[SOLVED] Weatherflow Smart Weather Station binding


I just uploaded a new version of the weather calculations binding… I think it’s getting pretty close to being “done”. The only thing I am unsure about is the pressure trend calculation. The weather has been consistently stormy the last week or two, so the pressure hasn’t changed much.

More details about what’s new are listed over at the Weather Calculations thread:

I got my Sky permanently mounted last weekend, and it seems to be working well. I’m logging data using the influxdb persistence module and then graphing the data using grafana. I’m pretty pleased with the individual pieces, but haven’t prepared a nice habpanel display (yet?)

I am working on making the Weatherflow binding ready for internationalization… getting all of the strings extracted so that translations into languages besides english are possible. I might have that finished this weekend. I made a new (unannounced build) the other day, feel free to give it a try, or just wait for the next one later this weekend!

The other big thing I’d like to take care of handling wind, precipitation and lightning events. It seems to me that the best way to handle this is through the use of custom “events”, which are similar to the events that OpenHAB already uses to handle things like item state changes.

I’ve got some preliminary work on that working and sending events, and they bubble up to things like PaperUI. So, while the framework supports transmitting them, none of the UIs, nor the default Rules engine know how to do anything with them (yet). I’m going to try to see how much work it would take to close that gap. I hope won’t be much, since they all operate in terms of /other types/ of events.

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