Visual Studio Code auto-suggestion of trigger channels

I had a problem when moving from Hue v1 API to v2. AndrewFG supported me perfect. At the end it was not a Hue binding issue. The problem has probably to do with a trigger item in the binding. See for more info
Is there a reason why the VSC option “Create Items from Channels” doesn’t work for a trigger item?

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Do you meain MainUI? I’m not aware of a VSC option to do this but haven’t used VSC for OH config for quite some time.

But the reason is because you cannot link a trigger Channel to an Item. Trigger Channels are intended to be used in Rule triggers directly, not linked to Items. These Channels represent momentary events, not states.

But I can add manually the connection to a String item and is working

:man_shrugging: It’s not supposed to without using a profile. The whole point of trigger Channels is that they are not linked to Items and are only used to trigger rules. Hence the name “trigger channel”. If you have somehow found a way to do otherwise it is at best unexpected and most likely a regression.