Unexpected behaviour of meter report of zwave wall plug Fibaro FGWP101

Hi Chris,
like before - here the link to a openhab.log file that covers several hours.
It definitely will include polling and the frequent reports for Node 48.


Can you please check Node 48.
Side note that may be relevant to consider as well…I have a rule that takes use of the Power values of Node48. These are also not triggered anymore. So its not just GUI but rules as well.

Thanks a lot for checking…

The log below is from the polling. This seems to be updating the same channels as we saw above, so it should work the same…

Sorry Chris, did not get informed about your reply…
Thanks for checking, but what does that mean now…
I see that the logs show zwave-devices replying immediately…so it can only be something wrong in Openhab2 not forwarding to display in UI. hm

I’m not sure - as far as I can see, there’s no difference in the way things work between the polled, and unsolicited updates. In both cases, the binding seems to be sending an update of the same channel… I don’t really see why the UI would treat it any differently either (sorry - that’s not really helping you much, I know).

Hi @chris - still struggling arround with the Fibaro Plug-Device that does not update on PowerLevel Changes anymore (OH1 worked great…even was able to trigger based on short period power-up changes)…now i only see the 30mins polled updates…so no more dynamic anymore.

What i found out today is that if i switch from ON to OFF or from OFF to ON as recently, no power updates…but if i press the REFRESH ITEMS button in HABMIN, immediately i can see updates coming in.
This behavior is gone as soon as I press OFF or ON again…in order to see again immediate changes I have to press REFRESH ITEMS again…

Any idea/help you could give related to your expertise in this area. Many Thanks, Norbert

This will be related to associations not being configured. It’s possible that this device is using the new multi-channel concept - I would suggest to try the version below (note that this is the development version so you’ll need to remove all things and add them again).

Hi Chris, thanks for your thoughts…
I doubt this Fibaro Wall Plug is holding any new channel concept as the switch model is about 2 years old.
Please have a look in your list if you can see any hint about your suspection…

Thanks a lot Norbert

I can only really repeat what I already said - this will be related to associations.

It does - I already checked before I replied last time. Did you see if the new version helps?

Hi Chris, tried to install your test version of zwave binding.
Did as follows: removed snapshot binding via paperUI. added the TEST version in /usr/share…addons
still in karaf i only see the following…any idea what I did wrong so TEST is not able to be selected.

openhab> feature:list |grep zwave
openhab-binding-zwave │ 2.2.0.SNAPSHOT │ │ Uninstalled │ addons-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT │ Z-Wave Binding

One additional question, if this device is using new channel concept - how was this handled in OH1 as with 1.83 the switch reported very fast and frequent based on power changes.

Did you install the serial bundle which is a dependancy?

It used the single instance version of the command class.

yes I did - as this was also discussed in the other threat. :frowning:
This is development path, right?
When is this going to come to snapshot release?

It is strange…sometimes after restart or when pressing refresh in HABMIN it seems to work correctly for a few times/minutes (to update power level) but then again it stops…


I’m not sure - it’s a major breaking change and I was hoping to make some other changes to avoid too much disruption for those that don’t follow the forum very often. It won’t be in the next few weeks anyway…

@chris - as Testversion did not work for me - is there already a release date for your multi-channel concept on zwave. As my Fibare Plug switches right now do not update power level immediately anymore (depending on the change thresholds). Cheers and many thanks, Norbert

I’m afraid there’s nothing else coming. The test version will at some point become the master - but it will still be the same code, so if it didn’t fix the issue, then there’s no other code currently on the horizon. I would suggest really to try and work out what’s wrong - otherwise when we merge the development into master, it will just be the master that stops working :wink: .

I’ll likely take another look at this around Christmas as I don’t have much time over the next few weeks as I’m off on holiday in a few days :smile:.

OK. so you mean arround/after xmas you will merge with master, right?
Maybe i was not clear, my issue is that the test version did not work out for me to be integrated/exchanged with master system…so if its in the master code itself it will definitely integrate - and hopefully bring Fibaro’s to update frequently…


No - that wasn’t actually what I meant. I meant I will find some time to look at issues relating to the multi-channel association…

However, maybe I should also look to merge the dev into master at this point - I think this might also be a good idea. The 2.2 release should be out by then…

Hi @chris, sorry to be annoying shor time before xmas. as release 2.2 is out - i tried to see if my situation changed afterwards…but still not updates from fibaro switches. Was your zwave update merged with 2.2 release?


No - the dev version wasn’t merged into 2.2. The plan is to look at this in the new year so that it will be merged into the snapshots around that time.

thanks for letting me know.
I will now stay with stable as it brings a lot of stress to myself and my wife if i continue playing with my house :slight_smile:

But could you please let me know what i need to do in order to bring zwave-dev into my installation. To see if it could solve the problem with multi…, Last time it did not work.



Is this still the current version worth testing to fix my zwave issue?
