I do have an item:
Number GaerAutomatSoll “Gärautomat Soll” (gGaerautomat, gEG_Kueche) [“Oven”, “Setpiont”] {
listWidget=“oh-stepper-item” [raised=“true”,step=“0.5”, min=“25”, max=“35”],
channel=“mqtt:topic:Gaerautomat:Channel_SollTemperatur” , expire=“6h”
That gives me a nice stepper widget. When I hit the “-”, the value decreases with 0.5 step size. When I hit the “+”, the value jumps to the max value. Can anyone confirm this behaviour ? Happens in mainUI under Android and also with Firefox under Linux.
Ah, you’re right. I wasn’t aware of the stateDescription in the first place. Google didn’t find too much about it but I guess its somewhere between input plausibility check and the map feature. I will leave that for tomorrow…