Tuya Wifi Irrigation Timer

Hi Friends,

Can anyone tell me if OpenHAB 4.1.3 can control this type of 2 zone wifi irrigation timer?

I can see that it’s compatible with the Tuya app, but I’m not sure if OpenHAB can control it.

I hope someone can help :pray:

Most likely you can do it via tuya-mqtt or try the tuya binding

Alternatively, you can flash it with tasmota or esphome and connect it to openhab using mqtt. This is what I did with mine. I have 3 1-zone controllers around the house.

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Thank you very much, @JimT :pray:
Aliexpress should have free returns on this item, so I think I’ll order it to check.
And if it doesn’t work, I’ll just return it.

This is the one that I use. I bought 4 of them. 3 are in use, 1 for spare. I flashed them with esphome but you can use tasmota if that’s what you prefer.


I ordered them in December 2021, and so far they’re still working.

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