[SOLVED] Weatherflow Smart Weather Station binding


These messages sometimes happen when you reload a new version of the binding. They’re probably “zombies” from the previous versions and will go away if you restart openhab.

Ok works, just why the HUB does not update values?

Also I’m getting

[WARN ] [ore.internal.thing.ThingTypeResource] - Cannot find channel type: weatherflowsmartweather:local_day_rain_accumulation

Was this channel removed from API?

Interesting… my hub updates, but I don’t think I’ve updated the channels on the hub widget since I added Unit of Measurement support. I’ll need to look into that a bit.

local_day_rain_accumulation was removed a while back because it’s only available through the “cloud” API. That is, the local hub only knows about individual increments of rain occurring and something else is needed to tally the total up.

Can I use the 2.4 version of this in my 2.5m2 openhab? I have tried both versions and neither seems to load in paperui. Any ideas as to what might be causing it? Running my openhab on windows 10. Where can i get the latest version that is working?


error in log:

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.weatherflowsmartweather [269]
Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.openhab.core.automation


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The newer version should work on 2.5M2, but you probably need to install the new (experimental) rules addon, as the Weatherflow binding includes triggers that can be used with it (and openhab doesn’t seem to understand how to install dependencies, or I don’t understand how to trigger their installation.)

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Hi again.
I had to travel to the US for a meeting, and am now coming home with a Weatherflow system :raised_hands::raised_hands:

I will be trying to install my system in coming days. Anyone from Australia with suggestions for mounting hardware?

Of course, once I have it up and running, the first thing I will do is integrate with OH using this binding. Thanks for creating it!

NEW Kickstarter campain! I’m only a user but I have 3 sets of previous weather stations already from Weatherflow and can’t do anything else than recommend it!

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Can someone please help me suppress the log messages (there are too many). I’m not sure I’m identifying the correct package.subpackage. I’d like to only see error messages.

Much appreciated…

Any help is appreciated here. I verified that the symbolic name for the bundle is:

However, issuing the command from Karaf seems to have no effect on the logging level. I’m running OH 2.5 and the binding is

Command issued is :
log:set OFF org.openhab.binding.weatherflowsmartweather

I’m getting an overload of RapidWindEvents even though their 0.0 m/s


What kind of messages do you get actually? Can you provide some log sample?

Here are some examples, the logs get quite busy and it’s why I’m asking if there is a way (see my previous post) to set the log level to suppress these messages.

14:42:48.167 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:42:45.000-06:00, windDirection=296.0 °, windSpeed=0.85 m/s}'.
14:42:50.848 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:42:47.000-06:00, windDirection=0.0 °, windSpeed=0.0 m/s}'.
14:42:54.144 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:42:51.000-06:00, windDirection=106.0 °, windSpeed=0.63 m/s}'.
14:42:57.873 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:42:54.000-06:00, windDirection=106.0 °, windSpeed=0.58 m/s}'.
14:42:59.748 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:42:56.000-06:00, windDirection=0.0 °, windSpeed=0.0 m/s}'.
14:43:02.838 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:42:59.000-06:00, windDirection=0.0 °, windSpeed=0.0 m/s}'.
14:43:05.726 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:43:02.000-06:00, windDirection=0.0 °, windSpeed=0.0 m/s}'.
14:43:09.226 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:43:06.000-06:00, windDirection=200.0 °, windSpeed=0.31 m/s}'.
14:43:14.798 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:43:11.000-06:00, windDirection=0.0 °, windSpeed=0.0 m/s}'.
14:43:18.295 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:43:15.000-06:00, windDirection=128.0 °, windSpeed=0.58 m/s}'.
14:43:20.976 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:43:18.000-06:00, windDirection=110.0 °, windSpeed=0.72 m/s}'.
14:43:24.272 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:43:21.000-06:00, windDirection=121.0 °, windSpeed=0.63 m/s}'.
14:43:26.748 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent       ] - Rapid Wind at 'RapidWindData{bridgeUID=weatherflowsmartweather:hub:HB-00010209, thingUID=weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00010209:SK-00013424, epoch=2019-12-20T14:43:23.000-06:00, windDirection=0.0 °, windSpeed=0.0 m/s}'.

I’ve just set up a test instance running 2.5 and have the same issue of seeing these RapidWindEvent logs despite turning off logging for org.openhab.binding.weatherflowsmartweather :frowning:

Update - this does the trick!:

log:set OFF smarthome.event.RapidWindEvent


Greatness. Thank you so much !

Hi @hww3
I am not getting any rain accumulation data and this is in the logs…

[WARN ] [ore.internal.thing.ThingTypeResource] - Cannot find channel type: weatherflowsmartweather:local_day_rain_accumulation

I saw your comment to @zacofunny about the change to api. Is there a work around to get the rain data?

I use this rule to track accumulated rainfall:

rule "Rainfall"
    Item Rain_Accumulated received update
    var DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.#")
    var Number daily_rain = Rain_Accumulated.sumSince(now.minusHours(24), "rrd4j")
    var Number hourly_rain = Rain_Accumulated.sumSince(now.minusHours(1), "rrd4j")
    var s = df.format(daily_rain)
    daily_rain = new DecimalType(s)
    s = df.format(hourly_rain)
    hourly_rain = new DecimalType(s)

Thanks Steve. @sjcliffe
Could you show your item definition? I’m assuming its in an .items file rather than fro paperui discovery?

Number Rain_Daily       "Daily Rainfall [%.1f mm]"            <rain>          (Weather, Outdoor)
Number Rain_Hourly      "Hourly Rainfall [%.1f mm]"           <rain>          (Weather, Outdoor) 
Number Rain_Accumulated "Accumulated Rainfall [%.1f mm]"      <rain>          (Weather, Outdoor) { channel="weatherflowsmartweather:sky:HB-00001121:SK-00011302:rain_accumulated" }
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The data format between the local hub and cloud api are common, but the SmartWeather local hub API does not keep running day accumulation data, so this field will always be zero. I use influxdb persistence to export the data to a grafana dashboard where graphs can be generated.


I get an error in the logs…

Rule 'Rainfall': An error occurred during the script execution: null

I’ve persisted Rain_Accumulated with rrd4j with a strategy of:

everyUpdate, everyMinute, restoreOnStartup

Any ideas why I get an error?