023-09-20 05:06:39.54 UTC</lastReceived>

Information on this XML is actually different from the information I see on the oficial documentation for the device (regarding versions) so now I actually changed that to what is in the documentation instead of leaving the information as it is in the XML file (since that didn’t seemed to work).

I’ve done that and I found no help for my case.

What am I missing here eventually?

Thank you in advance!

I’m still not getting it. So what is “not working” after one year; the blinds? What are you trying to do?

During inclusion the device advertises its CC in the NIF frame. If the Central Scene CC is not advertised, I’m sure what to do. Note that your docs have a parameter 28 and 29, not in the DB. Maybe that would help?

Also noted a nearly identical device in the DB with the label (2003)

We are probably not looking into the same things then.

The device I am talking about is the SimonTech S.L.U 10002081-13X S100 iO Master Roller Blind, not the SimonTech S.L.U 1000X080-XXX S100 iO Roller Blind (2023). This second one I just added recently and I hope it’s correct (haven’t even tested yet because reviewer didn’t even had time to do anything since I just very recently added it).

The first one, the “Master Roller Blind” device is one I’ve added once in the past and then I later added again. The one I previously added and I already clicked multiple times in “Mark Deleted” (NOT WORKING) is this one: SimonTech S.L.U 10000306-039 IO Master Simon 100 (I need this one deleted from the database because it’s a previous duplicate from the one I’ve then added afterwards, maybe there’s some kind of conflict here).

The way this “Master Roller Blind” actually works is: it connects with a Hub from Simon and that Hub then receives the commands from the device and sends z-wave commands to other devices, setup in their APP to interact however the user wants to.

In my case, I do not have a Hub because that’s what OpenHAB is used for, so I don’t need to use their APP at all.

But I am not even being able for OH to recognize the device at all and that’s the problem here.

I would open a ticket on the DB to remove. Only the DB admin can remove a device.

Also you can’t add a device with the same number, so this I do not understand this:

EDIT: maybe this will help.

Devices are recognized by the MFG:TYPE:ID string. There are 4 entries of blinds for MFG 0267 (SimonTech) and all have different TYPE:ID, so there are no duplicates. 1) For instance, for your XML that device is 0267:0106:0000. 2) The one you want to delete is 0267:0005:0000. 3) The 2003 one is 0267:0102:0000 and 4) there is an older(?) one with many pairs after the 0267. (0004:0000,0004:0022,0004:0063,0004:0091,0004:0092,0004:0093,0004:0094,0004:0177). All appear nearly identical. If a new device is identical to one in the DB, you can just add the new TYPE:ID pair like was done in the last device I referenced. No upload necessary.

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Thank you so much for your help!

What if there are different versions on the parameters classes? Does that matter or not?

If the parameters are different, it should be a new device.

Besides the XML posted (0267:0106:0000), how many SimonTech blinds controllers do you have? Also looking at the UI (or the XMLs in the Userdata/Zwave folder) what are the TYPE:IDs ? Just trying to get a handle on your situation.

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If we are talking about these Masters, 7 units. If we are really talking about normal blinds controllers, 26 controllers.

For this Master, in the “Unknown” device disconvered I see 0 as deviceid.