Washing machine status widget

I do not recommend to instantly change the status of your washing machine when the power falls below a certain threshold but to use timers (see my example a couple of posts above). It may be that your equipment reports values below a certain threshold just for a second or two which will result in your script assuming that the washing is finished.

You might have to explain this a bit more. You certainly can get weirdness with filename and
rule "blah"
naming clumsiness, but this usually only affects file-based rule users. Show us the names of whatever it is you are concerned about?

i very new to OH and i have zero knowlege about rules and the needed items/groups.
I did alot of trial and error. With no result.
But then i tried the State-O-Matic binding and Boom it works just with the expression in the widget config.
State o matic binding offers channels like running time, state, Powerā€¦all what you solved with items and rules i think.

Im glad, that i found my way to use your beautiful widget! I combined it with a telegram bot and now i have a smart washing mashine which can talk, looks good and i hope my wife likes :wink:

Thank you for all your work!


yes sorry, i meant in the second rule the iā€™ve posted, there is this line:


and i asked, because i use this template rule for disher, washing machine, and for dryer (of course changing items names) i just asked if i need to change also that line for example as:





ok, so i just need to find the right values on where to put states.
one request, is it possibile to ask you if youā€™re able to build a widget also for hoover and one for fridge?
for fridge could be a nice idea to put moving ice crystals :wink:

Great ideas, however to be honest I wonā€™t be doing these as long as I donā€™t own a smart fridge myself. Itā€™s simply a lot of work to create these (at least for me) and thereā€™s just always too little timeā€¦

However somebody may be picking up the ideas and create something?!

I may be creating a letterbox soon but first I need to build a sensor for it :sweat_smile:

Hello together

thanks for the widget. It looks really great but Iā€™m really too stupid to understand where to put my status item. With the props I can not select an item.

My status item comes from a rule with a shelly plug with four statuses which looks like this:

val Number MODE_OFF = 0
val Number MODE_STANDBY = 1
val Number MODE_ACTIVE = 2
val Number MODE_FINISHED = 3
var java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock finishLock  = new java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock()

rule "Washingmachine Consumption State Machine Echo_Dot"
    Item TP_Link_Waschmaschine_power changed
    if (TP_Link_Waschmaschine_power.state < 0.2) WashingMachine_OpState.postUpdate(MODE_OFF)
    else if (TP_Link_Waschmaschine_power.state > 12) WashingMachine_OpState.postUpdate(MODE_ACTIVE)
    else if (TP_Link_Waschmaschine_power.state < 5) {
        if (WashingMachine_OpState.state == MODE_OFF) WashingMachine_OpState.postUpdate(MODE_STANDBY)
        else if (WashingMachine_OpState.state == MODE_ACTIVE) {
            try {
                Thread::sleep(20000) // Debounce for 20 seconds
                if (TP_Link_Waschmaschine_power.state < 4) WashingMachine_OpState.postUpdate(MODE_FINISHED)
            } finally {

If necessary, I would adjust the rule so that there are only three statuses, if the four do not work out.


HI @Daniel_OH,

I am also using the widget and my configuration looks like this:

or in code:

component: widget:washing_machine_v4
  itemGroup: SteckdoseWaschmaschine
  runtime: =items.Waschmaschine_Runtime.state
  state: =items.Waschmaschine_OpState.displayState
  title: Waschmaschine

The ā€œdisplayStateā€ of the item Waschmaschine_OpState is mapped like this via ā€œState Description | Optionsā€:

// Waschmaschinenstatus

(Donā€™t mind the standby status. It has no effect on the proper function of the widget. As I can see - you also have a Standby status :wink: )


Hi Jonathan

thx - that helps a lot. How du you calculate your runtime?

Thats what I have so far but I think it will not work and if it would somehow work, it would not reset to 0

configuration: {}
  - id: "1"
      cronExpression: 0 * * * * ? *
    type: timer.GenericCronTrigger
  - inputs: {}
    id: "3"
      itemName: WashingMachine_OpState
      state: "2"
      operator: =
    type: core.ItemStateCondition
  - inputs: {}
    id: "2"
      type: application/javascript;version=ECMAScript-2021
      script: |+
        WashingMachine_Runtime.state + 1

    type: script.ScriptAction

Thank you

Hi Daniel,

your cron expression should be triggered once a minute, is this the case? Then I think your rule should work!

To reset to 0 you could add a second rule that gets triggered once when the status changes to RUNNING.


I am resetting my timer (to 1 min, just like Thomas stated elsewhere) when the state machine switches to the running state:

if (Waschmaschine_OpState.state != MODE_ACTIVE) {


thank you jonathan

can you please send the whole rule, as this seems only to be a part of the rule.


thank you - I oversaw your post in the first place.

Will try it in combination with the suggestion of Jonathan


configuration: {}
  - id: "1"
      itemName: SteckdoseWaschmaschine_Power
    type: core.ItemStateChangeTrigger
conditions: []
  - inputs: {}
    id: "2"
      type: application/vnd.openhab.dsl.rule
      script: >-
        val Number MODE_OFF = 0

        val Number MODE_STANDBY = 1

        val Number MODE_ACTIVE = 2

        val Number MODE_FINISHED = 3

        val String logPrefix = 'Waschmaschine StateMachine - '

        if (EnableLog_WaschmaschineRules.state == ON) logInfo('waschmaschine.rules', logPrefix + 'StateMachine Zustand alt: ' + Waschmaschine_OpState.state.toString + '; Leistung momentan: '+ SteckdoseWaschmaschine_Power.state.toString)

        if (EnableLog_WaschmaschineRules.state == ON) logInfo('waschmaschine.rules', logPrefix + 'Leistung momentan (doubleValue): '+ (SteckdoseWaschmaschine_Power.state as QuantityType<Power>).doubleValue.toString)

        if ((SteckdoseWaschmaschine_Power.state as QuantityType<Power>).doubleValue < 0.5) {

        else if ((SteckdoseWaschmaschine_Power.state as QuantityType<Power>).doubleValue > 15) {
          if (Waschmaschine_OpState.state != MODE_ACTIVE) {

        else if ((SteckdoseWaschmaschine_Power.state as QuantityType<Power>).doubleValue < 6.5) {
            if (Waschmaschine_OpState.state == MODE_OFF) Waschmaschine_OpState.postUpdate(MODE_STANDBY)
            else if (Waschmaschine_OpState.state == MODE_ACTIVE) Waschmaschine_OpState.postUpdate(MODE_FINISHED)

        if (EnableLog_WaschmaschineRules.state == ON) logInfo('waschmaschine.rules', logPrefix + 'StateMachine Zustand neu: ' + Waschmaschine_OpState.state.toString)
    type: script.ScriptAction

This rule design is based on: Washing Machine State Machine - Tutorials & Examples - openHAB Community



thank you

Hey Rondal,

i hope youā€™ve got an advice for meā€¦

All my Miele Maschines doesnā€™t update the states for the widgetā€¦

The Dryer for example looks like:

component: widget:washing_machine_v4
  title: Trockner
  state: =items.Trockner_OperationState.state
  runtime: =(items.Trockner_ProgramRemainingTime.state)/60
  header: =items.Trockner_ProgramPhase.state
  footer: =items.Trockner_ActiveProgram.state + ' / ' + items.Trockner_DryingTarget.state
  dryer: ON

On a created Sitemap all Points are updated correctly (automatically) and show the correct state.

But in the widget it doesnā€™t work - state is always ā€œ-ā€

Have you any idea for me?

Installation error

Hi there,

Iā€™m getting an error trying to install this widget from Marketplace.

[ERROR] [mmunity.CommunityUIWidgetAddonHandler] - Unable to parse YAML: Cannot deserialize value of type `java.util.Date` from String "Oct 2, 2021, 9:24:59 PM": not a valid representation (error: Failed to parse Date value 'Oct 2, 2021, 9:24:59 PM': Unparseable date: "Oct 2, 2021, 9:24:59 PM")
 at [Source: (StringReader); line: 36, column: 12] (through reference chain: org.openhab.core.ui.components.RootUIComponent["timestamp"])
[ERROR] [mmunity.CommunityUIWidgetAddonHandler] - Widget from marketplace is invalid: Unable to parse YAML

Any idea why and how to solve this?

I havenā€™t installed it from the marketplace myself so I cannot really help here. Which OH version are you using? It seemed to work for quite a few other users so this may have something to do with a new OH version maybe?

Itā€™s openHAB 3.2 Release running on Ubuntu Linux.

Any hint why ā€œā€¦ _Remainingprogramtimeā€ is ony showed as NaN? In my Setup the String is for example ā€œ3000 sā€ the other part work fineā€¦