[velux] New OpenHAB2 binding - feedback welcome!

Hi Johannes,

both bindings, the OH1 and the OH2, will be updated for the new protocol.
The OH1 binding is more-or-less ready to use … with the experiences it will
be much easier to integrate the complete stuff into the OH2 binding afterwards.

Regards, Guenther

1 Like

Hi Johannes,
the main difference is the support of generic device settings, i.e. you can use the io-homecontrol devices like normal rollershutters. From the side of bindings - beside the scenes - it will look like:

// Velux Shutters

Rollershutter V_DG_M_W	"Velux DG Window Bathroom [%d]"	{ velux="thing=actuator;channel=serial#01:52:21:3E:26:0C:1B"}
Rollershutter V_DG_M_S	"Velux DG Shutter Bathroom [%d]"{ velux="thing=actuator;channel=serial#01:52:00:21:00:07:00"}

Hi all,

once again I need your help. I’m sorry!

Coming from old velux KLF200 firmware I updated to KLF200-v2.0.0.71.bin last weekend, placed org.openhab.binding.velux-1.13.0-SNAPSHOT.jar into addons folder, cleared all caches,
placed velux.cfg with


into services folder, kept velux.things as it was before with

Bridge velux:klf200:home   [ bridgeIPAddress="", bridgePassword=„XXX“, timeoutMsecs=2000, retries=10 ] {
 Thing   scene   scWindow000    [ sceneName="Window000" ]
 Thing   scene   scWindow007    [ sceneName="Window007" ]
 Thing   scene   scWindow020    [ sceneName="Window020" ]
 Thing   scene   scWindow050    [ sceneName="Window050" ]
 Thing   scene   scWindow080    [ sceneName="Window080" ]
 Thing   scene   scWindow100    [ sceneName="Window100" ]
 Thing   scene   scShutter000    [ sceneName="Shutter000" ]
 Thing   scene   scShutter020    [ sceneName="Shutter020" ]
 Thing   scene   scShutter050    [ sceneName="Shutter050" ]
 Thing   scene   scShutter080    [ sceneName="Shutter080" ]
 Thing   scene   scShutter100    [ sceneName="Shutter100" ]

and velux.items to

String  V_FIRMWARE  "Firmware [%s]" { velux="thing=bridge;channel=firmware" }
String  V_STATUS    "Status [%s]"   { velux="thing=bridge;channel=status" }
String  V_CHECK     "Velux Config Check [%s]" { velux="thing=bridge;channel=check" }

and restarted my OpenHAB 2.4.0.M5. But all without any luck. The binding can’t connect to the gateway.

My log shows following lines

2018-11-13 21:39:08.160 [INFO ] [org.openhab.binding.velux           ] - FrameworkEvent INFO - org.openhab.binding.velux
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle class path entry "lib/gson-2.2.4.jar" could not be found for the bundle "osgi.identity; type="osgi.bundle"; version:Version=""; osgi.identity="org.openhab.binding.velux""
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.classpath.ClasspathManager.findClassPathEntry(ClasspathManager.java:174) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.classpath.ClasspathManager.buildClasspath(ClasspathManager.java:152) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.classpath.ClasspathManager.<init>(ClasspathManager.java:81) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader.<init>(EquinoxClassLoader.java:43) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.createClassLoaderPrivledged(BundleLoader.java:316) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.getModuleClassLoader(BundleLoader.java:233) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findEntries(BundleLoader.java:819) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleWiring.findEntries(ModuleWiring.java:289) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.storage.ManifestLocalization.findResource(ManifestLocalization.java:199) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.storage.ManifestLocalization.lookupResourceBundle(ManifestLocalization.java:130) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.storage.ManifestLocalization.getResourceBundle(ManifestLocalization.java:101) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.storage.ManifestLocalization.getHeaders(ManifestLocalization.java:64) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.storage.BundleInfo$Generation.getHeaders(BundleInfo.java:125) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle.privGetHeaders(EquinoxBundle.java:462) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle.getHeaders(EquinoxBundle.java:457) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle.getHeaders(EquinoxBundle.java:451) ~[?:?]
	at org.apache.aries.spifly.BaseActivator.getAllHeaders(BaseActivator.java:133) ~[?:?]
	at org.apache.aries.spifly.BaseActivator.addConsumerWeavingData(BaseActivator.java:95) ~[?:?]
	at org.apache.aries.spifly.ConsumerBundleTrackerCustomizer.addingBundle(ConsumerBundleTrackerCustomizer.java:37) ~[?:?]
	at org.osgi.util.tracker.BundleTracker$Tracked.customizerAdding(BundleTracker.java:469) ~[?:?]
	at org.osgi.util.tracker.BundleTracker$Tracked.customizerAdding(BundleTracker.java:415) ~[?:?]
	at org.osgi.util.tracker.AbstractTracked.trackAdding(AbstractTracked.java:256) ~[?:?]
	at org.osgi.util.tracker.AbstractTracked.trackInitial(AbstractTracked.java:183) ~[?:?]
	at org.osgi.util.tracker.BundleTracker.open(BundleTracker.java:156) ~[?:?]
	at org.apache.aries.spifly.BaseActivator.start(BaseActivator.java:79) ~[?:?]
	at org.apache.aries.spifly.dynamic.DynamicWeavingActivator.start(DynamicWeavingActivator.java:37) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl$3.run(BundleContextImpl.java:779) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl$3.run(BundleContextImpl.java:1) ~[?:?]
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl.startActivator(BundleContextImpl.java:772) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl.start(BundleContextImpl.java:729) [?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle.startWorker0(EquinoxBundle.java:933) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle$EquinoxModule.startWorker(EquinoxBundle.java:309) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.doStart(Module.java:581) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.start(Module.java:449) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.incStartLevel(ModuleContainer.java:1634) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.incStartLevel(ModuleContainer.java:1614) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.doContainerStartLevel(ModuleContainer.java:1585) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.dispatchEvent(ModuleContainer.java:1528) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.dispatchEvent(ModuleContainer.java:1) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager.dispatchEvent(EventManager.java:230) [?:?]
	at     org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager$EventThread.run(EventManager.java:340) [?:?]
2018-11-13 21:39:24.252 [INFO ] [inding.velux.internal.VeluxActivator] - velux binding has been started.
2018-11-13 21:39:24.369 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - Active items are: [].
2018-11-13 21:39:24.370 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - velux refresh interval set to 15000 milliseconds.
20    18-11-13 21:39:24.374 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - veluxConfig[bridgeProtocol=slip,bridgeIPAddress=velux,bridgeTCPPort=80,bridgePassword=********,timeoutMsecs=2000,retries=6,refreshMsecs=15000,isBulkRetrievalEnabled=true]
    2018-11-13 21:39:24.379 [INFO ] [b.core.service.AbstractActiveService] - velux Refresh Service has been started

2018-11-13 21:39:39.390 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:39:41.424 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:39:45.426 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:39:53.428 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:40:09.430 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.


2018-11-13 21:43:53.446 [INFO ] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): socket I/O failed continuously (6 times).
2018-11-13 21:43:53.447 [WARN ] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): method io() raised an error: null.
2018-11-13 21:43:53.447 [WARN ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - velux bridge login sequence failed; expecting bridge is OFFLINE.
2018-11-13 21:43:53.808 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:43:55.811 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:43:59.813 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:44:07.814 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:44:23.816 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:44:55.819 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge     connection.
2018-11-13 21:45:00.642 [INFO ] [smarthome.model.script.opensprinkler] - Rain DETECTED
2018-11-13 21:45:59.822 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:48:07.825 [INFO ] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): socket I/O failed continuously (6 times).
2018-11-13 21:48:07.826 [WARN ] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): method io() raised an error: null.
2018-11-13 21:48:07.827 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(): updating of item V_STATUS (type BRIDGE_STATUS) failed.
2018-11-13 21:48:22.828 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:48:24.831 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:48:28.832 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:48:36.834 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:48:52.836 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:49:24.839 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 21:50:28.842 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.


Can you help me with that so that I will get my window and shutter working again?


Hi Bert,

one note about the new protocol: the default bridge port supporting this protocolis 51200.
Pls. change the configuration and try again (the gson.lib errors confuses me … but it should
not influence the slip connection).

Regards, Guenther


2018-11-13 22:36:45.872 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - veluxConfig[bridgeProtocol=slip,bridgeIPAddress=velux,bridgeTCPPort=51200,bridgePassword=********,timeoutMsecs=2000,retries=6,refreshMsecs=15000,isBulkRetrievalEnabled=true]
2018-11-13 22:38:27.764 [INFO ] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): socket I/O failed continuously (6 times).
2018-11-13 22:38:27.765 [WARN ] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): method io() raised an error: null.
2018-11-13 22:38:27.765 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(): updating of item V_STATUS (type BRIDGE_STATUS) failed.
2018-11-13 22:38:27.767 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-11-13 22:38:34.493 [INFO ] [ab.binding.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin] - velux bridge connection successfully established (login succeeded).
2018-11-13 22:38:40.507 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - Found velux scenes:
	Scene "Shutter050" (index 6) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
	Scene "Window000" (index 1) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
	Scene "Window100" (index 0) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
	Scene "Shutter080" (index 5) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
	Scene "Window007" (index 2) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
	Scene "Window050" (index 3) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
	Scene "Window080" (index 10) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
	Scene "Shutter100" (index 4) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
	Scene "Shutter000" (index 8) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
	Scene "Window020" (index 9) with non-silent mode and 0 actions
	Scene "Shutter020" (index 7) with non-silent mode and 0 actions	.
2018-11-13 22:38:42.513 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - Found velux actuators:
	Product "Fenster 1" / WINDOW_OPENER (bridgeIndex=1,serial=56:36:13:5A:11:1A:0D,position=F7FF)
	Product "Rollladen 1" / ROLLER_SHUTTER (bridgeIndex=0,serial=56:32:14:5A:11:05:0A,position=F7FF)	.
2018-11-13 22:38:42.513 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - velux Bridge is online, now.

Thanks a lot!


perhaps you can change the information on the slip port on GitHub. I took port 80 from there.

May I assist you with gson.lib errors? Perhaps this is because I’m running OpenHAB 2.4 Milestone 5 in a docker environment.

Best regards,

Couldn’ agree more: Fixed the README-v1.13.md

i have installed velux snapshot 2.3.0 and add a thing “Velux KLF200” via paper ui. then i have define the
ip adress in paper ui.

my actually problem is, that the velux device in openhab always switch to offline.

2018-12-02 22:45:16.532 [WARN ] [ome.core.thing.internal.ThingManager] - Initializing handler for thing 'velux:klf200:b158a76a' takes more than 5000ms.

2018-12-02 22:49:26.105 [INFO ] [hab.binding.velux.bridge.VeluxBridge] - io(): socket I/O failed continuously (6 times).

2018-12-02 22:49:26.111 [INFO ] [ing.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandler] - bridgeCommunicate(): Exception occurred on accessing java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused.

2018-12-02 22:49:26.117 [INFO ] [ing.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandler] - Velux veluxBridge login/logout sequence failed; expecting veluxBridge is OFFLINE.

2018-12-02 22:49:26.130 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'velux:klf200:b158a76a' changed from INITIALIZING to OFFLINE

Openhab Version 2.3.0
Velux KLF200 connected to LAN

have anyone an idea how i can solve this problem (to set velux online) ?

thanks and best regards

The KLF200 seems to be unreachable for the binding. What happens if you enter the URL manually within your webbrowser? Will the login web page be displayed? (BTW: you’re running the firmware v1, are you?)

no, when i enter manual the url the klf200 is not reachable.
my klf200 has version -> should that version be supported?

Alright. If you are already on firmware version 0.2.*, the SLIP protocol should be used to control the KLF200. Therefore, please use the new binding which should run under OH2 in compatibility mode (don’t forget to use bridgeProtocol=slip, bridgeTCPPort=51200)

hi guenther

thanks for your help. on github there are 3 jar-files … is file below the right one?


Yes, the v1.13 is the latest release (yet for OH1 - but should run under OH2 as well).

I have copied the snapshot 1.13.0 in the addon folder have created the files below




Bridge velux:klf200:home   [ bridgeIPAddress="", bridgePassword="velux123", timeoutMsecs=2000, retries=10 ] 
  //Thing   scene   scWindow000    [ sceneName="Window000" ] 


String  V_FIRMWARE  "Firmware [%s]"                 { velux="thing=bridge;channel=firmware" }
String  V_STATUS    "Status [%s]"                   { velux="thing=bridge;channel=status" }
String  V_CHECK     "Velux Config Check [%s]"           { velux="thing=bridge;channel=check" }

but after this, i have the error below:

2018-12-05 21:12:14.140 [INFO ] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): socket I/O failed continuously (6 times).

2018-12-05 21:12:14.150 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Shutting down Velux bridge connection.

2018-12-05 21:12:14.158 [WARN ] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): method io() raised an error: Socket is closed.

2018-12-05 21:12:14.166 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(): updating of item V_STATUS (type BRIDGE_STATUS) failed.

message after reboot

2018-12-05 21:17:23.001 [INFO ] [org.openhab.binding.velux           ] - FrameworkEvent INFO - org.openhab.binding.velux

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle class path entry "lib/gson-2.2.4.jar" could not be found for the bundle "osgi.identity; type="osgi.bundle"; version:Version=""; osgi.identity="org.openhab.binding.velux""
2018-12-05 21:34:16.887 [INFO ] [inding.velux.internal.VeluxActivator] - velux binding has been started.

2018-12-05 21:35:48.802 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - Active items are: [V_FIRMWARE, V_CHECK, V_STATUS].

2018-12-05 21:35:48.822 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - velux refresh interval set to 15000 milliseconds.

2018-12-05 21:35:48.836 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - veluxConfig[bridgeProtocol=slip,bridgeIPAddress=,bridgeTCPPort=51200,bridgePassword=********,timeoutMsecs=2000,retries=6,refreshMsecs=15000,isBulkRetrievalEnabled=true]

2018-12-05 21:35:48.836 [INFO ] [b.core.service.AbstractActiveService] - velux Refresh Service has been started

2018-12-05 21:35:48.904 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.

2018-12-05 21:35:58.782 [WARN ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - velux bridge login sequence failed; expecting bridge is OFFLINE.

2018-12-05 21:36:00.804 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(): updating of item V_STATUS (type BRIDGE_STATUS) failed.

2018-12-05 21:36:04.902 [WARN ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - velux bridge login sequence failed; expecting bridge is OFFLINE.

2018-12-05 21:36:06.918 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(): updating of item V_STATUS (type BRIDGE_STATUS) failed.

2018-12-05 21:36:23.929 [WARN ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - velux bridge login sequence failed; expecting bridge is OFFLINE.

2018-12-05 21:36:25.943 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(): updating of item V_STATUS (type BRIDGE_STATUS) failed.

2018-12-05 21:36:49.948 [WARN ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - velux bridge login sequence failed; expecting bridge is OFFLINE.

2018-12-05 21:36:51.975 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(): updating of item V_STATUS (type BRIDGE_STATUS) failed.

what i’m doing wrong?

  • Ping to is OK

The sequences look good - beside that the KLF200 is not responding.

Is the gateway for a longer time online already? There is an automatic sleeping mode which shuts down the SLIP port after 15 minutes not receiving a packet. Pls. try to power-cycle the KLF200 and reactivate the binding again.

That might explain why I’m struggling.

It’s a pretty strange thing for a manufacturer to include, oh well

after restart the klf200 i have delete the binding in the addon folder, wait till binding stopped and copied again in the binding folder, but it doesnt connect … always login failed.

2018-12-06 20:33:38.505 [INFO ] [b.core.service.AbstractActiveService] - velux Refresh Service has been shut down

2018-12-06 20:33:47.863 [INFO ] [org.openhab.binding.velux           ] - FrameworkEvent INFO - org.openhab.binding.velux

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle class path entry "lib/gson-2.2.4.jar" could not be found for the bundle "osgi.identity; osgi.identity="org.openhab.binding.velux"; type="osgi.bundle"; version:Version="""

2018-12-06 20:33:47.871 [INFO ] [inding.velux.internal.VeluxActivator] - velux binding has been started.

2018-12-06 20:33:48.286 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - Active items are: [].

2018-12-06 20:33:48.296 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - velux refresh interval set to 15000 milliseconds.

2018-12-06 20:33:48.300 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - veluxConfig[bridgeProtocol=slip,bridgeIPAddress=,bridgeTCPPort=51200,bridgePassword=********,timeoutMsecs=15000,retries=15,refreshMsecs=15000,isBulkRetrievalEnabled=true]

2018-12-06 20:33:48.300 [INFO ] [b.core.service.AbstractActiveService] - velux Refresh Service has been started

2018-12-06 20:34:04.212 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.

2018-12-06 20:34:24.265 [WARN ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - velux bridge login sequence failed; expecting bridge is OFFLINE.

2018-12-06 20:34:39.292 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(): updating of item V_STATUS (type BRIDGE_STATUS) failed

i had snapshot 2.3.0 in the addon folder before … could that be a problem?

Please increase the log level to TRACE. Afterwards, a deactivation and reactivation of the bindung should lead to the output …

2018-12-06 21:55:40.048 [TRACE] [.o.b.v.h.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - Initializing empty storage for existing scenes.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.050 [TRACE] [velux.bridge.VeluxBridgeScenes] - VeluxBridgeScenes(constructor) called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.053 [TRACE] [b.v.things.VeluxExistingScenes] - VeluxExistingScenes() initializing.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.053 [TRACE] [.o.b.v.h.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1() done.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.054 [TRACE] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - VeluxBinding(constructor) done.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.055 [TRACE] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - setEventPublisher() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.056 [TRACE] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - addBindingProvider() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.057 [TRACE] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - allBindingsChanged() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.057 [TRACE] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - getName() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.057 [TRACE] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - getName() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.057 [TRACE] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - activate() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.070 [DEBUG] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated() called with 8 dictionary entries.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.071 [DEBUG] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_PROTOCOL to slip.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.072 [DEBUG] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_IPADDRESS to
2018-12-06 21:55:40.072 [DEBUG] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_TCPPORT to 51200.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.072 [DEBUG] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_PASSWORD to velux123.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.073 [DEBUG] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_TIMEOUT_MSECS to 500.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.073 [DEBUG] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_RETRIES to 16.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.073 [TRACE] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - getName() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.074 [INFO ] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - velux refresh interval set to 15000 milliseconds.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.074 [TRACE] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - getRefreshInterval() returns 15000.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.075 [INFO ] [.service.AbstractActiveService] - velux Refresh Service has been started
2018-12-06 21:55:40.075 [INFO ] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - veluxConfig[bridgeProtocol=slip,bridgeIPAddress=,bridgeTCPPort=51200,bridgePassword=********,timeoutMsecs=500,retries=16,refreshMsecs=15000,isBulkRetrievalEnabled=true]
2018-12-06 21:55:40.076 [DEBUG] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - execute() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.086 [TRACE] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - execute(): working with VeluxBindingProvider org.openhab.binding.velux.internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider@20ea06.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.087 [TRACE] [.i.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - getConfigForItemName(V_DG_O_S_SUNNY) called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.105 [TRACE] [.b.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - execute(): refreshing item V_STATUS.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.106 [DEBUG] [.o.b.v.h.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(item=V_STATUS,command=null,config=org.openhab.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBindingConfig@e702f2,provider=org.openhab.binding.velux.internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider@20ea06) called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.106 [TRACE] [.o.b.v.h.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(): work on updated bridge configuration parameters.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.107 [DEBUG] [.o.b.v.h.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - bridgeParamsUpdated() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.107 [DEBUG] [.o.b.v.h.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - bridgeParamsUpdated(): choosing SLIP as communication method.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.108 [TRACE] [nding.velux.bridge.VeluxBridge] - bridgeLogin() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.109 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeAPI() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.110 [TRACE] [.o.b.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin] - setPassword(velux123) called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.110 [TRACE] [nding.velux.bridge.VeluxBridge] - bridgeCommunicate(Authenticate / login,unauthenticated) called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.111 [TRACE] [nding.velux.bridge.VeluxBridge] - isAuthenticated() returns false.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.111 [TRACE] [nding.velux.bridge.VeluxBridge] - bridgeCommunicate(): no auth token available, continuing.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.112 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeAPI() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.112 [TRACE] [.b.v.bridge.slip.SlipBridgeAPI] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(org.openhab.binding.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin@d88176,false) called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.113 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(Authenticate / login,unauthenticated) called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.114 [DEBUG] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ,unauthenticated) called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.114 [DEBUG] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): working on request GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ with 32 bytes of data.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.117 [TRACE] [o.b.v.b.slip.util.SlipEncoding] - SlipEncoding(constructor) for command 0x3000 with data size 32 called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.123 [TRACE] [o.b.v.b.slip.util.SlipEncoding] - SlipEncoding(constructor) successfully initialized, storing bytes: 00 23 30 00 76 65 6C 75 78 31 32 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.127 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): transportEncoding=00 23 30 00 76 65 6C 75 78 31 32 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.130 [TRACE] [v.bridge.slip.util.SlipRFC1055] - encode() for data size 37 called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.133 [TRACE] [v.bridge.slip.util.SlipRFC1055] - encode() provides transfer encoding: C0 00 23 30 00 76 65 6C 75 78 31 32 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51 C0.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.134 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): sending 39 bytes to
2018-12-06 21:55:40.135 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(,51200,39 bytes) called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.135 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): connecting to
2018-12-06 21:55:40.140 [DEBUG] [v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - SSLconnection(,51200) called.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.141 [INFO ] [v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting Velux bridge connection.
2018-12-06 21:55:40.142 [TRACE] [v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - SSLconnection(): creating socket...
2018-12-06 21:55:40.159 [TRACE] [v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - SSLconnection(): starting SSL handshake...
2018-12-06 21:55:44.937 [TRACE] [v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - SSLconnection() finished.
2018-12-06 21:55:44.944 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): sending packet with 39 bytes: C0 00 23 30 00 76 65 6C 75 78 31 32 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51 C0
2018-12-06 21:55:44.946 [TRACE] [v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - send() called, writing 39 bytes.
2018-12-06 21:55:44.954 [TRACE] [v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - send() finished after having send 39 bytes: C0 00 23 30 00 76 65 6C 75 78 31 32 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51 C0 
2018-12-06 21:55:44.956 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): wait time 500 msecs.
2018-12-06 21:55:45.457 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): receiving bytes.
2018-12-06 21:55:45.458 [TRACE] [v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - receive() called.
2018-12-06 21:55:45.459 [TRACE] [v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - receive() finished after having read 8 bytes: C0 00 04 30 01 00 35 C0 
2018-12-06 21:55:45.461 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): received packet with 8 bytes: C0 00 04 30 01 00 35 C0
2018-12-06 21:55:45.461 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io() finished.
2018-12-06 21:55:45.462 [TRACE] [.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): received packet C0 00 04 30 01 00 35 C0.
2018-12-06 21:55:45.463 [TRACE] [v.bridge.slip.util.SlipRFC1055] - decode() for packet size 8 called.
2018-12-06 21:55:45.464 [TRACE] [v.bridge.slip.util.SlipRFC1055] - decode() provides payload: 00 04 30 01 00 35.
2018-12-06 21:55:45.465 [TRACE] [o.b.v.b.slip.util.SlipEncoding] - SlipEncoding(constructor) called for decoding a packet with size 6.

The interesting lines are:

[.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): connecting to
[v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - SSLconnection(,51200) called.
[v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting Velux bridge connection.
[v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - SSLconnection(): creating socket...
[v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - SSLconnection(): starting SSL handshake...
[v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - SSLconnection() finished.
[.v.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): sending packet with 39 bytes: C0 00 23 30 00 76 65 6C 75 78 31 32 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 51 C0
[v.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - send() called, writing 39 bytes.

Let’s see, what’s happening there …

i increase the debug level have compared with the log data of your post. it’s not the same, but i have trouble interpreting where the problem might be.
i also restarted the device before restarting the binding.

someone sees the problem in the following log-file?

2018-12-09 12:05:06.472 [INFO ] [b.core.service.AbstractActiveService] - velux Refresh Service has been shut down

2018-12-09 12:07:11.808 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.velux           ] - BundleEvent INSTALLED - org.openhab.binding.velux

2018-12-09 12:07:17.178 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.velux           ] - BundleEvent RESOLVED - org.openhab.binding.velux

2018-12-09 12:07:17.205 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.velux           ] - BundleEvent STARTING - org.openhab.binding.velux

2018-12-09 12:07:17.229 [INFO ] [inding.velux.internal.VeluxActivator] - velux binding has been started.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.220 [INFO ] [org.openhab.binding.velux           ] - FrameworkEvent INFO - org.openhab.binding.velux

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle class path entry "lib/gson-2.2.4.jar" could not be found for the bundle "osgi.identity; osgi.identity="org.openhab.binding.velux"; type="osgi.bundle"; version:Version="""

2018-12-09 12:07:17.233 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.velux           ] - BundleEvent STARTED - org.openhab.binding.velux

2018-12-09 12:07:17.320 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.velux           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.openhab.model.item.binding.BindingConfigReader, org.openhab.binding.velux.VeluxBindingProvider}={service.id=454, service.bundleid=244, service.scope=bundle, component.name=org.openhab.binding.velux.genericbindingprovider, component.id=272} - org.openhab.binding.velux

2018-12-09 12:07:17.390 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - VeluxGenericBindingParser() channelIdentifier=firmware, channelValue=.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.405 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - validateItemType() returned w/o exception.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.412 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - VeluxGenericBindingParser() channelIdentifier=firmware, channelValue=.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.420 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - processBindingConfiguration(Z_Test.items,V_FIRMWARE,thing=bridge;channel=firmware) successfully finished.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.426 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - VeluxGenericBindingParser() channelIdentifier=status, channelValue=.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.430 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - validateItemType() returned w/o exception.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.435 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - VeluxGenericBindingParser() channelIdentifier=status, channelValue=.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.440 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - processBindingConfiguration(Z_Test.items,V_STATUS,thing=bridge;channel=status) successfully finished.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.445 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - VeluxGenericBindingParser() channelIdentifier=check, channelValue=.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.450 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - validateItemType() returned w/o exception.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.454 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - VeluxGenericBindingParser() channelIdentifier=check, channelValue=.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.459 [DEBUG] [internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider] - processBindingConfiguration(Z_Test.items,V_CHECK,thing=bridge;channel=check) successfully finished.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.470 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.velux           ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.osgi.service.cm.ManagedService, org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler}={service.id=456, service.bundleid=244, service.scope=bundle, event.topics=openhab/*, service.pid=org.openhab.velux, component.name=org.openhab.binding.velux.binding, component.id=271} - org.openhab.binding.velux

2018-12-09 12:07:17.545 [DEBUG] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1(constructor) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.949 [DEBUG] [.velux.bridge.slip.SCidentifyProduct] - SCidentifyProduct(Constructor) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:17.952 [DEBUG] [.velux.bridge.slip.SCidentifyProduct] - SCidentifyProduct(): starting sessions with the random number 890.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.046 [DEBUG] [binding.velux.bridge.slip.SCrunScene] - SCrunScene(Constructor) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.051 [DEBUG] [binding.velux.bridge.slip.SCrunScene] - SCrunScene(): starting sessions with the random number 3954.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.084 [DEBUG] [ding.velux.bridge.slip.SCsendCommand] - SCgetProduct(Constructor) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.089 [DEBUG] [ding.velux.bridge.slip.SCsendCommand] - SCgetProduct(): starting sessions with the random number 610.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.144 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - Active items are: [V_FIRMWARE, V_CHECK, V_STATUS].

2018-12-09 12:07:18.154 [DEBUG] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated() called with 8 dictionary entries.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.158 [DEBUG] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_PROTOCOL to slip.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.162 [DEBUG] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_IPADDRESS to

2018-12-09 12:07:18.166 [DEBUG] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_TCPPORT to 51200.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.172 [DEBUG] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_PASSWORD to velux123.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.178 [DEBUG] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_TIMEOUT_MSECS to 15000.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.184 [DEBUG] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - updated(): adapted BRIDGE_RETRIES to 15.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.189 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - velux refresh interval set to 15000 milliseconds.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.196 [INFO ] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - veluxConfig[bridgeProtocol=slip,bridgeIPAddress=,bridgeTCPPort=51200,bridgePassword=********,timeoutMsecs=15000,retries=15,refreshMsecs=15000,isBulkRetrievalEnabled=true]

2018-12-09 12:07:18.195 [INFO ] [b.core.service.AbstractActiveService] - velux Refresh Service has been started

2018-12-09 12:07:18.201 [DEBUG] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - execute() called.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.213 [DEBUG] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(item=V_STATUS,command=null,config=org.openhab.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBindingConfig@6f4a3f,provider=org.openhab.binding.velux.internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider@a8a4c2) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.216 [DEBUG] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - bridgeParamsUpdated() called.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.219 [DEBUG] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - bridgeParamsUpdated(): choosing SLIP as communication method.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.224 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ,unauthenticated) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.227 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): working on request GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ with 32 bytes of data.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.271 [DEBUG] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - SSLconnection(,51200) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:18.275 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.

2018-12-09 12:07:23.324 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): sending packet of size 39.

2018-12-09 12:07:38.332 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): received packet with 8 bytes.

2018-12-09 12:07:38.339 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): working on response GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_CFM with 1 bytes of data.

2018-12-09 12:07:38.349 [DEBUG] [ab.binding.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin] - setResponse(GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_CFM with 1 bytes of data) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:38.357 [DEBUG] [ab.binding.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin] - setResponse(): returned status: The request failed.

2018-12-09 12:07:38.360 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ) returns failure.

2018-12-09 12:07:38.363 [WARN ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - velux bridge login sequence failed; expecting bridge is OFFLINE.

2018-12-09 12:07:38.373 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ,unauthenticated) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:38.376 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): working on request GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ with 32 bytes of data.

2018-12-09 12:07:38.391 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): sending packet of size 39.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.396 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): received packet with 8 bytes.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.402 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): working on response GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_CFM with 1 bytes of data.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.405 [DEBUG] [ab.binding.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin] - setResponse(GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_CFM with 1 bytes of data) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.407 [DEBUG] [ab.binding.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin] - setResponse(): returned status: The request failed.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.410 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ) returns failure.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.413 [INFO ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(): updating of item V_STATUS (type BRIDGE_STATUS) failed.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.416 [DEBUG] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - execute() done.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.420 [DEBUG] [.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBinding] - execute() called.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.423 [DEBUG] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - handleCommandOnChannel(item=V_STATUS,command=null,config=org.openhab.binding.velux.internal.VeluxBindingConfig@6f4a3f,provider=org.openhab.binding.velux.internal.VeluxGenericBindingProvider@a8a4c2) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.434 [DEBUG] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - bridgeParamsUpdated() called.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.437 [DEBUG] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - bridgeParamsUpdated(): choosing SLIP as communication method.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.445 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ,unauthenticated) called.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.448 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): working on request GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ with 32 bytes of data.

2018-12-09 12:07:53.461 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): sending packet of size 39.

2018-12-09 12:08:08.489 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): received packet with 8 bytes.

2018-12-09 12:08:08.495 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): working on response GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_CFM with 1 bytes of data.

2018-12-09 12:08:08.498 [DEBUG] [ab.binding.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin] - setResponse(GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_CFM with 1 bytes of data) called.

2018-12-09 12:08:08.500 [DEBUG] [ab.binding.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin] - setResponse(): returned status: The request failed.

2018-12-09 12:08:08.503 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_REQ) returns failure.

2018-12-09 12:08:08.506 [WARN ] [.velux.handler.VeluxBridgeHandlerOH1] - velux bridge login sequence failed; expecting bridge is OFFLINE.

Thank you very much for your help.

Marcel, thanks for the log file. There is one good and one bad point.

Starting with the good one:

2018-12-09 12:07:18.271 [DEBUG] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - SSLconnection(,51200) called.
2018-12-09 12:07:18.275 [INFO ] [g.velux.bridge.slip.io.SSLconnection] - Starting velux bridge connection.
2018-12-09 12:07:23.324 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): sending packet of size 39.
2018-12-09 12:07:38.332 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - io(): received packet with 8 bytes.

As you can see, the gateway is successfully receiving and responding to the inital login sequence. Therefore, the configuration part of the openHAB is completely ok.

Coming to the bad point:

2018-12-09 12:07:38.339 [DEBUG] [ng.velux.bridge.slip.SlipVeluxBridge] - bridgeDirectCommunicate(): working on response GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_CFM with 1 bytes of data.
2018-12-09 12:07:38.349 [DEBUG] [ab.binding.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin] - setResponse(GW_PASSWORD_ENTER_CFM with 1 bytes of data) called.
2018-12-09 12:07:38.357 [DEBUG] [ab.binding.velux.bridge.slip.SClogin] - setResponse(): returned status: The request failed.

The gateway does not allow you to login in. Quoting the manual (KLF 200 API Version: 3.16, io-homecontrol® Gateway 02-11-2018):

Client must authenticate after TLS socket has been established, using a password.
The default password is the same as Wi-Fi password written on back side of KLF200.
The user can change the password. The password is reset to Wi-Fi password if factory
reset is requested.

Question: did you change the password via the web interface?