Thank you very much for taking a moment to explain how that all works for those of us who aren’t developers by profession! I was very confused why people kept talking about “Public Relations” when talking about the binding, and I now know they were talking about pull requests, lol.
I spent about six hours decompiling the latest beta Jar, digging through the various classes and attempting to compare it to the repaired version you so awesomely brought together for us earlier today and while I found more similarities than differences, you could definitely tell the jar itself was the product of/result of a larger process, with the manifest and whatnot, and not really something you could pick apart and piece together into a standalone working version, by starting from the bottom up.
If there’s any way I can be of use, I do have some availability to help here. Also, I would really like to be able to control the lighting and air-conditioning on one side of my home properly again but won’t be able to do that without the beta version working. I also agree it really seems that with a project of this scale and scope, that perhaps we really should only have one working version. I will say though, if your home is more-or-less configured around Alexa, with the Amazon systems acting at the core, the features in the beta release are so very helpful and it’s hard to be without them! Hopefully we can push everything into one updated release candidate version at some point!
Thank you again so very much for your hard work and guidance here with all of this!
no biggie.
But keep in mind, (WRONG:the bundles’ names are always fully grepable, even if they’re cut short in your SSH-Window). You could always change the window size of your SSH-terminal program to get more information.
funny thing: if your console window isn’t big enough to fit the whole bundle description, it really doesn’t apply the grep accordingly…?
you should always be able to | grep Amazon or | grep -i amazon ("-i": ignore uppercase) in the openhab console… regardless of the terminal window’s size…? strange!
if my “dots and exclamation marks” help to speed up finding a solution or a workaround for the problem, than I really appreciate your reprehension.
Your reaction shows that my message is addressed.
Please do not take everything literally: english is not my native langauge
It’s ok for me
Gruß Stefan Heinz
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Can confirm that with latest jar file the oom is gone and the log error (connect problem is gone). One wired thing happend: in the first 5 minutes after a fresh restart i could toggle play/pause via openhab but TTS and lastVoiceCommand wasn’t working. After about 5 minutes everything works well (currently), so TTS etc. is fully working.
I can also confirm that the error on my system is gone with the last fix:
Very good feeling!
Thanks a lot
(Mr. Wiseman (OH 4.3.0 Snapshot on Pi4))
EDIT: The path changed once it was merged. Here’s the new path.
J-N-K’s jar file fixes the Release Candidate binding version. There is no fix for the Beta binding version at the current time: none of the Alexa “Smart Home Devices” (things, items) are currently working at present.
Thanks to everyone for their good work.
I’ve no idea how to implement the beta .jar add-on fix.
However this has identified to me why my Pi was having a brown out on RAM and my z-wave devices stopping.
I’ve disabled the buddle from the console menu and I’m all up and running again. Thanks for community figuring this out and posting.
I’ll just wait and see when we get a fix that I can update and go from there.
At least my system is working again.
What you describe is done by the Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill not via the Amazon Echo Control Binding. But the Amazon Echo Control Binding can handle devices which are connected to Alexa. I think @richaardvark talks about the second one.
Essentially, if you’ve done most of your setup work using Amazon’s systems (defining your lights/devices/device groups/media infrastructure/scenes, etc.) and more or less use Amazon’s smart home infrastructure acting as the general core of your whole setup, the Beta release AmazonEchoControl binding is really awesome and very nice to work with, because everything you’ve already setup is right there and can easily be pulled right into openHAB. You don’t have to deal with making duplicate device definitions in multiple systems, it just works and works well! I’ve been very happy with it! I do also use both the Hue Emulation and other Alexa/Amazon binding as well for manual or virtual devices and switches that I have setup in openHAB and yes technically I could duplicate everything I’ve already setup on the Alexa/Amazon side in openHAB and could expose them to Alexa but I find that just gets messy. I’ve been very happy with the features offered through the Beta AmazonEchoControl binding/add-on.
But at the current moment, with the Beta not working properly, Alexa still sees the devices but nothing happens when she or openHAB switch them on and off. It shows in the logs, but nothing happens, because the “Smart Home Devices” (see the very bottom of the setup guide for the Beta EchoControl binding) just don’t exist right now, if I load the newly updated jar that was created yesterday.
I have got bundle update as link above, but even that I’m receiving websocket message, is that normal? memory looks normal so far (75%), 30 minutes after update and openhab2 service restart, not sure if it will remain like this…
at org.eclipse.jetty.client.http.HttpConnectionOverHTTP.close( ~[?:?]
at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( [?:1.8.0_252]
at org.eclipse.jetty.client.AbstractConnectionPool.close( [bundleFile:9.4.20.v20190813]
at org.eclipse.jetty.client.DuplexConnectionPool.close( [bundleFile:9.4.20.v20190813]
at org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpDestination.close( [bundleFile:9.4.20.v20190813]
at org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient.doStop( [bundleFile:9.4.20.v20190813]
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.stop( [bundleFile:9.4.20.v20190813]
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle.stop( [bundleFile:9.4.20.v20190813]
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle.doStop( [bundleFile:9.4.20.v20190813]
at org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.client.WebSocketClient.doStop( [bundleFile:9.4.20.v20190813]
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.stop( [bundleFile:9.4.20.v20190813]
at org.openhab.binding.amazonechocontrol.internal.WebSocketConnection.close( [bundleFile:?]
at org.openhab.binding.amazonechocontrol.internal.WebSocketConnection$ [bundleFile:?]
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop( [?:1.8.0_252]
at [?:1.8.0_252]"