This is quick and dirty Linux bash script to show how easy it is to control devices when you obtain your JWT token. Works for me as I have only 3 blinds and a lamp: (requires httpie v 3.2.1)
To use this script obtain JWT token and discover hub IP, device IDs (and what they can receive) using Dirigera dump script by @Tamagotchi and modify below bash script to your liking:
## Proof of concept script to control IKEA devices via the Dirigera home hub using obtained JWT token and httpie (version >= 3.2.1 as it supports bearer token authentication)
## Created by Landi ( 2023
DEBUG=0; # set up to 1 to view request/response
case $1 in
DEVICE="ce7f737f-2d91-4c52-ba11-859b1a63898b_1" && DTYPE="BLINDS";
DEVICE="5071a875-d8f5-4f24-93dd-a85f74351314_1" && DTYPE="BLINDS";
DEVICE="73a87432-4afa-4ba1-93ec-d32c4f1dec69_1" && DTYPE="BLINDS";
DEVICE="dcb18886-6468-4959-ae6f-477ef094d193_1" && DTYPE="LAMP";
*): ERROR=1;
case $2 in
if [ $DTYPE == "LAMP" ]; then COMMAND='[{"attributes":{"isOn":true}}]'; elif [ $DTYPE == "BLINDS" ]; then COMMAND='[{"attributes":{"blindsState":"down"}}]'; else ERROR=1; fi
if [ $DTYPE == "LAMP" ]; then COMMAND='[{"attributes":{"isOn":false}}]'; elif [ $DTYPE == "BLINDS" ]; then COMMAND='[{"attributes":{"blindsState":"up"}}]'; else ERROR=1; fi
if [ $DTYPE == "LAMP" ]; then if [ $3 -gt 0 ] && [ $3 -le 100 ]; then COMMAND='[{"attributes":{"lightLevel":'$3'}}]'; else ERROR=1; fi; elif [ $DTYPE == "BLINDS" ]; then COMMAND='[{"attributes":{"blindsTargetLevel":'$3'}}]'; else ERROR=1; fi
if [ $DTYPE == "LAMP" ]; then if [ $3 -ge 2700 ] && [ $3 -le 5000 ]; then COMMAND='[{"attributes":{"colorTemperature":'$3'}}]'; else ERROR=1; fi; else ERROR=1; fi
*): ERROR=1;
if [ $ERROR -eq 1 ]; then echo "usage $0 devicename <on>|<off>|<up>|<down>|<level> 1-100|<colortemp> 2700-5000"; exit 1; fi
if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then ARGUMENTS='--verbose --all'; else ARGUMENTS='-qq'; fi
echo "$COMMAND" | https $ARGUMENTS --verify=no -A bearer -a $TOKEN PATCH $DIRIGERA_IP:8443/v1/devices/$DEVICE