I’ve dived into the abyss called openHAB and I am now in the process of adding a couple of devices to my home to improve automation and monitoring.
I bought a couple of Osram Smart+ Lights and a couple of Plugs.
Now I can control everything pretty fine through the Zigbee-Binding itself but now I hit a roadblock.
I liked the idea of having a physical switch to turn on and off a couple of lights through OpenHAB.
So I got the first that popped into my mind: The Philips Hue Dimmerswitch.
It won’t bind properly in OpenHAB. It showed the name and everything correctly. Now the PaperUI looks like this:
The events.log shows the buttons being pressed but I don’t seem to be able to bind an item / channel to them.
2019-03-08 20:51:18.609 [vent.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - zigbee:philips_rwl021:05000E5F:001788010408e12d:dimDown triggered SHORT_PRESSED
2019-03-08 20:51:20.780 [vent.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - zigbee:philips_rwl021:05000E5F:001788010408e12d:dimUp triggered SHORT_PRESSED
A snip of the jsondb-file shows this:
"zigbee:philips_rwl021:05000E5F:001788010408e12d": {
"class": "org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.internal.ThingImpl",
"value": {
"label": "Arbeitszimmer Philips Hue Dimmer",
"bridgeUID": {
"segments": [
"channels": [
"kind": "TRIGGER",
"uid": {
"segments": [
So the kind is set to trigger and it has no accepted-items. Is there a way to fix that?
I would like to add the thing as a custom .item-file but unfortunately, I have no clue on how the syntax should be so I can experiment around with it because restarting openHAB for a modification of the jsondb-file takes ages.
Edit says
I just found on google that there seem to be 2 versions of the Dimmer-Switch.
One that has the “I” and “O” buttons on the face and the other one says “ON” and “OFF”. Is there a config-difference on how they work with Zigbee?
One seems to be intended for US and the other for EU (GB etc.)
I have the “I O” one and it shows the buttons under the events.log as these.