Tuya devices to Openhab via MQTT - a working solution (without flashing)!

Glad it works now! I was just wondering why your @tuyapi is installed in /usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi

No idea, I just followed the instructions.

// switch to opt directory

cd /opt

// clone this project

sudo git clone GitHub - TheAgentK/tuya-mqtt: Nodejs-Script to combine tuyaapi and openhab via mqtt

// change directory to the project directory

cd tuya-mqtt

//installs this project along with codetheweb/tuyapi project

sudo npm install
cp config.json.sample config.json
sudo nano config.json

// This should be all that is required for the tuya-MQTT software.


// For the wizard software, perform the following

sudo npm i @tuyapi/cli -g

sudo tuya-cli wizard

// If your having issues, with the above, use the below.

sudo DEBUG=* tuya-cli wizard

sudo nano devices.conf

sudo node tuya-mqtt.js

Whilst I’m in this area, I will make a contribution:

The Wizard generated the following:

For the Thing/Channel configuration of my new Tuya SmartPlug, I needed to setup the device like this:
Note the different MQTT structure.

The YAML code looks like this.
UID: mqtt:topic:genio_adaptor
label: Genio Adaptor
thingTypeUID: mqtt:topic
configuration: {}
bridgeUID: mqtt:broker:f44b9520f1

  • id: relay
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Relay
    description: “”
    commandTopic: tuya/genio_adaptor/dps/1/command
    stateTopic: tuya/genio_adaptor/dps/1/state
    off: “false”
    on: “true”

I do have the problem in that OH does nothing when I turn the Switch Off via OH3. Turn the Switch On via OH3 and there are tail logs and MQTT commands and the actual switch turns On.
Off. Nuthin. It’s like I haven’t touch the screen at all ???
Ideas on this one?

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JFYI - I got warnings when installing because I had NodeJS version 10.21.0 but it seems to be working. I also had to “sudo” the install for permission reasons (I know - naughty).

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is there a way to discover dps topics?
i have a tuya pet wifi feeder, and if i send a manuel feeding with the app its: tuya/harvey_feeder/dps/105/state “Number of parts” but if i want to send a command to it its not 105 but tuya/harvey_feeder/dps/101/command , please dont ask me how i get the 101 because its was just guessing and little luck,
so is there a way to discover the dps commands?

So if I understood correctly, you want a list of all possible dps topics right?

Unfortunately, I don’t know any other way than using a tool like “MQTT Explorer” to reverse engineer the topics

Maybe @tsightler knows a better way?

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Yes that’s what i mean.

dps 105 is state
dps 101 is commando

But 101 never exposes itself so i was Just tyring Them all

So what I would do is to monitor the MQTT-Explorer output while controlling the pet feeder (I guess normally via a mobile app?). Then you should see all dps topics used and it should give a picture how the device gets controlled

Yes like i said in my first post,

If start mqtt Explorer and send a commando with the app then dps 105 changes and i see the value, but i cant send a commando to it because its a Read only. If i send a commando to dps 101 then Will the device receive the command and 105 changes to the new value, but how expose the command channels? Because i had to gues.

Ah ok, now I got it! So what you can try:

  1. Login to https://iot.tuya.com
  2. On the left pane click on “Product”
  3. Click “Create”
  4. Choose your product (on top right there is a search bar)
  5. Enter a “Product Name” (this can be any name you want) and select
  6. Click on “Create Product”
  7. Now you should see a window “Create Standard Functions” - click on “All” and then “Confirm”

Then you should see the DP ID’s and the description

I hope that helps!

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Hi, thanks for think about this,
I did this yesterday but the dps id’s are around 1 TM 20 and the device at home is around 100, i wil make a gif when i am at home

That’s strange cause I just created a “test” product and the DP’s starts with 101:

You can capture the traffic between the app and your tuya device and then use tuyadump to decode it:

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