Two brand new Aeotec Z-Wave devices to add to the database

I’ve uploaded the XML file above, as taken from my OH3 instance.

Is the augmenting and uploading part something that should be done by someone with the device in-hand? e.g. With the device paired to an OH3 instance, augmenting it in OH, then exporting (or re-exporting in this case)?

If so, I’m happy to do it, but I may need some guidance on what the steps are, and how it’s done.

Otherwise, if someone who already knows how to make the change and upload it, might be a better person than I. :slight_smile:

I’m happy to guide you through the necessary steps. Basically, you need to transfer the information from the device manual to the Z-Wave database - and here you are in the fortunate position that a very similar device already exists in the Z-Wave database.

Could you please provide a link to the database entry you just created?

I got two sensors zwa009 , firmware 12.1. Is there any way to free them from „unknown device“ state in OH 3.4.1. at the moment?

There are entries in the DB for zwa009 although I’m sure about your firmware number. If you have a fully configured device there should be a xml in var/lib/openhab/zwave (userdata/zwave). Also probably on the UI page under thing properties. Can you pick out the Deviceid and the devicetype ? Are you getting some sort of string like 0371:0202:0009:12.1 ?? Could be a new version or possibly not fully initialized.

edit: Just reviewed the history of this again. I do not think your device is in the DB. I do not see that some of the actions above were finished. Could be missing something. I’ll ping @anon71759204 as he was following this closely.

The second option in my previous post would be the way to go to add support for a ZWA009@12.1. As @apella12 pointed out the XML file for the ZWA009@12.1 would be required.

Thanks for help. I just testet the Simplicity studio software ( Firmware upload) on this aerQ Sensor ( update vom 1.1 to 12.1 ).
If some one got the 1.1 Firmware, it would be nice to downgrade again
All I get from device info is

and the xml file

  <associationGroups class="concurrent-hash-map">
  <endpoints class="concurrent-hash-map">
        <supportedCommandClasses class="concurrent-hash-map">
                    <outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
                    <outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
                    <outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
  <lastReceived>2023-02-04 10:05:40.750 UTC</lastReceived>

I’ve taken the first step to add the ZWA009@12.1 to the Z-Wave database (OpenSmartHouse Z-Wave Device Database):

Please follow the instructions in the Blog Posts to complete the device data. AFAIK most (if not all?) data can be copied from OpenSmartHouse Z-Wave Device Database.

Thanks for the start. Even I don’t know, what to do, I gave it a try but I couldn’t edit the page you created. I only have read permission. Maybe it‘s due to „Modified“ state?

Recently I made a new install of the Zwave network, by that including all devices from scratch.
I’m running OH 4.0.4 stable.

All went well except the ZWA009 which was running on OH3.x since around April 2021, now on OH 4.0.4 inclusion didn’t work.

It seems the “old” version of the ZWA009 is not supported by the zwave binding any longer. Not sure, but most probably the firmware was V1.xx.

I found the following XML in one of my backup files:

  <associationGroups class="concurrent-hash-map">
  <endpoints class="concurrent-hash-map">
        <supportedCommandClasses class="concurrent-hash-map">
                    <outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
                    <outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
                    <outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
  <lastReceived>2023-11-29 09:33:39.432 UTC</lastReceived>

I’d thought that devices once supported will be supported also in future releases.

Is there a chance to get support for this device again?
Anything I can do?

Thank you.


If it was 1.xx it should work. What looks odd given the history of the device is this in the XML you posted.
My guess this is the problem. Does the UI page for the device show any different version? (there is no Version 4 in the DB and my guess it was included before the versions were separated. Default is all versions)

The ZWA009 was included back sometime in April/May 2021, well before the version split was done from what I can see in this thread.
It seems no firmware version info is put neither on the device nor on the packaging (unlike Fibaro and others).
On the packaging and device labels it refers to “ZWA009-C”.

Well, I can’t access the UI page of the device, since there is no such Thing due to failed inclusion - XML file from backups is the only information I have.

I tried to capture logs from failed inclusion - however nothing is shown in the openhab.log.

Worth noting that the device was constantly sending measurement reports up until I made the new install of the Zwave network.

I seems as if the device was doing its job properly even after the zwave binding has been updated with the version split.

Any chance to get the Version 4 included in the database based on the XML I shared?

Thank you.


Let me see what has been done so far. Normally the DB is updated by the person with the device. If you look a couple of posts above yours there is a similar XML, but it displays on the UI page as 12.1, not 4. It appears that XML was uploaded, but the rest of the work has not finished. Are you sure you do not have a similar UI page? Even unknown devices have some information there. You could try to wake the device a few times to get more information and an XML in the userdata/zwave folder.

Issue is that I made a “full reset” of my Zwave network including controller.

I can see the above UI for all devices that were added to the Zwave network successfully, XML files exist for each of them in the userdata/zwave folder, whereas the inclusion of the ZWA009 failed → hence, I can’t find any entry related to the ZWA009, nowhere, not even in userdata/zwave folder.

The XML I uploaded is not part of the userdata/zwave folder any longer. It was taken from a backup which was done before I made the “full reset”.

I contacted Aeotec support asking whether version V4 ever existed - waiting for their reply.

Would 12.01 work as well?
Maybe I can upgrade to that version (upgrade files are available on the Aeotec website)

Before you go through a lot of work, can you check if the device fully excluded? At this point I’d try the factory reset. It actually should get discovered as an unknown device, not as failure. Maybe this will solve the problem.

Part 2: If you get to the unknown device stage, I marked up an XML from what was in the DB that can be added to your binding for a test following the procedure here. The location in this case is /jarmodify/OH-INF/thing/aeotec and the file is
zwa009_3_0.xml (16.2 KB)

That file should work with any version greater than 3.

It works :grinning:
It seems the device is fully functional !!

This was the case.

This made me suspicious…

I thought I had done that already. For all other 19 devices (most of the Fibaros) I did that.
Seems it was not done properly for the ZWA009.

This might not sound logical - 3 steps I followed…

  1. Factory reset (1st)
  2. Remove battery
  3. Factory reset (2nd)

Then I started inclusion to Zwave network.
Device was discovered as “Z-Wave Node 021: ZWA009 Temperature and Humidity Sensor”.

I checked UI → version is 1.1

XML file → It still says version 4. This is probably not related to the firmware version.

XML file in userdata/zwave

  <associationGroups class="concurrent-hash-map">
  <endpoints class="concurrent-hash-map">
        <supportedCommandClasses class="concurrent-hash-map">
                    <outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
                    <outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
                    <outer-class reference="../../../.."/>
  <lastReceived>2023-12-13 16:23:39.136 UTC</lastReceived>

Thank you so much for your kind support - really appreciated!

Final question: Is V12.01 supported?


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I found the partial ZW DB update from above (it was marked deleted), finished it and marked for review. Tried to undelete, but not successful, so answer: not yet, but maybe in a couple of weeks.

EDIT: It was approved and merged in the 4.1 release (stable)

I’m running 12.01 FW, and for the first time in over a year, my ZWA009s are online!
Thank you to everyone for your work on this!

Which OH release are you on?

openHAB 4.1.0 Release Build

I upgraded my sensors to FW 12.01 and inclusion worked perfectly on OH 4.1!
Thanks a lot!