[SOLVED] Weatherflow Smart Weather Station binding

Thanks again @sjcliffe

Does your rrd4j look like:

Rain_Accumulated : strategy = everyUpdate, restoreOnStartup

No, it looks like:

Strategies {
    // for rrd charts, we need a cron strategy
    everyMinute : "0 * * * * ?"
Items {
    // which data to be stored
    Dining_Temperature, Temperature_Outside, Rain_Accumulated, Garage_Water : strategy = everyMinute

If you update this you might need to remove the relevant rrd file to force it to be recreated with the appropriate storage buckets.

Thanks, I’ll try this and see what happens :slight_smile:


I see there’s been quite a bit of conversation on this topic over the past few months (that I wasn’t aware of).

A few items that might be of interest:

  1. The reason the Tempest doesn’t work out of the box is because the new hardware uses a different set of messages to broadcast its observations. I don’t think this was strictly necessary, but what’s done is done. Unfortunately, I don’t have a Tempest, so adding support is more of an effort than it would be otherwise, and I haven’t had a lot of time to invest in the task, but I hope to get around to it eventually. That said, a lot of the code could be swiped from the Air/Sky support and I’d be happy to accept patches or work with anyone interested in tackling it themselves.

  2. There are a number of fields broadcast by the physical devices that aren’t present because they’re calculated by the weather flow cloud service and are only present in the physical broadcasts because they share a common schema. These include things like cumulative rain, sea level pressure, etc.

  3. I wrote a separate binding called “Weather calculations” that provides a number of these calculations. Cumulative rain isn’t one of them, but I think it would be easy to add, if there’s interest.

  4. I personally use influxdb rather than rrd for my persistence store, and I do know that it’s possible to do aggregated queries there. Happy to provide some more detail there if anyone is interested.


1 Like

Hello all-

I’ve put together a new release of my binding for Weatherflow Smart Weather stations.

Changes since the previous version from 08/2019:

  • Initial attempt at support for Tempest sensors. I don’t have one myself, so this will likely not work out of the gate
  • Rainfall should have 2 decimal places in UIs (though since it is not a cumulative measurement, this is likely something most folks will never see)
  • A few minor fixes for OpenHAB 2.5
  • Removed a few channels that don’t really work in local environments (local day rainfall, for example)

You may need to remove any items linked against this binding in order for the display changes to take effect
 they seem to be checked only at item creation time.

I’m happy to hear bug reports from Tempest users. Note that I’ll need debug logs for this binding in order to be of any assistance. I recommend reading this thread to see how to do that. Also, this is an effort for which I have sporadic time available, so it may take some time to make progress on this.

To upgrade from a previous version, please uninstall the existing version by removing the jar from your addons directory and then using the bundle:uninstall /weatherflowbundleid/ command in the openhab client:

openhab> bundle:list | grep Smart
289 | Active |  80 |     | openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Weatherflow Smart Weather Binding
openhab> bundle:uninstall 289

It may also be worth the effort to restart openhab, as there are sometimes leftover bits running afterward.

You can find the new version here:


As always, comments and suggestions are welcome!


One or two other things I forgot to mention:

  1. I’ve added support for “today’s rainfall” and “yesterday’s rainfall” to my Weather Calculations binding. I’m still testing that out but hope to have that available in the next day or two, so stay tuned!

  2. I put together a simple HABPanel widget that displays rapid wind data. It’s got some limitations and the presentation is about as bare bones as it can be, but it does show how to to get the data into HABPanel. If there are any javascript experts out there who could work on the shortcomings, that would be great!

Here’s a page that has some instructions and the contents of the files you’ll need to make (sorry I don’t have a simpler download available):

Also, the newest version of the Weather Calculations binding is available here:


Feel free to drop me a note if you have any questions!



Hi Bill,
I installed the new Calculations binding but am getting 0.0cm for rain.
AFAYK is it currently working?


Yes, I’m currently using this binding to handle my daily rain accumulation, and it does appear to be working correctly. Do you have the correct source item set up? It should report increments of rainfall (that is, each time the item changes, the value will be added to the tally of rain.) Are you using a weatherflow station? If so, you don’t want to use the daily rain accumulation item, as that doesn’t actually work.


Hi Bill,
Thanks for reply.
I am using an original weatherflow air and sky setup.
I was using


Can you advise which channel I should be monitoring from the weatherflow devices?


That looks okay
 I’m using the rain accumulated value here, and it looks correct (here’s the “Rain Today” value exported to InfluxDB/Grafana):

Do you have any indication that you’re getting rain reports? You could try injecting some fake data on the rain accumulated item, to see if it’s getting rolled up onto the Weather Calculations item something like this:

openhab> items list |grep Rain
SmartWeatherSky_RainAccumulated (Type=NumberItem, State=0.0 in, Label=Rain Accumulated, Category=Rain)
WeatherCalculations_RainToday (Type=NumberItem, State=0.0 in, Label=Rain Today, Category=Number)
WeatherCalculations_RainYesterday (Type=NumberItem, State=0.01254503937007873779527559055118110 in, Label=Rain Yesterday, Category=Number)
openhab> smarthome:update SmartWeatherSky_RainAccumulated 0.001
Update has been sent successfully.
openhab> items list |grep Rain
SmartWeatherSky_RainAccumulated (Type=NumberItem, State=0.001 in, Label=Rain Accumulated, Category=Rain)
WeatherCalculations_RainToday (Type=NumberItem, State=0.00100 in, Label=Rain Today, Category=Number)
WeatherCalculations_RainYesterday (Type=NumberItem, State=0.01254503937007873779527559055118110 in, Label=Rain Yesterday, Category=Number)

Note that after updating the rain accumulated item, my RainToday item has a value it didn’t have previously. If that works, I would then wonder if your rain accumulated item is set up correctly, or if your weather station is reporting rain. You could remove the rain item and recreate it, just to be sure.


Hi Bill,

I just got my Tempest system in on Monday and installed your binding yesterday. The Hub works fine but I cannot get the Tempest to work yet. The Hub gets added to my inbox but the Tempest can only be added manually. It gets assigned an ID when created (do I need to change this?) but none of the channels are working, all items show -NaN.

Any ideas or suggestions?



The Tempest should be automatically detected when it broadcasts a report
 that might take a minute or two. If you can give me a few minutes of logs, I might be able to offer some concrete suggestions. Best to turn debug logging on through the openhab console using these commands:

log:set TRACE org.openhab.binding.weatherflowsmartweather

You should (hopefully) see messages about the discovery process within a minute or so.


how to install this openhab-binding-weatherflowsmartweather binding?

i always get

2020-11-19 19:14:40.737 [WARN ] [org.apache.felix.fileinstall        ] - Error while starting bundle: file:/usr/share/openhab2/addons/org.openhab.binding.weatherflowsmartweather-2.5.11-SNAPSHOT.jar
Failed installing 'openhab-binding-weatherflowsmartweather'


What version of openhab are you running? If there was a failure, there should be more information in the log file about that. Can you check and see what might be going wrong?


Hi Bill,

After another restart of Openhab, the Tempest got detected. I created new items for the different channels but they still show as NaN, even after half an hour and another restart. Here’s a few minutes of log file:

2020-11-20 09:07:34.378 [INFO ] [.SmartWeatherStationDiscoveryService] - Already have thing with ID=<weatherflowsmartweather:tempest:HB-00026861:ST-00017906>
2020-11-20 09:07:34.380 [WARN ] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UdpServer.Listener org.openhab.binding.weatherflowsmartweather.internal.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl$1@99558a threw an exception: null
2020-11-20 09:07:37.203 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:07:37.207 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859655E9, 1.88, 170.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:07:37.208 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:07:37.714 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:07:37.717 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176556, rssi=-36, timestamp=1605859655, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17641] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:07:37.718 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:07:40.204 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:07:40.207 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859658E9, 2.28, 178.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:07:40.209 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:07:43.237 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:07:43.244 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859661E9, 2.64, 188.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:07:43.248 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:07:46.204 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:07:46.211 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859664E9, 2.37, 183.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:07:46.216 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:07:47.719 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:07:47.727 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176566, rssi=-36, timestamp=1605859665, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17642] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:07:47.731 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:07:49.199 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:07:49.251 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859667E9, 1.79, 201.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:07:49.255 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:07:52.199 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:07:52.205 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.60585967E9, 2.15, 197.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:07:52.209 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:07:55.198 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:07:55.203 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859673E9, 2.28, 206.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:07:55.208 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:07:57.723 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:07:57.729 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176576, rssi=-37, timestamp=1605859675, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17643] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:07:57.734 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:07:58.197 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:07:58.203 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859676E9, 2.1, 202.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:07:58.207 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:01.198 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:01.204 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859679E9, 1.97, 204.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:01.208 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:04.340 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:04.345 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859682E9, 1.74, 223.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:04.349 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:07.340 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:07.346 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859685E9, 1.43, 214.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:07.351 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:07.728 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:07.733 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176586, rssi=-35, timestamp=1605859685, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17644] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:07.737 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:08:10.195 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:10.201 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859688E9, 1.97, 201.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:10.205 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:13.194 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:13.200 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859691E9, 1.92, 192.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:13.204 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:16.194 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:16.199 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859694E9, 1.43, 210.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:16.203 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:17.732 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:17.737 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176596, rssi=-35, timestamp=1605859695, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17645] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:17.742 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:08:19.191 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:19.197 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859697E9, 0.8, 149.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:19.201 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:22.190 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:22.196 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.6058597E9, 1.12, 158.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:22.200 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:25.192 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:25.197 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859703E9, 1.56, 165.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:25.202 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:27.735 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:27.740 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176606, rssi=-34, timestamp=1605859705, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17646] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:27.744 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:08:28.192 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:28.198 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859706E9, 1.43, 169.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:28.202 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:31.192 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:31.197 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859709E9, 1.21, 195.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:31.201 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:34.308 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:34.311 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859712E9, 1.65, 175.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:34.314 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:34.361 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:34.364 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message DeviceStatusMessage{hub_sn='HB-00026861', timestamp=1605859712, uptime=177368, firmware_revision=134, rssi=-75, hub_rssi=-74, voltage=2.59, sensor_status=0, debug=0, type='device_status', serial_number='ST-00017906'} for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:34.367 [DEBUG] [.SmartWeatherStationDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:tempest:HB-00026861:ST-00017906.
2020-11-20 09:08:34.370 [INFO ] [.SmartWeatherStationDiscoveryService] - Already have thing with ID=<weatherflowsmartweather:tempest:HB-00026861:ST-00017906>
2020-11-20 09:08:34.372 [WARN ] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UdpServer.Listener org.openhab.binding.weatherflowsmartweather.internal.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl$1@99558a threw an exception: null
2020-11-20 09:08:34.531 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:34.535 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message ObservationTempestMessage{hub_sn='HB-00026861', obs=[[1.605859712E9, 0.8, 1.79, 2.64, 189.0, 3.0, 1034.24, 4.96, 92.53, 7854.0, 0.58, 65.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.589, 1.0]], firmware_revision=134, serial_number='ST-00017906'} for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:37.224 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:37.230 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859715E9, 1.74, 182.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:37.235 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:37.742 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:37.748 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176616, rssi=-38, timestamp=1605859715, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17647] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:37.752 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:08:40.187 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:40.192 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859718E9, 1.16, 175.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:40.196 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:43.183 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:43.186 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859721E9, 1.92, 184.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:43.189 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:46.184 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:46.190 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859724E9, 1.48, 177.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:46.195 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:47.747 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:47.751 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176626, rssi=-36, timestamp=1605859725, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17648] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:47.755 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:08:49.183 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:49.189 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859727E9, 2.37, 161.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:49.193 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:52.183 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:52.190 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.60585973E9, 2.59, 166.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:52.194 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:55.182 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:55.188 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859733E9, 1.65, 196.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:55.192 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:08:57.751 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:57.758 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176636, rssi=-36, timestamp=1605859735, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17649] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:57.763 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:08:58.181 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:08:58.188 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859736E9, 1.97, 166.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:08:58.192 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:01.181 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:01.186 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859739E9, 2.37, 183.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:01.190 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:04.183 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:04.188 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859742E9, 2.5, 187.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:04.193 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:07.180 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:07.185 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859745E9, 2.41, 188.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:07.189 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:07.756 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:07.759 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176646, rssi=-35, timestamp=1605859745, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17650] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:07.761 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:09:10.180 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:10.184 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859748E9, 2.06, 190.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:10.187 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:13.213 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:13.219 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859751E9, 1.79, 194.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:13.223 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:16.175 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:16.180 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859754E9, 1.88, 190.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:16.184 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:17.759 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:17.764 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176656, rssi=-37, timestamp=1605859755, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17651] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:17.771 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:09:19.214 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:19.219 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859757E9, 1.56, 184.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:19.223 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:22.176 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:22.182 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.60585976E9, 0.89, 147.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:22.187 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:25.174 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:25.181 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859763E9, 1.52, 168.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:25.185 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:27.764 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:27.769 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176666, rssi=-35, timestamp=1605859765, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17652] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:27.773 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:09:28.175 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:28.179 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859766E9, 1.48, 179.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:28.183 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:31.174 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:31.179 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859769E9, 2.41, 190.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:31.182 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:34.259 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:34.264 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859772E9, 1.74, 186.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:34.267 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:34.295 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:34.300 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message DeviceStatusMessage{hub_sn='HB-00026861', timestamp=1605859772, uptime=177428, firmware_revision=134, rssi=-75, hub_rssi=-74, voltage=2.59, sensor_status=0, debug=0, type='device_status', serial_number='ST-00017906'} for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:34.304 [DEBUG] [.SmartWeatherStationDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:tempest:HB-00026861:ST-00017906.
2020-11-20 09:09:34.308 [INFO ] [.SmartWeatherStationDiscoveryService] - Already have thing with ID=<weatherflowsmartweather:tempest:HB-00026861:ST-00017906>
2020-11-20 09:09:34.311 [WARN ] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UdpServer.Listener org.openhab.binding.weatherflowsmartweather.internal.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl$1@99558a threw an exception: null
2020-11-20 09:09:34.464 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:34.469 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message ObservationTempestMessage{hub_sn='HB-00026861', obs=[[1.605859772E9, 0.89, 1.87, 2.59, 180.0, 3.0, 1034.24, 4.99, 93.12, 7989.0, 0.58, 67.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.591, 1.0]], firmware_revision=134, serial_number='ST-00017906'} for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:37.170 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:37.176 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859775E9, 2.1, 182.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:37.180 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:37.772 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:37.778 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176676, rssi=-37, timestamp=1605859775, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17653] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:37.782 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:09:40.172 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:40.177 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859778E9, 1.88, 176.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:40.181 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:43.168 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:43.173 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859781E9, 1.25, 182.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:43.177 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:46.171 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:46.177 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859784E9, 1.3, 178.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:46.182 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:47.775 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:47.780 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176686, rssi=-34, timestamp=1605859785, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17654] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:47.784 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:09:49.167 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:49.172 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859787E9, 1.65, 175.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:49.176 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:52.165 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:52.170 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.60585979E9, 2.15, 189.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:52.173 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:55.166 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:55.172 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859793E9, 2.01, 180.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:55.177 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:09:57.779 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:57.784 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176696, rssi=-34, timestamp=1605859795, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17655] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:57.789 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:09:58.165 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:09:58.170 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859796E9, 2.77, 192.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:09:58.174 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:10:01.168 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:10:01.173 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859799E9, 2.59, 194.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:10:01.177 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:10:04.164 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:10:04.170 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859802E9, 2.15, 193.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:10:04.174 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:10:07.161 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:10:07.167 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859805E9, 2.19, 180.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:10:07.172 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:10:07.784 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:10:07.789 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176706, rssi=-35, timestamp=1605859805, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17656] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:10:07.793 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:10:10.162 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:10:10.168 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859808E9, 1.97, 176.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:10:10.172 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:10:13.199 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:10:13.205 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859811E9, 2.24, 173.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:10:13.209 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:10:16.162 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:10:16.168 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859814E9, 1.88, 193.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:10:16.172 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.
2020-11-20 09:10:17.788 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:10:17.794 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message HubStatusV30Message [firmware_revision=147, uptime=176716, rssi=-34, timestamp=1605859815, reset_flags=BOR,PIN,POR, seq=17657] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:10:17.798 [DEBUG] [nternal.SmartWeatherDiscoveryService] - Got discovered device: weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00026861.
2020-11-20 09:10:19.164 [DEBUG] [atherflowsmartweather.util.UdpServer] - UDP Server received datagram: java.net.DatagramPacket@141fe2
2020-11-20 09:10:19.169 [DEBUG] [l.SmartWeatherUDPListenerServiceImpl] - Sending message EventRapidWindMessage [firmware_revision=0, hub_sn=HB-00026861, device_id=0, ob=[1.605859817E9, 1.79, 196.0], serial_number=ST-00017906] for  3 listeners.
2020-11-20 09:10:19.174 [WARN ] [ather.handler.SmartWeatherHubHandler] - rapid wind observation but not for us.

Please check if the feature “openhab-core-automation” is installed an active. Use Karaf console to check: Karaf> feature:list | grep openhab-core-automation. If this feature ist not installed, you need to do it manually: Karaf> feature:install openhab-core-automation. After installation of this feature you can install the weatherflow-bindung without any problem.

If have the same problem with my new Tempest. UDF Server fires an exeption and no Data is sent to the items. There is always a “NaN”.
Here is a part of my logfile:
openhab.log (523 Bytes)

Hi @delco and @Curly:

Oh, yes
 it’s true that core automation is required, but it’s strange that it might not already installed on OpenHAB 2.5, since the rules engine is a core feature of 2.5.

The good news is that the tempest messages are being decoded and sent to on, that was a big part of the uncertainty I had when I added Tempest support.

I also think I see the problem: there was one additional thing that needed to be wired up for the messages to make it to your Tempest things. I’ve added that and have a new version of the binding jar. Can you drop it in place of the one you’re already using and see if it makes a difference? You might also want to restart your openhab just to make sure the old version is properly cleared out.

Also, thanks to both of you for sending your log files. They were helpful in pointing out where things were going wrong.


Hello Bill,
that new Binding is running like a charm. :slight_smile: Thanks for your quick response und your good work.

Hello, the values of the hub are not displayed
how often they are updated?

What is the wind lull value? What does it show?