What did you build/automated today (with pictures)?

This is a wild collection of different icon sets from https://www.flaticon.com/


Ok, here are some images :stuck_out_tongue:
“Simple” and easy project, bought old kindle (v3 or 4 not sure) loaded simple javascript in browser that will display the current time and date.
Plan is to make custom wooden frame, but… time will tell.
It is big and easy to read, can show temperature (but now my server is on/off so for now page runs completely offline. It has battery that holds weeks (although it is on charger all the time).

And most importantly, it doesn’t tick, and it doesn’t glow in the dark (which really drives me crazy). Newer kindle versions can hide addressbar in browser, but this works fine as well


No pictures, just a simple automation to keep the volume down when the kids are in bed!!!
I could put the max volume in an item but after testing 20 is just fine.
Rule is self explanatory and item names meaningful

rule "Max TV Volume"
    Item LivingRoom_TVVolume changed
    if (TimeOfDay.state == "NIGHT" && LivingRoom_TVVolume.state > 20 && House_Mode.state != "PARTY") {
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Dont hit the Party button when kids are in bed :laughing:

My wife said she doesn’t want to see “those things”…
Challenge accepted!



What kind of material is the front of that door and how did you dont cut trouh the material?

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That is pretty awesome!!

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I asked the same question on a PM to keep the tread clean. He cut through and then covered the front with wall paper.


Correct, I did cut it trough and glued the display as flush as possible with the front, then put two sheets of self-adhesive wallpaper on top (one tip for next time, individual displays are not perfectly soldered straight, so they are noticeable, in front of all displays put one sheet of plastic to keep the foil straight). I got inspired from this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2P-8-zd7sXg where he uses venier (i guess very thin wood, not sure). But since I have relatively large area, and it was white (and I found white decoration wallpaper) for me this worked fine.
Since the doors should still be functional, I used old phone “curled” cable for the power, and attached it to the top of the shelf and the doors (not to tension the connection). It is a bit tricky opening the doors, but we rarely do it as all electronics for media/tv is inside, so nothing to see.
Display is driven by MySensors arduino library, that communicates with openhab/node-red.

All in all a relatively easy project to be honest, display logic was most difficult part as radio(or mySensors?) is limited on amount of data it can receive/send, so I spent a lot of tweaking to get unlimited text, also have it display correctly etc. Node red is doing some magic there, and openhab is providing the data. Great wow-factor vs. time spent balance :slight_smile:


Well i have no pictures, but i have wanted to post on this thread for a while.
Today i automated the emptying of my Xiaomi Vacuum (Named NooNoo, Part of the WAF)
Nothing ground breaking and simple compared to most i see.

Basically, it goes cleaning, once it’s done a total meter squared greater then the set amount and its done the cleanup (while we are at work). It will go home to charge, once fully charged it will drive itself to the bin for us to do the manual bit once home. Press the home button on the vacuum and it heads home, OpenHab resets its counters for next time.


String NooNooCommand	"NooNoo Command"		{ channel="miio:vacuum:03DAB0FE:actions#commands" }
Number NooNooBattery	"NooNoo Battery"		{ channel="miio:vacuum:03DAB0FE:status#battery" }
Number NooNooCurrentCleanArea  "NooNoo Current Clean Area" { channel="miio:vacuum:03DAB0FE:status#clean_area" }
Number NooNooTotalCleanArea
String NooNooStatus  "NooNoo Current Action" { channel="miio:vacuum:03DAB0FE:status#state" }
Switch NooNooEmptyMode	"NooNoo Needs Emptying"


rule "NooNoo Status updates"
            Item NooNooStatus changed
        var Number EmptyAmount = 50
        logInfo("Rule","NooNoo status rule start")
        if (NooNooStatus.state == "Returning Dock" && NooNooTotalCleanArea.state < EmptyAmount) {
                logInfo("Rule","NooNoo Not ready to be emptyed")
                var Number TotalArea = NooNooTotalCleanArea.state as Number
                var Number CurrentArea = NooNooCurrentCleanArea.state as Number
                NooNooTotalCleanArea.sendCommand( TotalArea + CurrentArea ) }
        else if(NooNooStatus.state == "Charging" && NooNooTotalCleanArea.state > EmptyAmount) { 
                logInfo("Rule","NooNoo Ready to be emptyed but going to charge")
                NooNooEmptyMode.sendCommand( ON ) }
        else if(NooNooStatus.state == "Returning Dock" && NooNooEmptyMode.state == ON ) { 
                logInfo("Rule","NooNoo Has been emptyed")
                NooNooEmptyMode.sendCommand( OFF )
                NooNooTotalCleanArea.sendCommand( 0 ) }

rule "NooNoo go to be emptyed"
            Item NooNooBattery changed
        //logInfo("Rule","NooNoo battery ping")
         if (NooNooBattery.state == 100 && NooNooEmptyMode.state == ON ) {
                 logInfo("Rule","NooNoo Going to sit by the bin")

I would have liked to get it down to a single rule, but time wasn’t permitting.


now thats cool! you are so inspiraing :slight_smile:

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One frustration I have had is making our homemade IOT look good. For ESP32 bluetooth presence detection, I found these plugin cases https://www.polycase.com/gs-2315

I added a simply AC/DC powersupply and the ESP all in one nice package.


Mounting my 3P 10KVA UPS soon at the technical room to pair it up with the PM30D01KNX

OH2 with NUTS binding is ready to talk via SNMP to the NetVision card of Socomec

Building now also the connections to the Digital I/O relay board

great idea and implementation, I really like the idea of “smartifying” already smart vacuum cleaner. Might implement this one myself as I often forget to empty it

that’s enough power to backup your RPI for years!


I ‘smartified’ my robot cleaner, too. I’m using presence detection based on motion detectors and more (see my presentation linked here (scroll down a bit)) so it doesn’t start or returns when there’s still someone in the house who might feel disturbed by this (or challenged :wink: )

Here is mine. Esp8266 inside, EspEasy firmware, plastic case is Schneider Electric wiring box with sticker.
It has relay (for boiler), temperature, leak, motion sensor, MQTT Connected.


Ok, the topic of this thread is “What did you build today”… If it is ok, I want to share what I build the last 4 weeks.

First some background, I am building a new house next year, and I plan it to be “smart”. So I did some research and quickly found out that a “closed system” like Homematic is not flexible enough. So I researched for open brokers, tested some, and ended up with Openhab. Why? Cause my “test” was very simple: I gave myself three hours for each broker, and after two hours, I wanted to see how far I came. While for example the setup of home assistant took one hour alone, with OH2 after two hours I already build items, sitemap and simple rules. So I stuck with it.

Then, I was looking for a open standard for actors. My goal is to have a “classic” electrical installation that everyg guest can use, but with “smart” overlay. So for example, switch light on and off with a physical switch, but also being able to switch remote. I ended up with Z-Wave, devices and actors are cheap and broadly available.

So I started with a Raspberry, a Z-Wave USB Controller, a Fibaro Switch and some z-Wave sockets four weeks ago:

It did not take long to make things work, and even at this time I already tried to make a nice sitemap with infos. I even managed to add a “live view” from a old Foscam IP camera:

I realised that Openhab quickly makes addictive. So when December started, I bought a cheap Z-Wave socket to control christmas decoration outside (yes I know the socket is indoor use only, but it is protected from rain).

As I want to automate certain illumination later, I bought a Motion Sensor for testing:

As there is nothing to switch with it at the moment, I used Telegram binding to let it send alarms. Telegram also sends snapshot images when lighting change (just for fun :grinning: )

Of course I want to have Alexa integration, so at Black Friday week I bought some Echo and Echo Dot. Thanks to Openhab Cloud, no hazzle to integrate.

After feeling more “secure” with OH2 now, I tried to do something more sophisticated, I decided to buy some Tuya bulbs and try to integrate them:

It was a hard nut for me to crack, but I did it with the help of the community, and the very good tuyapi-wrapper from AgentK. And I decided to write a tutorial about it.

In the meantime, I always improved my sitemap, for example with a nice weatherwidget:

I also set up Grafana to be able to make some graphical analysis later (so far only some Sysinfo items).

And of course a lot of other, “smaller” things like rules which send frost warning by email (I always forget to cover my windshield in winter to prevent icing), connecting OH2 to IFTTT, adding FritzBox to sitemap, create regular backups and so on.

Actually looking back to the beginning, I really am fascinated how easy to use and how “open” OH2 is.And considering that 4 weeks ago I did not even hear about Openhab, Z-Wave, MQTT, Grafana and InfluxDB, I am really happy how quick things developed. And I am already prepared to set up OH2 and Z-Wave in my future house.

All this I only achieved because of this excellent forum.

Thank you all for your help and inspiration!

P.S.: This thread already gave me the next task: Integrate and test Shelly-Switches as a cheaper alternative to Z-Wave components :sunglasses:


An update to my post a few weeks back - I now have a working Home Automation Switch Plate (HASP), interfaced with openHAB!

The display screens, buttons and dimmers are fully represented with items and I’ve adapted the original project creator’s (aderusha on Github) HomeAssistant config files to work with openHAB (including the bottom menu button screen selection/shading logic).

Once I get this fully put together, I intend to mount two of these in my spare switch locations (family room and master bedroom), and mostly use them for lighting scene selection, openHAB status display, and HVAC control.

I’ve forked the original project and created a repo for the openHAB configuration files here, but I’ll also open a dedicated topic (in the new “DIY” category :smiley: ) for anyone interested in building one of these themselves.


Thats a nice widget, is it HabPanel? I need something responsive for HabPanel as its too big for the screen :frowning: