Still using old openhab2 folders

Hi, i´m on Openhab 3.5.4-1 and i wanted to set the log-level in karaf console.

But i get this in the openhab.log:

2024-01-27 23:04:27.182 [WARN ] [org.jline                           ] - Failed to save history
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /var/lib/openhab2...

I don´t habe openhab2 folders anymore. My folders are named openhab withou “2”.

Where is this saved? Formerly my folders were named openhab2 - but i think with the update to openhab3 this was changed.

What do i have to change to get rid of the old folder names? There must be still some old setting anywhere? The log-level change didn´t work…

grep -R openhab2

Looks similar to Karaf command history fail

And what i can read in the other thread, there is still no solution for this?

  1. export your configuration
  2. vanilla installation of 4.1.1 (e.g. via openHABian)
  3. import your configuration

=> everything should be on the non-version folders.