Unknown Device Go Control WA00Z-1 Remote Switch

I just received some remote zwave switches from Go Control WA00Z-1, that do not show up on the zwave binding. I have tried everything and have had no luck getting the remote swtiches to be recognized. Here is how they show up in Habmin. Thanks for your help.

It does not look like even that manufacturer is in the database

Maybe that switch is under a different name …

You will have to add that device to the database following this instructions:

Easiest way: look for your node.xml and upload that to the database after creating an account and asking for edit rights.

Yep, it does not seem to be on the list of devices. I am new to all of this, and have never created a new z wave device. I’m still working on getting my head wrapped around openhab sitemaps and rules. I understand that I have to make an account then upload the node xml file. How do I get the z wave binding to then recognize the device, and how do I know what node xml is the correct file for the device I am trying to work on? Sorry, I am very green to this whole process.

Hmmm - am I reading this wrong. It looks like the manufacturer is Linear Corp (0x14f) - there are many Linear devices in the database, although it doesn’t look like this one is included.

Arghh, did not take a look at the picture, went just for

Sorry, it’s sold under the Go Control name, but it does show up as Linear, and it is indeed a Linear product.

I think I have figured out the devices node xml file in Openhab. I can send that file tonight when I am home, if that helps?

Just post it here and one of us will upload it.

You will have to wait for approval of that device, then it needs to go into the snapshot binding and then you need to update to that snapshot binding.

Here is the xml file associated with the node.node21.xml (7.3 KB)

Done: http://www.cd-jackson.com/index.php/zwave/zwave-device-database/zwave-device-list/devicesummary/610

Thanks you! I was able to get the switches working fine. Recently however, I have had to revert to a version of the zwave binding that supports the security provision (version so that my garage door controller will work. Because of this, the zwave binding no longer recognizes the switches. Is there a way to manually add the missing node to the secure binding, so that I can continue to configure these switches for my network, and still use my garage door controller?

Thank you! I was able to get the switches working fine. Recently however, I have had to revert to a version of the zwave binding that supports the security provision (version so that my garage door controller will work. Because of this, the zwave binding no longer recognizes the switches. Is there a way to manually add the missing node to the secure binding, so that I can continue to configure these switches for my network, and still use my garage door controller?

In the secure (development) branch you need to delete the Thing, then readd it again (don’t delete it from the controller!). A new xml file will be created, if it is a battery powered sensor several wake-ups may be needed.

I’ve done exactly what you’ve mentioned, and the wall mounted controllers, still show up as unknown. I have even tried excluding the devices from the zwave network, resetting them and adding them back into the network, and they still show up as unknown devices. They were working before I installed the secure branch of the zwave binding?

The device was exported to the binding on 2017-05-31, so make sure you have a binding later than that date.

If I install a later binding, won’t that get rid of the security protocol? I need to have a secure connection to my garage door controller in order for it to work.

… a later dev binding than that date …

In a different discussion concerning my Garage door controller, I had to install the secure network version of the zwave binding.

The latest Z-Wave Binding with Security has the following version:
After you install it manually (download: The jar and place it in /var/share/openhab2/addons/), execute the following in openHAB2 console: feature:install openhab-transport-serial

You will see the following with the list -s |grep Z command in the OH2 console:

211 | Active | 80 | | ZWave Binding | org.openhab.binding.zwave

After I installed the version of the zwave binding mentioned above, functionality for these remote wall switches went away. Do you know if I can update to a current version of the binding and still maintain the functionality of the garage door controller? I’m a little confused. Sorry, I am realizing that I am still very green to this whole process.

In theory, the dev version should have all the same devices as the main version - they run from the same database. For some reason this device got missed so I’ve just added it to the update I’m doing right now.

I tried updating the zwave binding. I think I updated my whole system. I have no idea what I am doing, anymore, because now I cannot get anything to work. It shows the wall mounted switches, but I cannot change any of their parameters in the paper UI. I just get ERROR 500 kicked back every time.

Now I have a new problem. I just installed a hard wired zwave switch, and now the binding does not acknowledge it. I put the binding in discovery mode, via the PaperUI like I have in the past, but now nothing happens. I’ve tried resetting the switch and the controller, but openhab will not recognize any new additions to my network no mater what I do. I even took my zstick out of the usb port, put it in discovery mode, and it recognized the new switch that way. However, when I plugged it back into the usb port and reboot the computer nothing shows up?