Web Socket Error on AmazonEchoControl binding every 65 seconds

Can you show what exactly is not working?

Thank you. This fix works for me openhab 3.1.0 release


Echo_Arbeitszimmer_Announcement.sendCommand(‘Hallo’) …is working

Echo_Arbeitszimmer_Announcement.sendCommand(’{“sound”: false, “title”: “SmartHome”, “body”: “Dies ist ein Test”}’) …is working (no sound but text)

Echo_Arbeitszimmer_Announcement.sendCommand(’{“sound”: true, “title”: “SmartHome”, “body”: “Dies ist ein Test”}’) …not working (nothing happen)

With the old binding, the 3rd syntax was showing the text on the display, with a “gong” but no spoken words…it would be great, when this could work again…

this problem was still there in one of the previous versions…and was fixed from you.
it occurs when the “speak”-tag does not exist…

i used winscp but i don’t know where i have to put https://download.smarthomej.org/org.smarthomej.binding.amazonechocontrol-3.2.7-SNAPSHOT.jar
could you help me? what folder?? …grazie

Hello people, I’m trying to copy the jar in “/usr/share/openhab/addons” using WinSCP but I got this message
“Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied”. How can I copy the jar into the addon folder?

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Which user? Sounds like a permission issue?

The user is “openhabian”… yes this is a permission issue, I’m a beginner on Linux. Thanks

Later edit : I used putty and I downloaded the file using "sudo wget link " :smiley: (1st time I tried to copy the file from Windows to Openhab using WinSCP)


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Thanks for sharing that. I don‘t use openhabian, so I can‘t really help there.

i had your same problem i downloaded it with putty but how do i install it? Thank you!

I read that you had the same problem, I just uninstalled amazonechocontrol binding from Interface Bindings, downloaded the file to “/usr/share/openhab/addons” and used “sudo reboot” and now it’s working!

2021-10-12 23:21:06.631 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item ‘Echo_Living_Room_LastVoiceCommand’ changed from light on to light off

PS : thanks @J-N-K ! You rock!

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I didnt really fix anything, I just did a build with @J-N-K’s fix on the 2.5 version.

Looks like we might have an upgrade in our future…

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you are a rock star Jerry
Thanks to Jan as well for providing fix

A fix for 2.5 will help a lot of people around the world! Thanks for every effort!


Thanks for the quick fix! Maybe a side question: how will this fix be officially available? Is it automatically provided after merge when I do an update on openhabian? Or are there also maintenance releases for the addons once in a while? If I manually copy the addon now to my installation, will there be a conflict or so when later doing the OH updates?

If you uninstalled the binding and put the updated bundle in your addons folder, an update should not re-install a version from the distribution.

Except in rare corner cases openHAB does not do maintenance/patch releases, neither for core nor for addons. So regarding openHAB 3.0 and 3.1 keeping the updated bundle in the addons folder will be your best choice. For openHAB 3.2 the fixed version will be available from the marketplace. I have no idea if it will make it into the release.

Best Regards


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@j-n-k would you mind pointing me to your PR. I’d like to see what you did just so that I might be able to compare it to the 2.5 codebase. Thanks, Jerry

See PN.

Sorry, I dont understand. I’m looking here: https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/pulls?q=amazonechocontrol. Is there someplace else?

Nevermind :slight_smile: sorry about that